Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1308

To be honest, he didn't want Kellett to participate in this operation.

As a result, Kellie's injury was very serious. Although it seemed that it was only a piece of meat missing from the thigh, in fact, the dark magic had spread on Kellie. The more Kellie moved, the faster the dark magic spread.

Secondly... Kellett will become the team's oil bottle.

The dwarf expedition team must advance cautiously and fast while taking care of Kili's safety.

This is really troublesome.

However, in this situation, they can't give up Kellett.

When the dwarves thought they had escaped Bud's room unconsciously, the human soldiers who were watching in the opposite room hurriedly reported to Alfred, who was lying on a recliner with his eyes closed.

"My tax officer! The other side really started to act!"

"Really?" Alfred's eyes widened immediately. "What are they doing?"

"The subordinates have seen clearly, it is a group of dwarves! They climbed out of the window, and are now walking along the roof to the town center!"

"Dwarf?" Alfred was taken aback.

He couldn't figure out why there were dwarves in Bud's house.

He leaned to the window, and then looked at the torch light on the street, and he saw a group of dwarves walking cautiously on the roof.

"Where is Bud?" Alfred asked.

The soldier shook his head and said, "We didn't find Bud's trace, only the group of dwarves crawling out of the window."

Alfred asked quickly: "Where is that very powerful human mercenary?"

The soldier replied, "Nor came out...sir, shall we wait any longer? Or, rush into Bud's house and say that he smuggled the dwarves in."

Alfred sneered coldly, "Stupid! There is such a powerful human mercenary beside Bud. The human mercenary also has the pass token of Thrandil, King of Wood Elves. If we come to the door and say Ba If German smuggles the dwarf in, he can say that he brought it in through a pass token! At that time, will you dare to use force against that human mercenary?"

The soldier suddenly said nervously, "Of course not!"

Alfred looked at the figures of the dwarves grimly, "These dwarves have ghosts, you send someone to follow them and see what they want to do! Be careful, don't disturb them, it's better to catch them alone. Get it!"


Chapter 418: The Truth You Want

In the thick foggy night, Thorin walked cautiously on the roof of Long Lake Town with a group of dwarves.

They didn't wear any warm clothes, because they were walking in a hurry, they were only wearing single clothes, and the night breeze came, and their teeth were trembling in the cold.

Qi Li followed the team quite strenuously, trying not to let himself fall.

After finally walking to the center of Long Lake Town, Thorin saw a group of heavily armed guards standing by a warehouse.

"There should be the armory in Long Lake Town."

"However, the guards over there are very tightly guarded. If we want to go in, we may have to fight with these guards, but if we want to fight, then we will be completely exposed." Bahrain said worriedly.

Thorin frowned slightly: "Let's wait and see if there are other opportunities."

As a result, the dwarves all lowered their bodies and hid beside a raised roof, waiting for the opportunity in the rustling wind.

The guards who monitored them all the way quickly reported the situation to Alfred.

Alfred smiled coldly, "Haha, this is really a bunch of idiots! They must be trying to steal weapons from the armory. After they steal the weapons, the next step is to rebel! But the best evidence As long as we can catch them on the spot, Bud can't get rid of the relationship! You, go and move those guards away, so that the dwarves have a chance to enter the armory, and also mobilize the other guards to quietly surround the armory! "

"Yes!" The guard trot immediately to give orders.

When the guards at the door of the armory heard the order, they hesitated for a moment, and then left together.

There is no guard at the entrance of the huge armory.

Bofer said in surprise: "It's great, God helped me too!"

Thorin couldn't help frowning: "Where are the guards?"

Bofer smiled and said, "Who knows? Maybe they were transferred away temporarily because of something."

Groyin said: "Maybe the guy named Bud betrayed us. The guards are gathering at Bud's house, preparing to bring us to justice."

Dewarin quickly said: "If this is the case, then we should go to the armory to get weapons!"

The other dwarves nodded.

Time is running out, Thorin didn't think much for a while, and then rushed into the armory with the dwarves.

The armory was full of weapons and equipment, and Thorin each selected a few weapons that were in hand, but they didn't get the equipment.

After all, these equipment are suitable for human size and are relatively awkward. When worn on dwarves, it is equivalent to losing their mobility and becoming a living target.

"Have you got all the weapons?" Thorin asked.

"Got it!" the dwarves replied in unison.

"Then we hurried to the port before they found it. As long as we grab a boat, we can row to the north shore, and as long as we board the north shore, we can reach the Lonely Mountain!" Thorin couldn't help but get excited. Said.

The dwarves were all very excited. They walked out the door with their weapons, but when they first stood at the door, the bright light of torches made them unable to open their eyes.

Hundreds of bows and arrows aimed at them, and hundreds of human guards surrounded them.

Thorin secretly said a bad word in his heart, he wanted to counterattack to break through, but in the case of being aimed at by the bow and arrow, the counterattack would only cost them heavy losses.

"Let down your weapons!" a guard captain roared loudly: "Otherwise, let's kill you!"

The other dwarves are at a loss.

Thorin gritted his teeth bitterly and threw the weapon he had just obtained to the ground.

Seeing that Thorin had thrown away the weapon, the other dwarves threw the weapon to the ground.

As soon as the captain of the guard waved his hand, several guards quickly stepped forward and tied up Thorin and others.

Thorling was immediately insulted.

He is the dignified King of the Lonely Mountain, but he is often taken as a prisoner in such places.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, and he shouldn't act on his own without notifying Lord Diego.

Unfortunately, the mistake has now been made.

If they are trapped here, even if they are only trapped for one day, they will miss the opportunity to enter the Gushan Palace.

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