Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1309

After the dwarves were tied up, Alfred walked out from behind the guard triumphantly with his hands behind his back.

"Dare to steal our armory?" Alfred smiled triumphantly: "You are so stupid! Let's talk, who instigated you!"

Thorin said coldly: "We don't need others to instruct us, this is our own business!"

Alfred smiled and said, "Hehe, are you kind of righteous? But how much money is worthy of righteousness? I know, you came out of Bud's house, that is, Bud urged you to steal the armory. Yes, right? Why did Bud encourage you to steal the treasury? The reason is simple, he wants to rebel, he wants to overthrow the mayor of Moneybag! He needs weapons, so he sent you to steal it."

Thorin was slightly startled. At first he thought that Bud had betrayed them, but now it seems that their arrest has nothing to do with Bud.

And the despicable tax officer in front of him didn't care about the real purpose. He just wanted to plant the blame. He just wanted the dwarves to "sell" Bud, and then take the opportunity to get rid of Bud.

Although Thorin didn't like Bud, they had been locked in the back room by Bud before, but Thorin would never frame an innocent person for his own escape.

Thorin said coldly: "No, this has nothing to do with Bud, this is our own behavior, we need weapons, because we want to enter the lonely mountain."

Alfred frowned slightly, "Don’t use this excuse to excuse Bud. You just want to help Bud rebel! If you don’t say anything today, I will put you in a water prison and let you Taste the taste of your lower body being soaked in the lake water and gradually losing consciousness. When you are locked for a month, your lower body is completely paralyzed. Even if you can come out, you are all useless!"

"And if you tell the truth about the matter, I can recite that you are the first offenders. I will ignore your theft and just arrest Bud. Have you thought about it?"

The dwarves suddenly became very nervous.

They don't want to be locked in a water prison, they don't like water.

More importantly, they can't even delay a day!

Thorin stared at Alfred coldly, "What I just said is the truth of the matter, but you don't care about the truth of the matter at all, do you? You just want to use this opportunity to get rid of Bud. ".

Alfred said angrily: "Huh, it's a toast without eating or drinking! Okay, I'll put you in a dungeon first and see how long you can stay without speaking! Come on..."

Before the words were over, Thorin said coldly: "You don't count this matter, I want to see your mayor!"

Chapter 419 The most practical thing in the world is money

"Only you? Want to see the mayor?" Alfred sneered, "Who do you think you are?"

Thorin said coldly: "The Lord of Silver Spring, the Lord of the Cave, the King of the Mountain... You should have heard this song, right?"

Alfred was startled, then his eyes widened in astonishment: "You guys! Are you Lonely Mountain Dwarves?"

Bahrain next to him said in a haughty tone: "Please be respectful. The one standing in front of you is the heir to the Throne of the Lonely Mountain, the son of Thor's grandson Thorne... Your Royal Highness Prince Thorin!

In the alliance countries, the titles of each country are recognized by each other. Even though the Gushan dwarves are already in despair, the Gushan royal family is still a royal family, and the Gushan Prince is still a prince.

With Thorin's identity, the mayor of Changhu Town should have received a grand reception.

Of course, after all, the Lone Mountain Dwarf still has grievances with Long Lake Town, so it is not at this critical time that Thorin will naturally not reveal his prince status.

But since it came out, the officials of Long Lake Town did not dare to do anything with him.

Otherwise, the entire Long Lake Town will be sanctioned by the alliance countries.

Alfred naturally knew this. He looked at Thorin cautiously, and then whispered: "Pretending to be the royal family is a capital crime..."

Thorin said coldly: "Offending the royal family is also a capital crime."

Alfred shivered suddenly. He wanted to take the opportunity to take down Bud, but he didn't expect that these dwarf friends of Bud would be so noble.

Alfred waved his hand quickly, "Untie them first! Who told you to tie them up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The guards quickly untied the rope of the dwarf.

The confidence of the dwarves has also recovered.

But this matter is not over yet.

Alfred rolled his eyes, "Everyone, I still don't understand. Since you are all of the Gushan royal family, why do you sneak forward, the weapons of our armory?"

The faces of those present suddenly became red.

Thorin bit his scalp and said: "This is not something you should be concerned about. Take us to see your mayor."

"Yes! Yes!" Alfred said quickly: "Please come with me, dwarf masters."

As he said, he winked at the surrounding guards.

The guards immediately protected him, took Thorin and the others, to the mayor's residence.

Although Thorin had already identified himself and they had no weapons in their hands, Alfred was still afraid that the dwarves would suddenly attack him.

In this way, both parties cautiously came to the mayor's luxurious residence.

This is the most prosperous place in Changhu Town. The other places are made of wood, while the mayor’s building is made of stone.

Moreover, around this stone house, there are 4 arrow towers each, and each arrow tower is patrolled and protected by fully armed human soldiers.

Alfred took Thorin and the others into the living room, and then made a hurried report to the mayor.

After a while, the mayor of the money bag walked out wearing a fox fur cloak, frowned and looked at these dwarves, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you lonely mountain dwarves?"

Bahrain stepped up and introduced: "This is the son of Thor's grandson, Prince Thorin. We are the lone mountain dwarf royal family who have been replaced. We want to return to our territory."

Mayor Qiandai looked at Thorin, then hesitated and said, "The relationship between Long Lake Town and the Lonely Mountain Dwarves is not very good... Even if you are really Lonely Mountain Dwarves, we have no obligation to help you."

Thorin said coldly: "I don't need your help, as long as you don't stop us."

The mayor of Moneybag rolled his eyes, and then grinned: "Prince Thorin, please forgive my negligence. Actually...hehe, let's put it this way, it is not me who hates the Gushan dwarf, but Those residents who don’t know the so-called, to be honest, I am actually very grateful to you Lone Mountain Dwarves, because if you didn’t have your Lone Mountain Dwarves, the hereditary mayor of Long Lake Town should be Bud instead of me. The mayor elected by the people, so personally, I really want to help you."

"Oh? Really?" Thorin said coldly.

The mayor of Qiandai grinned and said: "Of course, I am an interest-oriented person. If your Royal Highness is willing to exchange interests with me, I am naturally willing to help you."

Thorin said coldly: "What do you want?"

The mayor of the money bag rubbed his hands: "Hehe, what is the most practical thing in the world is money. I heard that there are countless gold and silver treasures in your Gushan Palace, enough for a country. I can't spend my life...Is this true?"

Thorin smiled coldly, "No, this is not true."

The Mayor Qiandai's face was suddenly disappointed.

Just listen to Thorin continue to say: "The treasure in our Lonely Mountain Palace is not enough for a country to spend in a few lifetimes, but for all the countries of the entire alliance, all the people, for a few lifetimes! Our Lone Mountain Kingdom The degree of wealth is not something people like you can imagine."

When the Mayor of Money Bag heard this, his eyes were suddenly illuminated, "It turns out that the rumors are true! That's really great! Your Royal Highness, we are willing to support you, of course, we also hope to get some actual returns... These returns are not It is given to me personally, but to the residents of Changhu Town. You should have seen it too. The residents of Changhu Town have a very hard life. If your Royal Highness returns to the Gushan Palace, you can make a fortune for us in Chaohu. With money, the lives of the residents of Changhu Town will be greatly improved, and we will always remember your kindness."

Thorin sneered coldly, "In my opinion, the hardship of the residents of Changhu Town has a lot to do with you as the mayor. This theory is not well-dressed, but you are wearing fox fur. The house is in disrepair for a long time, but you live in a stone castle guarded by human soldiers. You are like a vampire, you squeeze all the interests of the people out."

This is unceremonious. If you are an ordinary person, you have already turned your face with Thorin. However, the Mayor of Moneybag is not ashamed. Instead, he smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, you still don't know much about us humans. I know that in human society, there is a distinction between high and low, and many people are born with low bones. If they do not strengthen their rule, they will be lawless."

Thorin said coldly: "If I give you a sum of money, will you really send it to these people?"

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