Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1310

The mayor of the money bag patted his chest and promised: "Of course!"

As long as the money is available, he will achieve his goal. As for when to send the money to the poor, Sorin can't control...

Thorin asked in a deep voice, "What if I don't agree?"

The mayor of Qiandai grinned and said: "That's a pity, Prince Thorin, I really want to protect you, but you are not a person. After all, we have hatred with the residents of Changhu Town, although I can't just suppress it. You, but if I give you to the ordinary people, you will not have any good fruits."

Chapter 420 The Hidden Danger in Long Lake Town

"You are really mean and shameless!" Dewalin said angrily.

The Mayor Qiandai still smiled, and didn't even take the words scolding him into his heart.

As the saying goes, people are invincible if they are shameless.

Mayor Moneybag is now invincible. In his eyes, as long as he can get money, nothing else matters. If he can’t get money, then Prince Thorin is no longer a prince, and he doesn’t need to treat them. Polite.

Thorin frowned. It was the first time he had met such a brazen person.

However, now Thorin does not have many choices.

Tomorrow is the time for the Lonely Mountain Dwarves to start autumn. Once they miss this day, they will have to wait another year.

There are so many changes in a year, and there are so many variables. Thorin can't afford to wait.

What's more, if the Mayor Qiandai really handed them over to the residents of Changhu Town, then whether they can get out of Changhu Town alive is a question.

Thorin thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "How much do you want?"

The mayor of Money Bag grinned, "As expected of His Royal Highness, I think the problem is transparency. The problems in this world that can be solved with money are not problems. Hey, I just said that I am not doing it for myself. I want this money, but I want this money for the residents of Changhu Town. If it’s me, I can only ask for 100 gold coins and 200 gold coins. After all, I am in a state of worry-free food and clothing, but those long lakes The residents of the town, just 100 gold coins and 200 gold coins are not enough. According to my calculations, if you want them to achieve a prosperous life, everyone should give them at least 2000 gold coins to be enough!" Sorin said coldly, "You How many people are there in Changhu Town?"

The mayor of Qiandai laughed and said: "Not much, not much. Our Changhu Town is just a small town. All the residents add up to more than 10,000. For the convenience of calculation, we can count as 10,000."

Bahrain on the side could not help but frown and said, "There are more than 10,000 people in such a small town?"

The Mayor Qiandai smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, you can do the census yourself."

He calculated that Thorin did not have this energy, and it was impossible to go deep into the residents to check the population from house to house.

Sure enough, Thorin said coldly: "10,000 people, 2,000 gold coins per person, that's 20 million."

The Mayor of Money Bag grinned and said: "Yes, His Royal Highness is right. His Royal Highness said just now that the treasures in your Lonely Mountain Palace are enough for all the people of the entire Alliance to spend in a few lifetimes, so I think , For you, 20 million gold coins should be regarded as a drop in the bucket? No, it should be regarded as a hair on the body of 90 million cows? His Royal Highness is not even willing to give us this hair in Long Lake Town, right?"

To be honest, 20 million gold coins are really nothing to the Lone Mountain dwarves, but this feeling of being blackmailed makes them very unhappy.

Thorin frowned and thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Okay, I can promise you, but the premise is that I can safely enter the Lonely Mountain Palace."

The mayor of Qiandaibao said with surprise on his face: "His Royal Highness, you have no joking! When you regain the Gushan Palace, you will have to pay us 20 million gold coins in Changhu Town!"

Thorin said coldly: "Of course, when I regain the Gushan Palace, I will pay you 20 million gold coins, and I have another condition."

The mayor of Moneybag said quickly: "What conditions?"

Thorin turned his head and pointed to the pale Kili and said, "This friend of mine is injured and cannot move with us. I want to keep him in Long Lake Town. You and your people must treat him as a VIP. , Meticulously greet. If my friend has any mistakes, even if it is missing a feather, not only will I not give you these 20 million gold coins, but I will settle accounts with you!"

The Mayor Qiandai said with a smile on his face: "Of course this is fine! Isn't it just taking care of a patient? Leave it to me!"

The Mayor Qiandai was very happy to take care of Kellett. Of course, this was not out of good intentions, but wanted to take Kellett as a hostage.

In this way, with Keli in his hands, he doesn't have to worry about the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain being wronged!

That's 20 million gold coins!

But after he gets 20 million gold coins, he can take the gold and silver treasures to go far away, and he no longer has to live on this damp and cold lake.

How did he know that Kili was not injured by the skin on his thigh, but was corroded by dark magic, and no one knew how long he could live.

Kili looked at Thorin with a pained face, "No, Thorin, don't leave me alone here! Even if I die, I will die in the Gushan Palace."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Kili, you are in a very bad state, and you have to stay here to recuperate! Let us take back the Gushan Palace. After we retake the Gushan Palace, we will do the first The thing is to take you back from here."

Qi Li said painfully: "I don't want to stay here..."

Thorin frowned and said, "This is an order, you must obey it."

Kili sighed helplessly, "Well then...you...be careful."

The mayor of Qiandai said with a smile: "Come here, help Master Qili go to rest and find me the best maid to take care of him!"

"Yes!" The two guards immediately walked up, supporting Kili and walking towards the inner room.

The mayor of the money bag rubbed his hands and said with a smile on his face: "Then, Prince Thorin, please allow me to prepare a contract, and then we can sign the contract."

Thorin smiled coldly, "Is it necessary? Is it possible that the heir of my dignified Gushan royal clan will still be like you, the mayor of Changhu Town, failing to pay?"

The mayor of Qiandai smiled, "I believe you will not fall into trouble, but for the sake of insurance, I think it is safest to sign a contract."

Thorin said with a sneer: "Then it's up to you."

"Please wait a moment!" The Mayor of Moneybag grabbed the pen and quickly wrote a contract, then handed it to Thorin.

Thorin simply took a look and signed his name on the contract.

The current mayor checked, and then put it away happily, "Well, Lord Thorin, with this contract, I feel much more secure."

Thorin said coldly: "Can you let us go now?"

The mayor of Moneybag smiled and said: "Of course of course, but if your Royal Highness can help me with another thing, I would be very grateful.

Thorin frowned and said, "What do you want me to do?"

The Mayor of Money Bag smiled: "I know that your relationship with Bud is unusual, but the problem is that Bud is a cunning, inconsistent guy. If you are willing to correct him for encouraging you to rebel, then we Changhu Town will be able to solve a very big hidden danger."

Thorin said coldly, "I'm afraid this is not to solve the hidden dangers for Long Lake Town, but to solve the hidden dangers for you?"

Chapter 421 The Rise of Long Lake Town?

The mayor Qiandai smiled shamelessly, "I am the mayor of Changhu Town, and I can represent the entire Changhu Town alone. Bud is a hidden danger in Changhu Town, so naturally it is also my hidden danger. My hidden danger is naturally the hidden danger of Changpu Town."

Thorin said coldly: "Bad is just the person who brought me into Long Lake Town. I have nothing to do with him, but I will not help you frame him. The armory is our own. , It has nothing to do with Bard, and Bard has no intention of rebelling."

The mayor of Moneybag grunted his eyes, and then grinned: "If this is the case, then things will be easier to handle. Your Royal Highness, please stay in my residence to rest tonight. I will do my best tomorrow morning. Ship, sent you ashore."

Thorin frowned and said, "Can't you go now?"

The mayor of Qiandai smiled awkwardly, "Now it's dark, and you can't see your fingers on the lake. In this situation, the situation is more dangerous. Only extremely experienced boatmen can do it."

Thorin asked in a deep voice, "Then who is your most experienced boatman in Long Lake Town? I can give him 10 times the boat fare!"

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