Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1311

The mayor of Qiandai smiled helplessly: "Long Lake Town...There is only one most experienced boatman, and that is Bud."

Thorin's face suddenly tightened.

He knew that Bud would never take them through Long Lake Town.

Bud didn't want money or revenge for the death of his ancestors 50 years ago, but he didn't want them to alarm Smaug, the dragon in the palace.

Bahrain and the other dwarves whispered and discussed, and then whispered to Thorin: "We should have enough time, not to mention, we need a good rest."

Thorin nodded slightly, "Well, we stay here to rest for one night, but tomorrow morning, you must escort us to Gushan as soon as possible."

The Mayor Qiandai immediately promised: "No problem, please trust me. I am more anxious than you for this matter."

This is not hypocritical at all, because he desperately wants to be paid for the 20 million gold coins.

Of course, the Mayor of Money Bags was also a little disappointed, after all, this time he failed to grasp Bud's handle and put Bud to death.

However, this is no longer a matter, because as long as 20 million gold coins are obtained, he can leave this damp and cold place and live a free and easy emperor life.

20 million gold coins...enough to buy a country!

Even if he does not have aristocratic blood and cannot become a recognized king, he can still buy a first for quite a while!

Just when the Mayor of Moneybag was about to greet Thorin and the others to go to the room to rest, suddenly the door was knocked open and Bud rushed in with a group of tattered residents.

The Mayor of Money Bag was taken aback, and quickly hid behind the guards.

The guards lined up into a human wall, protecting the mayor, Alfred, Thorin and others behind the human wall.

In fact, Bard’s people do not have weapons in their hands, and they are not here to rebel.

Alfred shouted sharply: "Bad, what are you going to do! This is the mayor's house!"

Bud ignored Alfred, but looked at Thorin and said: "You can't let this man enter the Lonely Mountain! After he enters the Lonely Mountain, he will only bring death, dragon's breath fire, and destruction! Smaug will be killed by them Woke up, and our Long Lake Town will be the first to be affected!"

The other residents nodded their heads and clamored for the mayor of Moneybag to expel these dwarves.

Of course, if it were to be expelled, it would be to send them back to the dark and dense forest instead of helping them to go to the lonely mountain on the north bank.

If they are expelled, then Thorin must have missed the opportunity to enter the Lonely Mountain.

Alfred shouted loudly: "Rebellion! Rebellion! Come! Take these civilians and put them in jail! Especially that Bud, put him in a water prison!"

The guards immediately approached the comments, and the mood of the civilians became very impatient and angry. A big battle was about to break out, and this battle was not evenly matched.

Thorin said quickly: "Wait! Stop it! I have something to say!"

The mayor of Moneybag winked at the guards, and the guards backed away immediately.

Thorin looked around with majestic eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "The Gushan dwarves did have grievances with Longhu Town, but I would like to ask everyone to calmly think about it when we were there. , Oh, what's your scene in Changhu Town?"

The residents present all looked at each other.

To be honest, most of them have not experienced the glorious period of Changhu Town, but they have indeed heard the legend about the prosperity of Changhu Town.

Solin said in a deep voice: "At that time, Changhu Town was the pearl of the water in the entire Middle-earth. All water transportation from north to south had to pass through Changhu Town. This is the center of trade. There are countless fine wines, silks and jewelry. Even gold coins are flowing in the lake! But now, you have become too hungry to eat!"

"Why is this?" Thorin said loudly, "That's because I lost the support of the Gushan Palace! Only when the Gushan Palace is strong, there is trade here, and when there is trade, the husband is not a stagnant water! "

"Our Lone Mountain dwarves come back this time to regain glory! And when we enter the Lone Mountain Palace and find our mountain heart, we can order the other eight dwarves to come and fight for us. At that time, the Gushan Palace will reshape its glory! And you, the residents of Changhu Town, will become rich again!"

The residents underneath all stared. They have been poor for a lifetime. They never thought they would become rich one day.

Many people's minds have begun to shake.

Bud frowned, "Sorin, what you said is very beautiful, but when you wake up the dragon Smaug and drive the dragon Smaug out of the Lonely Mountain Palace, where do you think Smaug will attack first? You want to restore the Gushan Kingdom and I will not stop you, but you can't sacrifice the interests of others!"

Thorin said immediately: "I did not sacrifice the interests of others. On the contrary, I just signed a contract with the mayor. The content of this contract is that when I enter the Lonely Mountain Palace safely, I will provide 20 million. Gold coins will be distributed to the residents of Changhu Town to make up for your previous hardships, and thank you for your support. When the Gushan Palace returns to glory, Changhu Town will surely rise again!"

The residents present were all infected by Thorin's impassioned words, especially when Thorin said 20 million gold coins, every resident was plunged into fanatical excitement.

Only Bud was sensible. He felt that this was wrong, but his voice had been masked by the cheers of the residents.

Chapter 422

Thorin's speech made everyone in the room into ecstasy, but the Mayor of Moneybag was a little unhappy.

The agreement between him and Thorin is actually a secret agreement. He does not intend to let these people know, because he never planned to distribute the 20 million gold coins to these people, but now, Thorin has this The contract is fully announced, so there will inevitably be some trouble at that time.

But it doesn't matter, the military power is in his hands. When the time comes, when he gets 20 million gold coins, he will let these troops take the gold coins to escort him away from Long Lake Town and fly high.

As for the pearl on the water that Thorin promised to recast its glory, he was not interested at all.

It takes a lot of hard work and energy to recast glory, and he has never been a growth that truly serves the people, he just wants to make a fortune and leave.

Of course, before he gets 20 million gold coins, he still needs to do enough.

So he cleared his throat and announced loudly: "The residents of Changhu Town! Our good days are just around the corner! As long as we help His Royal Highness Prince Thorin, when they return to the Gushan Palace, we Changhu The town will regain its glory! In the future, everyone will be very wealthy. The water of Long Lake Town will be filled with gold coins of Huang Chengcheng, and it will become a paradise on earth!"

The people cheered loudly, and their emotions became more and more fanatical.

Bud said loudly, "You are not dead! Promises are always empty, but Smaug's anger is real! Once Smaug is angered, Long Lake Town will be reduced to ruins. By then , The life is gone, what are you talking about the pearl on the water and reappearing glory? Solin can't enter the Gushan Palace. If he is allowed to enter the Gushan Palace, we will end in tragedy as we sang in a fable ballad!"

Some fanatical residents calmed down a bit. After all, they worship Bud, but they are all afraid of being poor. They want to become rich, even if they face great risks in the process of becoming rich. There is nothing to lose, they are willing to take this risk.

Alfred took the opportunity to smile and said, "Residents, there are people here who can’t see Long Lake Town! He is already rich now, so he doesn’t want others to be as rich as him, right? Mr. Bud? And, I I remember that Mr. Bard should be regarded as the descendant of the hereditary mayor. Since the intern mayor committed suicide, the situation in Long Lake Town has been worsening day by day. Now it is almost becoming a gathering place for civilians. Bard wants to get through this situation. To prove that the mayor elected by the people is incompetent, and their hereditary family is the best! He wants to be the mayor himself! In order for him to be the mayor himself, he does not hesitate to let everyone eat food. , He can’t see everyone!"

The people underneath looked at Bud's gaze suddenly turned into hatred.

Blocking people's wealth is like killing a parent.

Before these people still admired Bud, but now, their worship of Bud has vanished.

Bud sighed helplessly, "You high-ranking dog officials have no abilities. You can't manage this city well, you can't manage the city's trade, and you can't let the residents of this city get enough food and clothing, but The only thing you are capable of is to reverse black and white! Sooner or later the residents will understand that they are wrong, but unfortunately, everyone will pay a heavy price at that time."

Alfred sneered and said, "Bad, you don’t need to be pretending to be here! I can arrest you just by taking someone into the mayor’s gate privately... As for the other people, because it is You are bewitched, so I won’t hold them accountable for the time being! Come, catch Bud!"

"Yes!" The two soldiers stepped forward and grabbed Bud's shoulder.

With the strength of Bard as the archer of the gods, it is more than enough to deal with these two soldiers. However, once you start here, not only will you not escape, but will be charged with wanting to rebel.

The two soldiers tried to push Bud out of the gate, but Bud stood firmly on the spot. The two soldiers exhausted all their strength and failed to push Bud half a point.

Alfred gritted his teeth immediately, and said viciously: "Get more people, I don't believe it, 10 people can't push him alone!"

"Yes!" The soldiers surrounded Bud with a splash.

Bud said in a deep voice: "You want to imprison me. I will not resist, but there are some things I have to say. The dragon Smaug is very scary. Have you forgotten how the ancient town of He became a ruin? Smaug was on a whim. The fire of the mouth of the dragon's breath ignited the ancient town of He. The original affluent town burned for only a few hours before it turned into ruins. With a population of more than 10,000, only two or three thousand people escaped! What is more wealth Can you build a glorious river valley town with 20 million gold coins? Even if it can be built, it's just a matter of Smaug's breath of fire!"

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