Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1312

The people present fell into silence.

To be honest, no one had personally experienced the battle in Hegu Town, because it was a matter of thousands of years ago, so it can only be regarded as a legend.

But, when you think about it, Bud’s words make sense.

River Valley Town is definitely considered very strong and rich, but in the face of Smaug's anger, it can't stand it.

Stronger than the ancient town of He is the Gushan Kingdom.

But what can the Gushan Kingdom be like, hasn't it been destroyed by Smaug's rage?

From this perspective, the commitment of others is really less important than your own life.

The mayor of Moneybag frowned when he saw the situation.

He doesn't care if there will be problems in Long Lake Town, nor if the lives of these civilians are in danger. What he cares about is whether the 20 million gold coins can be obtained.

As long as he can get it, he will fly away with 20 million gold coins. As for whether this place becomes more glorious or is destroyed by a dragon's breath fire, it is not his business.

The mayor of Moneybag smiled coldly, "Speaking of the demise of River Valley Town, I am afraid that I cannot be separated from one person. That person is Mr. Bard’s ancestor, Mayor Girian. In those days, he took 10 black arrows cast by elves. Shooting the dragon Smaug, but unfortunately he missed his head, one arrow after another wasted the opportunity. In the end, instead of killing Smaug, he aroused the anger of the fashionable brother, and finally triggered the demise of River Valley. Therefore, the culprit Obviously he is the ancestor of Mr. Bard!"

The residents below immediately began to whisper to each other. Obviously, they believed this statement.

There was despair in Dad's heart.

He couldn't believe that the mayor of Moneybags was so inferior that some people would believe it.

His ancestor Gillian, in order to protect River Valley Town, stood up against Smaug's attack, and finally ended in depression because he could not shoot Smaug!

His ancestors never thought of himself as a hero, but no matter what standard, his ancestor was indeed a great hero!!

But now, these people have put all the blame for the destruction of Hegu Town on his ancestors.

This is really chilling.

Chapter 423: A Born Monster

When people questioned Bud, Thorin frowned and said nothing.

It stands to reason that he is the one who should refute Bud the most, because Bud's statement completely conflicts with the wishes of the dwarves.

However, Thorin also knew the story of the dragon slayer Ji Ruian. Thorin knew that since he was a real hero, it was wrong for people to slander Ji Ruian in this way.

At this time, Bud stepped towards Thorin.

The soldiers were too nervous to stand in front of Thorin, for fear that Bud would do something to hurt Thorin.

Bud was forced to stop after only two steps. He could only plead with Thorin across the wall: "His Royal Highness, I know you are eager to restore the country, but please consider keeping these innocent civilians. If you If you have to enter the Gushan Palace, then please be prepared, bring your allies and combat troops, and deal with the evil dragon if you have full confidence."

Thorin raised his head: "I don't need an army, and I don't even need to wake up the dragon. I brought a hobbit with him before. He is extremely light and agile. If I am awake, I can get the Mountain Heart, and with the Mountain Heart I can summon all the dwarven tribes!"

Bud said in a deep voice, "You are risking the lives of all of us!"

Thorin said coldly: "The dragon is sleeping there, in the Gushan Palace, next to your Changhu Town, and there is a river in the middle of the ruins of the ancient town. Now that ruin has been called It's the Smaug Wilderness, how can you guarantee that the dragon will sleep there forever and never wake up?"

Bud was stunned slightly, and he was completely stunned there.

Yes, he has no guarantee.

Smaug is a natural monster, and when he feels bored, he will wake up and play with fire everywhere.

The original Hegu Town had no grievances with Smaug, but Brother Mao still used the fire of dragon's breath to extinguish the entire town!

Who can guarantee that the evil dragon won't wake up again?Who can guarantee that the evil dragon will not harm Long Lake Town after it wakes up?

Bud paused for a while and said in a deep voice, "That's why we have to consider the long-term."

Thorin said coldly: "Then you will stay here and make a long-term plan. Tomorrow, I must arrive at the Gushan Palace!"

When Bud wanted to say something more, the mayor of Moneybag waved his hand impatiently, "Enough, Mr. Bud, we don’t want to hear what you say anymore, you just watch it in jail, how are we? Get the gift of His Royal Highness the Dwarf Prince!"

More than a dozen guards tied Bud and dragged him out forcibly. The residents who came with Bud also stood on the sidelines at this time without saying a word for him.

Bud was suddenly discouraged.

After solving Bud’s big trouble, Mayor Moneybag looked very happy. He smiled and said to Thorin: “It’s too late tonight. You guys have a good rest. I will hold a farewell banquet for you tomorrow morning. When the sun is full at noon, I will send you away from Long Lake Town."

Thorin shook his head, "The farewell banquet will be avoided. We are like an arrow. I hope that early tomorrow morning, there will be a strong boat to send us to the north shore."

"Of course, there is no problem at all!" The Mayor of Money Bag grinned: "Then, please go and rest, His Royal Highness and all the adults."

"Thank you!" Thorin said thank you, and walked into the luxurious room.

Although the mayor of Long Lake Town’s money bag helped him, Thorin knew that Long Lake Town was just for his money and had no feelings.

The residents also dispersed, with a happy smile on everyone's face.

They didn't care that Bud was caught, they just thought that by tomorrow, they would become super rich.

At this time, in Bud's house, neither Xufeng nor Xuedi slept.

Lin Hai said in a deep voice, "Something seems to have happened outside."

Xu Feng said lightly: "I know, Thorin is afraid that he is out of control."

Gong Yang frowned again and said, "This fellow Thorin is really damned!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "He wants to restore the glory of the Gushan dwarf too much. In his opinion, all his actions are forgiven."

The Hammer couldn't help asking: "Will they catch Bud?"

Xu Feng nodded: "Yes!"

The hammer immediately grabbed the silver fist hammer in his hand: "We should save him!"

Xufeng smiled: "It's not time yet, I will save him when it's time to save him."

The Hammer sighed helplessly: "Well... to be honest, I don't like Long Lake Town at all, not because of the humid climate here, but because of the people here. The residents here are so stupid, they do it for Some immediate interests have elected a despicable mayor. As a result, after so many years of hardship, they still haven’t figured it out. Now they just accept a little bewilderment, and they have turned their backs on Bud, ah, what a stupid and stupid thing Disloyal! To be honest, I hope Brother Mao can cleanse the people here."

Xuedi said lightly: "Xufeng, what should we do next?"

Xufeng thought slightly, "The dwarves have united with the mayor Qiandai, so people will definitely leave Changhu town early tomorrow morning, and our mission is to escort Bahrain and Bilbo to Wushan safely. Inside the palace, so even if we don’t like dwarves in our hearts, I’m afraid we have to accompany them to complete this rewarding mission. But..."

Xuedi asked: "But what?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I'm considering what the plot mission of the third stage will be. The plot of the third stage should be the battle of the five armies. The battle of the five armies should not require us to protect Bilbo and Thorin. Maybe it’s for us to protect Bard. Even if we don’t let us protect Bard, we must protect Bard.

The hammer nodded, "Yes, because Bud is a good man."

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