Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1316

The half-orcs rushed towards Gandalf when they had just arrived, looking down from a height, and the whole scene was like countless ants.

Gandalf suppressed the fear in his heart, condensed his mind, and summoned a blizzard magic from the sky.

The ice-cold blizzard and ice rain on those half-orcs, the speed of those half-orcs suddenly became very slow, and the temperature of the entire magic capital area also dropped sharply.

In the distance, the half-orc archers stretched their bowstrings and shot Gandalf with poisoned magic arrows.

Gandalf had been prepared for a long time, and set up a magical defense barrier around his body. The poisonous arrows of the orcs shot on the magical barrier and all fell down.

The blizzard greatly reduced the speed of the orcs. Although this is not Gandalf's strong point, it will also greatly deplete Gandalf's magical energy, but at least in a short period of time, it is impossible for these orcs to rush in front of Gandalf.

When these half-orcs finally rushed to Gandalf, Gandalf condensed his mind and flashed again, flashing onto another fault platform.

The orcs immediately turned around and continued to chase Gandalf along the narrow stairs, and after Gandalf flashed, they continued to use blizzards and rain to deal with these orcs.

Azog's face was distorted, but there was nothing to do with Gandalf.

After all, Gandalf was the magician of the Holy White Council, and he was also a magician who participated in two holy wars. Although Gandalf's personal strength was not as good as before, he could still support these miscellaneous soldiers for a long time.

At this moment, a ghastly voice came from the sky: "It's really the archmage of the Holy White Council."

Gandalf was shocked, and the magic fell into chaos.

He looked back and saw an illusory ghost image floating in the sky. The ghost image was a huge eye, and the pupil of the eye looked like a shadow covered in fire!

When she stared at the shadow, the shadow continued to extend, as if looking at a mirror in a mirror, and there was still a shadow in the shadow.

Gandalf quickly gathered his spirits, not letting his thoughts be lost with the shadow!

Fortunately, he is the great mage of the Holy White Council, knowing how to deal with this kind of scene, otherwise, just by that moment, he will be completely stuck in place.

At this moment, the army of half orcs rushed towards him.

Gandalf didn't bother to answer the shadow's words, and hurriedly flashed toward a higher platform.

That shadow suddenly shot, and a black light intercepted it in the air.

Seeing her husband's body was hit by the black light, he fell heavily from the air to the ground!

The magic barrier on his body was completely shattered, and when he fell to the ground, the whole person was in pain.

The orcs took the opportunity to jump up.

Gandalf gritted his teeth and put on Naya, the ring of fire, and went deep into it with his mind, activating the energy of Naya, the ring of fire.

In a moment, Gandalf's whole body condensed an orange magical barrier. This magical barrier has stronger defensive power, but it has extremely high temperature. Anything close to Gandalf will be burnt by the heat!

The orcs who rushed to Gandalf's side immediately screamed and retreated, even Azog did not dare to approach rashly.

After all, that is the energy of Naya, the Ring of Fire!

Among all the mana rings, Naya, the ring of fire, is the strongest.

When all the orcs started, the dark shadow in the sky slowly said: "Gandalf, your strength is much weaker, we only played a trick, you used the fire ring, this is really true I'm a little disappointed."

Gandalf looked up at the huge Eye of Doom in the sky and the burning figure at the pupil of the Eye of Doom.

"Sauron... you are indeed resurrected, they are right."

Sauron smiled coldly, "No, you're wrong, I've been there all the time, but your wishful thinking is that you killed me. I am a black-robed mage, and I don't need an entity, but I need to bring it. The Supreme Lord of the Rings, I must have a hand, so the entity becomes important to me. And now even without the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the nine elven kings have already been brainwashed by me and completely surrendered to me. . So even if I can’t find the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I can also destroy the entire Middle-earth world."

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Why? Why do you do this?"

Sauron said coldly: "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Gandalf said: "Of course."

Sauron sneered and said: "The truth is that our Lord God wishfully wanted to build a perfect world, but Morgoth has proved with practical actions that this world is not perfect at all, this world is full of discrimination, hypocrisy and double standards. , The races and races in this world are not harmonious, but they are temporarily together because of the same interests. So this is a failed experiment. All Morgoth Master has to do is to erase this failure. Experiment and then rebuild a new world in perfect order."

"Perfect order?" Gandalf looked at Sauron with a puzzled look.

Chapter 428

"Yes, a new world of perfect order." Sauron said sincerely.

Gandalf sighed, "Where is the perfect order? What you call perfect order, I'm afraid it is centralized rule, right?"

Sauron smiled and said, "Gandalf, do you admit that there is a difference between stupid and smart people in this world?"

Gandalf nodded: "I admit it."

"Smart people are born to rule stupid people, and stupid people are born to be ruled by smart people."

"Only in this way can the world function normally. Do you agree with this?"

"..." Gandalf hesitated for a moment without responding.

This is a very deep question.

This statement is correct if it is purely about the nature of the problem.

There are indeed very smart and stupid people in this world. Many important decisions should be made by smart people instead of stupid people.

Smart people will make things more efficient, while stupid people will only mess things up.

If the power of the world is placed in the hands of smart people, it may harm the interests of stupid people, but at least, the whole world will benefit.

And if the power of the world is handed over to stupid people, then the rights of stupid people will be protected, but the whole society will be on the verge of collapse.

This is why, power has always been a pyramid, the bottom of the pyramid is desperate without much power, while the top of the pyramid is a very small group of people.

The smarter the group of people in power, the healthier the social pyramid.

And if the group of people in power is elected and discussed by one person, one vote, then this social pyramid will soon collapse.

One person, one vote can guarantee everyone’s interests. This sounds like a very politically correct and very lofty act. However, there will always be fewer smart people and many stupid people in the world. If you fight for the votes, the number of smart people’s votes, Certainly not as many as stupid people.

In that way, many resolutions that are beneficial to this society will not be implemented, and then bad money will drive out good money, there will be fewer and fewer smart people, and more and more stupid people, because no one needs it. Using your brain, you don’t need to think about the long-term overall situation, just follow your emotions to vote.

Over time, there will be more and more mindless people, more and more people who don't think about the whole society and only consider their immediate interests, and more and more people who are restrained and manipulated by others.

The most frightening thing is that when there are fewer smart people, there will be many people who can only play tricks and conspiracy, but when the really smart people are in power, such smart people who conspiracy must have their tails in their hands. , But when the right to speak is in the hands of most foolish people, these people will take advantage of the loopholes and become leaders, which will accelerate the collapse of the pyramid society.

Changhu Town is a good example. The reason why Changhu Town has declined for so long is that, in addition to the external objective environment, the internal cause is that stupid people have the same power as smart people, and smart people know the money bag. The mayor was in power by means, but stupid people could not see it. Therefore, with a majority of votes, Qian Bao was elected the mayor, and after Bao Bao became the mayor, he intensified the exploitation of these stupid people, and at the same time potentially The normal situation will not allow Changhu Town to find a better way out, so Changhu Town will become worse and worse.

Do you think the residents of Changhu Town will learn from this?

No, most of them are stupid people. What they said to the mayor of Money Bags made them forget the pain and ecstatically waited for the gold coins to fall from the sky.

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