Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1317

To take a step back, even if they know that the Mayor Qiandai is unreliable, they may choose another person who knows how to play but is also unreliable. The reason for their stupidity is that they can't tell the difference. Who is the wise man, who is the clever man playing tricks?

The essential difference between the two is very big.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to hand over society to stupid people and clever people. The best way is to let smart people be in power.

Even smart people may make mistakes, but at least the overall direction of society is good, and the system of the entire society is in a virtuous circle.

However, this involves sacrificing certain interests of the majority.

Smarties call this kind of interest democracy, as if the word comes out of their mouths to mean that they represent justice, and everyone else means evil under dictatorship.

Is dictatorship evil?

In the hearts of most people, they think that dictatorship is evil, democracy is political correctness, and everyone who says that dictatorship is good is bad.

But in fact, the civilization of mankind for thousands of years has come from dictatorship, and most of the dictatorships now referred to are just being labeled. Only a few cases are a stupid ruler. And carried out a brutal rule.

Therefore, dictatorship or non-dictatorship, the most important thing for society to influence is whether the ruler at the top is smart or stupid.

The system of feudal rule, the ruler is determined by the inheritance of blood, this system has great drawbacks, and it is also one aspect of the theory of centralized dictatorship that has been criticized.

However, if you do not rely on descent, but rely on the internal election and designation of smart people, the risk of such abuses will be greatly reduced.

Of course, not without.

Because no system in this world is absolutely perfect.

Some of them sound good on the surface, but the people do not benefit from the good sound. Instead, it is only easier for people who can play clever to get to the top.

And some systems sound unpleasant on the surface, but when society enters a virtuous circle, it will inevitably be the ordinary people who will benefit in the end, even if there are not many in society, they will eventually benefit.

Middle-earth is now facing such an embarrassing situation. Some people have begun to preach that all human beings are equal and that everyone should enjoy the same rights. This idea has quickly been recognized by many people, but in fact, being a smart person and When stupid people have the same rights, when hard-working people and lazy people have the same power, when good people and evil people have the same power, when the minority who hold the truth and the majority who do not understand have the same power, society must confusion.

And chaos means disorder.

The main god used Middle-earth to experiment with the goal of establishing a good order so that all species in Middle-earth can continue to operate according to this good.

This is like a program. Everyone is a small piece of code in this program. Originally, these codes are predominant and subordinate, but now these codes are gradually becoming chaotic.

Morgoth was aware of these problems, he began to discover the complexity of human nature, and he began to discover that everyone was unwilling.

Why can you be born to eat the delicacies of mountains and seas, but I can only eat chaffy vegetables when I am born?

Why are you born to rule me, but I can only kneel down for you when I am born?

Is this kind of thinking right?From a human point of view, this kind of thinking is right, and if anyone says that this kind of thinking is wrong, it is anti-human.

However, if the whole world is a machine, then every part must be arranged in an orderly manner, without too much personal will.

This is also the original intention of the Lord God to create Middle-earth, and it is also the most perfect operating state of Middle-earth.

Unfortunately, humans are not machines.

No one will always be willing to be an ordinary screw.

When 10 out of 100 people are unwilling to make screws, they will encourage more people not to make screws, and when 50 out of 100 people are unwilling to make screws, the machine will not work. , When 90 out of 100 people are unwilling to be screws, social turmoil and change will occur.

But after the change?

Doesn't everyone need to make screws?

No, it still needs 100 people to make screws, until one day, 10 of them are unwilling to make screws, and then develop into 50, and finally develop into 90, and then cause turmoil and change.

Throughout history, this is true of all major eras.

This is caused by the human heart.

There is no solution.

To solve this problem, all the thoughts must be welded, so that everyone has no thoughts, and everyone becomes a standard machine. In this way, it can operate in a super efficient manner at this time.

But the problem is that this is anti-human, and no one can guarantee that a society that operates with super efficiency must take the correct Sunshine Avenue. If it goes wrong, no one can correct it, then there will be one. When the road goes to black, directly from glory to destruction.

Therefore, although the constantly changing system affects social efficiency, it is also a process of eliminating the virus by itself.

Gandalf understands this. After all, he has gone through the whole process of Middle-earth from scratch, and he has witnessed countless such changes with his own eyes.

For Morgoth and Sauron, they could not accept such a process at all. In their view, this process of transformation would undoubtedly greatly affect social efficiency. Such a world is an imperfect world.

In their eyes, the most perfect world should be a world of complete order, and the so-called complete order is the law they established, and no one will violate it.

Under no circumstances will anyone question their orders against them.

This is beyond the reach of Middle-earth, so they want to wipe out everything in Middle-earth and start over again. They want to return Middle-earth, which has entered the feudal age, to the age of slavery, and it is absolutely cruel.

A long time ago, when there was no technology at that time, the slave society meant an extremely low productivity and inefficient society. However, when the technology developed to its extreme state, the system of the slave society was the most recent orderly system!!

Therefore, the so-called perfect order of Morgoth and Sauron refers to such a slavery system. They want to enslave everyone and make everyone obey their orders without resistance, so that the development of Middle-earth will be extremely efficient. But at the same time, this kind of rule is extremely dark and brutal, and completely annihilates humanity.

Gandalf and the other heroes of the Alliance would naturally not let this happen.

Chapter 429 Doomsday Eye!

Gandalf said in a deep voice: "Sauron, your thinking is wrong. Although the races of Middle-earth have too many problems, and there are more stupid people than smart people, the world will slowly Repair and correct your own mistakes yourself, without our intervention."

Sauron laughed: "Gandalf, you seem to have forgotten that this world was created by us Maya gods! We can create, and we can destroy it naturally? And what I am doing now is not to destroy, but to renew Creation. The world created by the Lord God is a semi-finished product, and I will create an absolutely perfect world on this basis!"

"Is this bad Gandalf? Absolutely perfect world! Isn't this the original intention of you and me in Middle-earth? You shouldn't deviate from this original intention!"

Gandalf frowned and said, "Sauron, do you know that what you are doing now is very scary and evil?"

Sauron sneered: "If I lose, then I am scary and evil, but if I win, no one dares to say that I am scary and evil, even if my methods are brutal. They only call me Creator of order!"

Gandalf sighed heavily: "Sauron, you are no longer you, you are completely bewitched by the madman Morgoth!"

Sauron said coldly: "No! Gandalf! I want to understand! You and I are neither humans, nor elves, nor dwarves! We are not any race in this Middle-earth world! What are we? We are Mai Ya god! Why do we think about things from a human perspective? When the world is destroyed, it is difficult for human elves and dwarves to survive, but we still live freely and freely! We are gods, not servants of various races. , We are here to rule here!"

Gandalf frowned and said, "No, the creatures here are originally beautiful, we should help them..."

"Help them fight? Help them intrigue? Help them earn money?" Sauron sneered, "Look at the dwarf expedition team you helped. They return to Gushan, are they really just trying to resist our demon army? No, they only want treasure and power. You think you are helping them, and they are just using you. You don't need them to be grateful, and they are worried that you will share more of their wealth!"

Sauron sneered and said: "Don't you understand it? This is the human mind, the human mind that is in good measure! They will take your help as a matter of course, and if you don't help them one day, they will curse you and take You define it as evil!"

Gandalf pursed his mouth.

Although Sauron's words are somewhat evil, they are not unreasonable from the perspective of the god Maya.

Everyone regards God as a person who has no desires and no demands but can only give, but as a God, the more important duty is to rule.

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