Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1318

When the 5 wizards of the Holy White Council first came to Middle-earth, they wanted the rulers to establish a new order.

In fact, after two centuries of wars, the new order of China and Turkey has not been established, but has gradually collapsed.

Although Gandalf can attribute this result to the cause of Morgoth and Sauron, in fact, Morgoth and Sauron are only the initiators of the war. Their true intention is to establish a brand new system. Of course This system is too cruel for humans and other races, so the White Council will unite with other alliance countries to resist.

The result of the resistance was that the coalition countries won, but the real inner result was that the order of the Chinese society was not established at all, and even more collapsed.

Thorin said coldly to Gandalf: "Gandalf, we are not a battle between good and evil, nor is it a battle between beauty and ugliness. The flame magic and frost magic you use are no more noble than the soul magic dark magic I use. A lot! You can’t think that my magic is stronger than you, just say that I’m evil, you can’t just say that I’m cruel because I walk more direct than you, and you don’t use human things to restrain you. A god, we are gods, not humans!"

Gandalf said in a deep voice: "Sauron, you are already crazy, but don't want to confuse me. Even if I am a god like you, I know that there are some things that you can't do. Middle-earth can just let it go Although this development process will be very slow and repeat wrong things, although there are many dirty things in human nature, people living in this world still have their shining points."

Soren laughed: "Gandalf, you are as hypocritical and stupid as before. You think you are doing the right thing, but it's just a stupid thing. Okay, I don't want to waste my words with you anymore. Now, I just ask you one last sentence, would you like to join my army and join me to create a new order in Middle-earth?"

Gandalf shook his head without hesitation: "No, Sauron, I won't join you."

Sauron said lightly: "Well, you really are a stupid person, but there are always smart people. If you don't join, others will naturally join."

Gandalf was taken aback and asked quickly: "Who are you talking about?"

Sauron smiled coldly: "Do you think I will tell you easily? But don't worry, I won't kill you. I will put you in a cage and let you look at my demons. The increase day by day, let you watch my army step through the Misty Mountains and destroy the entire Middle-earth civilization. At that time, I will stand here and ask you in the cage if you want to join the Middle-earth world. The new order is coming... see, Gandalf, I have never been a person who does not remember the old, and I have never been a cruel person, I am just... a wise, god!"

With that, the huge doomsday eye shone a dark light.

Gandalf quickly gathered all his magical energy on the flame protection shield. At the same time, he himself used a magic shadow clone to divide himself into three illusory figures and fled to three different directions.

As for his real body, he used the third spell, that is, magic invisibility, and quietly escaped in the opposite direction.

The ability to use three spells at the same time is really very powerful.

This was also the back hand Gandalf had prepared long ago.

As long as his magical invisibility can last for 20 seconds, he can use another magic flash, teleport to a safe area outside the magic capital, and then take the opportunity to escape.

When he returns to the Holy White Council, he will be able to tell the white-robed mage Saruman and the leaders of the Alliance countries what he has seen today, and prepare them for war.

But... his shadow clone just dispersed, and the moment he himself entered the invisible state and fled in the opposite direction, Sauron's cold voice came from above his head: "Gandalf, you think these little tricks of yours, Can you really hide it from my eyes? No, I can see through your soul!"

With that said, the Eye of Doom shot another black light, directly blasting out the invisible Gandalf!

Gandalf fell heavily to the ground, his mouth full of blood!

The orcs rushed up in an instant and grabbed Gandalf.

Sauron said coldly: "Don't hurt his life! Because he is a god! God can't be killed by people like you! Just put him in a cage!"


Chapter 430 The Last Light of the Durin Day

When Gandalf was captured, the big boat in Long Lake Town slowly leaned on the north shore.

The dwarves jumped off the boat excitedly and stepped on the solid ground.

The Lonely Mountain is right in front of them, and theoretically speaking, the land they are stepping on now is their homeland.

Devarin knelt down with excitement, kissing the ground under his feet, and whispered with tears in his eyes: "We are back, we are finally back..."

Thorin also wanted to kneel down, but at this moment, he still needed to remain calm.

Reaching the lone mountain does not mean victory, they have to enter the lone mountain and find the heart of the mountain.

Only with the heart of the mountains can he command the heroes and dominate the world.

Of course, the commanding heroes here are just commanding the dwarves, but this is enough. The dwarves have nine tribes. In addition to the solitary dwarves, there are 8 other tribes. The solitary dwarves are the most orthodox dwarves. The royal family, but now the Gushan dwarves have no strength at all. Only by unifying the other eight tribes can they become stronger again.

The other 8 dwarven tribes only obey the people with the mountain heart. Therefore, if Thorin wants to revive the dynasty of the lone mountain dwarves, he must get the mountain heart.

That's right, at any cost, by any means.

Thorin looked up at the lonely mountain in the distance, and he felt the blood of his ancestors calling him.

He couldn't wait to say: "We must hurry up and find the entrance before the sun sets, otherwise, our efforts this year will be wasted!"

The dwarves stood up immediately and eagerly followed Thorin to the Lonely Mountain.

Xufeng and Bilbo were naturally left behind.

They have no feelings for Gushan, nor will they get excited just because they see a mountain. After all, this is not their home.

Bilbo sighed quietly, "I finally came to Lonely Mountain. I really hope to end this soon. I miss Rivendell and Gandalf’s tobacco a bit. I don’t know how Gandalf is now. Gandalf once said Yes, we want us to wait for him around here, but he has not come yet."

Xu Feng said lightly: "Don't worry, Gandalf will be fine."

Bilbo nodded, "I feel relieved to hear you say that."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, let's follow Thorin and the others."

Although Xu Feng didn't like the dwarves in his heart, the location of the solitary mountain was very important. Even if the Alliance army could not obtain the solitary mountain, the dark monster's vision would not be able to obtain it.

In other words, Smaug who was entrenched in the lonely mountain must die.

The team moved forward quickly.

The dwarves trot at an unprecedented speed.

In less than an hour, they arrived in the ruins of a valley.

Ouli asked strangely: "Where is this place?"

Bahrain smiled and said: "Ouli, you young generation were born in the Blue Mountains. You have never been here, so I don’t know that the existence of this ruin is forgiven. This is the ancient town of He, of course. This place has been abandoned for a long time. Smaug attacked this place more than 3,000 years ago. Back then, River Valley Town was very prosperous, but after a dragon's breath fire, River Valley Town was completely turned into ruins, and I managed to escape. Residents also went to Changhu Town."

"So..." Ouli nodded and said, "So this is He Gu Town!"

Solin said in a deep voice: "We can walk through the ancient town of the river for another two hours before we reach the Gushan Mountain. It is already in the afternoon. There is really not much time left for us, so we can't rest, we must hurry Go to Gushan."


The dwarves continued on.

They walked into the town of Hegu from the high mountain, then crossed the town of Hegu, and entered the Smaug Wasteland.

The Smaug Wasteland is desolate, and it has not been popular for nearly 50 years.

As Thorin walked, he recalled the prosperous scene in his mind.

Before Smaug had occupied the Lone Mountain, all the dwarven tribes had to come here to pay tribute, and even the humans and the elves had to bow down to do business with them.

The most powerful metal in the world is Mithril, and only Gushan can mine Mithril.

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