Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1319

This is where the confidence of the Gushan Dynasty lies.

Unfortunately, because of the existence of Smaug, everything in the Gushan Dwarf Dynasty was destroyed.

The dwarf expedition quickly passed through the Smaug Wasteland and directly reached the back mountain of Lone Mountain.

There is a huge statue on the back hill of Gu Shan, which is the statue of Turin, the ancestor of the dwarf.

The dwarves searched for the statue, and finally found a rather secret stone step near the statue’s hand.

This stone step is very narrow, hidden between gravel and weeds, and almost straight up and down. If you don't look closely, you can't see it at all.

"Climb up from here!"

Thorin and the others used their hands and feet together, struggling to climb up the stone steps.

The sun began to set in the distance, and the sun turned into a blush of the setting sun.

The dwarves raced against time and finally climbed to the top of the stone steps before the sun was about to set, and came to a platform that was not too big.

Thorin looked at the parchment map, then frowned and said, "It should be here... soon, before the sun sets, look for the keyhole!"

As a result, all the dwarves hurriedly searched.

Xufeng, Bilbo and others stood aside watching.

Thorin was a little angry about this. He felt that at this time, Xufeng and Bilbo should try their best to help them find the key control together, instead of standing by and watching.

Of course, his dissatisfaction can only be hidden in his heart, afraid to say it.

The dwarves couldn't find the so-called keyhole after searching for a long time.

Seeing the sun set down little by little, the brilliance became dimmed little by little, and the dwarves were suddenly very anxious.

They have gone through numerous difficulties and dangers, and finally arrived at Gushan.

They also had a way to enter the Gushan Palace, but they just couldn't find the keyhole.

This is the most devastating thing.

"What does that sentence on the parchment map say?" Bahrain asked eagerly.

All the dwarves shook their heads, they couldn't understand the moon text of the elves.

King Elrond told them once before, but they had forgotten about it.

At this time, Xu Feng said faintly: "Standing on the gray stone, when the thrush comes knocking on the door, the last light of Turin Day will shine on the keyhole."

"Standing on the gray stone..." Thorin looked at the stone under his feet.

Yes, this platform is made of a huge gray rock.

"When the thrush comes knocking on the door..." Bahrain frowned and said, "But, there aren't any thrushes here?"

"The last light of the Torino Day will shine on the keyhole..." Thorin said in a deep voice: "The so-called Torino Day is the birthday of the first ancestor of all dwarves, Turin, which is also the beginning of autumn for the dwarves The holiday is today!"

"Except for the thrush, all the details can be matched, but why can't we find the keyhole?" Bahrain asked crumbled.

Chapter 431

Time passed by minute by minute.

The afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon also decreased by inch.

The light of the setting sun shone on the gray rock, but the keyhole was still not shown.

The dwarves analyzed the prompts one by one, but could not find any clues.

They began to get anxious, they beat randomly on the rock, the grumpy Dewarin, and even chopped the rock hard with an axe.

They knew that this was the gate leading to the underground palace. As long as they opened this place, they could enter the underground palace from the back mountain and find the gem of the heart of the mountain.

However, they just couldn't find the keychain, that is, they couldn't open the stone door.

Bahrain was about to cry, "We can't do anything. I don't know where the problem is. The sun is about to set. If we can't get in, we will go to Shimen..."

Thorin's heart was full of pain and unwillingness. He didn't believe that he had gone through many difficulties and dangers, but in the end it was nothing but nothing.

He grabbed a big axe and hacked it desperately at the hard rock, "These are just stones! I don't believe that with so many of us, we can't even break a single stone!"


"We are the descendants of Lone Mountain Dwarves!"

"No stone can block our way!"

"For the ancestors!"

The dwarves became excited, each grabbing the weapons and tools next to them, and desperately hacking at the gray stone.

For a time, the jingle of percussion was endless.

Bilbo was a little moved. He whispered to Xufeng, "Should we help?"

Xufeng shook his head, "No need."

"Okay." Bilbo shrugged and continued to stand beside Xufeng and others with folded arms.

The dwarves beat the rocks desperately, but it was useless at all.

The weapons in their hands are indeed good at cutting people, but they are not slick in digging.

What's more, these stones are protected by elven magic, even if they have handy tools for digging, it is impossible to open this magic door.

If you want to open this magic door, you can only use the key of the moon, and if you want to use the key of the moon, you have to find the keyhole first.

Let people try their best to chop, but it has no effect at all.

The last afterglow disappeared completely, and the entire back mountain was plunged into darkness.

Thorin roared in grief, and the roar was full of unwillingness and despair.

The other dwarves also hid their faces and wept.

They have paid so much, risking their lives to leave their hometown, and hope is right in front of them, and they can't reach them.

Bahrain walked to Thorin's side, patted Thorin's shoulder lightly, and comforted him in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, Thorin...By this time next year, we still have the opportunity to enter the Lonely Mountain Palace again. At this time, we will be more fully prepared..."

Thorin said with tears in his tears: "No, we can't find the keyhole this year, can we find it next year! What's more... the half-orcs are chasing us, and the woodland elves treat us as their prisoners! Where shall we settle this year?"

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