Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1321

This is their real home, this is the scene in countless dreams!

Now they are finally back!

The other lovers also rushed to the door, and weeped and wailed with Thorin.

Xu Feng stood beside him leisurely, and said lightly: "You guys, are you planning to wake up the sleeping Smaug from crying?"

When Thorin heard this, he quickly stopped crying.

He just couldn't control all his emotions and broke out completely.

And now, he still needs to return to his sanity, after all, his goal has not been achieved.

It is only the first step to open the door to the underground palace of the dwarves. Only by gaining the heart of the mountain and driving Smaug out of the palace of the dwarves of the dwarves can the goal be truly achieved!

Thorin respectfully bowed to Xufeng and said in the most humble tone: "Master Diedi, you saved our entire Lone Mountain Dwarf royal family. We Lone Mountain Dwarf will never forget your great grace. De, after we complete the goal, we will use the purest gold to build a giant statue of pure gold for you!"

Xufeng waved his hand, "It's not necessary. You and I are both taking what we need. You need me to help you, and I need the blood of the mountain. You just need to promise that after you get the heart of the mountain, the heart of the mountain Just lend it to me, oh yes I have a small request."

Thorin said quickly: "No matter what the request is, there is no problem!"

This time, it was Xufeng’s contribution to opening this secret door. If Xufeng didn’t say anything just now, but waited for the dwarves to leave, and then took the key to open the underground palace by himself, then, all Treasure probably belongs to the Snow Emperor team, so it has nothing to do with their Lone Mountain Dwarves.

Xu Feng clearly could do this but didn't do it, and Thorin was grateful for it.

Therefore, no matter what Xufeng wants, Thorin will give it, because it should belong to Xufeng.

Xu Feng said lightly: "I want a white gem necklace."

Thorin was startled slightly, "White gem necklace? You want to give Thrandil the white gem necklace, right?"

A white gemstone necklace is nothing at all, but Thorin now regards Thrandil as his enemy, so he doesn't want to give the white gemstone necklace to his enemy.

Xu Feng said coldly: "I want a white gemstone necklace. After you give it to me, don't care who I will give it."

Thorin said quickly: "Yes! The white gem necklace belongs to you!"

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "It's pretty much the same."

Dewarin couldn't wait to say: "Let's go in!"

The other dwarves are also eager to rush in.

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Wait, the underground palace hasn't been ventilated for too long. The oxygen content in the underground palace must be very low, and the toxic gas content will be very high, so let's wait a while."


The dwarves obeyed Xufeng's words and would never have the slightest doubt.

Bahrain couldn't help but curiously asked: "Master Diego, I still don't understand one thing. Why did you disagree when we hired you just now?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "If it can be resolved this year, why should I let you hire for another year?"

Barling suddenly realized that he laughed: "Ah! That's how it is! So you knew you could open this door! Compared to you, we are so stupid!"

Chapter 433-You Have a Smell

After waiting for another ten minutes, Xufeng felt that it was almost done. Don't let Dewalin light a torch, and went to the interview.

Not long after Dewarin entered, he walked out excitedly, "No problem! There is no problem with the air inside!"

Xu Feng nodded, "Let's go in, pay attention to your steps, don't wake Smaug."

The dwarves lightened their steps, followed Thorin, and entered the palace of their ancestors.

After entering Shimen, there is a narrow passage.

The walls of this passage are full of patterns of the elves.

Obviously, it was made by the wizard craftsmen who built this secret path.

It is precisely because of these fairy patterns that give this stone gate a magical effect, and make this stone gate a secret door that can only be opened at a specific moment.

After walking through this Jinling secret road, Thorin and the others came to a dwarf Wanggong passage.

This passage is resplendent and magnificent. It has completely lost the simple features of the elves, but is extremely luxurious. On the gold-inlaid walls, there are carved murals of dwarf ancestors, and the ground is covered with various gems.

Apart from other things, even just prying this wall and the ground away will be enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for ten lifetimes.

Thorin touched the wall affectionately, and said with a trembling, "I still remember, this wall, this floor, I used to play here...Bahrain, do you remember?"

Bahrain choked and said, "Why don't I remember? My prince! We live here! This is our real home! We are finally home!"

As soon as this was said, the dwarf began to cry again.

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "I know you are very excited now, but can you control your emotions a little bit?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The dwarves stopped crying and wiped their tears secretly.

They continued walking along the passage, and after exiting the passage, there was a magnificent hall.

In this magnificent hall, the pillars are entirely made of pure gold, and the ceiling and the floor each have a pattern that reflects each other.

The pattern on the ceiling is a glowing sun, and there is a line of dwarven characters underneath.

On the floor, this is a throne pattern, and there is a gem with light on the network.

Bilbo asked in a low voice, "This should be the main hall of the Lonely Mountain Dwarf? It's so magnificent. I have never seen such a magnificent palace!"

Bahrain smiled, "No, Lord Bilbo, this is not the main hall of the Gushan Dwarf Palace, it's just, how can I say, a small room."

"A small room!?" Bilbo was shocked.

Bahrain smiled and said: "Yes, this is just an ordinary small room. Our lover likes the room very much, so even if this room is of no use, we have to make it. The pattern on the ceiling is right. It is the history of our Lone Mountain Dwarves. The following ancient dwarf phrase means that the descendants of the Turin Dwarves gather here. The Lone Mountain Dwarves are the first of the seven dwarf tribes."

Bilbo nodded, "This fits your usual style."

Bahrain smiled and said: "No, the lineage of our Lone Mountain Dwarves is recognized by all dwarf tribes. Turin, the first king of Dwarves, is the ancestor of all dwarves, and our Lone Mountain Dwarf is the direct line of the ancestor. Other The dwarves of the tribe are just branches. This is the orthodoxy!"

"That's it." Bilbo pointed to the golden throne on the ground and asked: "What is the glowing thing on the Internet?"

"That is the heart of the mountain, also called the Arkansas gem." Bahrain explained: "This is the inheritance of our dwarf tribe. According to the laws of our dwarf tribe, any dwarf who has a mountain heart will legally rule the entire dwarf tribe. And this gem is why we need you."

All the dwarves focused their eyes on Bilbo.

Bilbo blinked in amazement, "You mean... let me find the Heart of the Mountain? What about you? Just stay here and do nothing?"

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