Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1322

It wasn't that he didn't want to look for it, but that the Snow Emperor Team had done everything with him since the journey, and the dwarves didn't seem to have paid anything other than dragging their feet.

Bahrain said helplessly: "Master Bilbo, you must know that there is an evil dragon in the Gushan Palace, and it is also a prehistoric dragon. Our steps are too heavy. When we walk into the empty hall, we will wake up the dragon. Yes, and the dragon is familiar with the smell of our dwarves. If we go in and look for it, it’s all over. But you are different, you are a hobbit, you don’t wear shoes, you are born without sound when you step on The gold coins won't make any noises on the gold coins. The dragon won't wake up because of you. You just need to sneak in quietly, find the heart of the mountains in the pile of treasures, and then come back. "

Bilbo couldn't help frowning, "But even if I walk without a sound, when I turn the treasure pile, I will make a sound."

Bahrain shrugged with a blushing face, "You can... look lightly."

Bilbo smiled bitterly: "This is really a good suggestion! But I have one more question. I haven't seen kindness, and there are so many treasures in the hall. How can I be sure that the gems I find must be Is it the heart of the mountain?"

Bahrain smiled and said: "This is very simple, the heart of the mountain is unique, when you see the heart of the mountain, you can be sure."

Bilbo frowned suddenly, "What kind of explanation is this?"

Bahrain smiled and said, "In short, we will all rely on you this time."

Bilbo suddenly hesitated.

He did have an agreement with the dwarf expedition team and knew that his mission was to get the heart of the mountain, but he felt that the dwarves were playing with him.

The dwarves did not tell him that he had to act alone when he got to this place.

No one is with him.

If he alarmed the dragon, he was the only one who was eaten by the dragon.

This is really unfair.

When Bilbo hesitated, Xufeng said faintly: "Bilbo, I will go with you."

Bilbo was taken aback, and before he could speak, Hammer said immediately: "I want to go together, and the three of us will go down together. Let these dwarves wait here."

Xufeng shook his head: "No, you have to stay here with the hammer."

The hammer frowned and said, "Why?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Because you have a smell."

The Hammer said angrily: "What are you talking about? You dare to dislike the smell on my body, please tell me clearly what smells on my body! Otherwise, I will knock you to death today!"

Chapter 434: The Real Golden Mountain

Xu Feng hurriedly laughed and said: "Don't get excited, I didn't mean that, I mean, for dragons, you have a distinct human smell. Smaug can easily distinguish the smell of human elves and dwarves. Come, you are a human, of course you have a human touch."

Hammer blinked, "What you said... wait a minute! I have a human scent, so there is no human scent in you?"

Xufeng smiled: "Of course I have a human scent, but before I separated from the brown-robed archmage Ruidagast, I specially asked him to make me a magic rune, as long as I use this Magic rune, the smell on my body can be 100% erased, the effect of this magic rune can last for half an hour, that is to say, I have enough time to be in front of Smaug without letting him smell me The smell of the body."

The hammer said quickly: "Then give me such a rune, can't we go together?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "This kind of magic rune is very mana-consuming. It took Ridagast a long time to make this one. There is no extra, not to mention, even if there is extra, you can use it. Not suitable. Smell is one of the reasons that affect Smaug, and the more important reason is that you must keep your feet light and not make any noise."

The hammer pouted.

She really couldn't refute this point.

"Then what about my silver fist hammer? How can I quench it?"

"There will be a chance..." Xu Feng said lightly.

Xu Feng knew very well that Smaug would be awakened.

"All right." The hammer sighed, "Then I will wait for you here, you two must be careful."


Xufeng turned to Billbo and said, "Are you ready? We'll go in together now when we are ready."

Bilbo shook his head: "No, I'm not ready. I need more time to adjust my mentality. I think we should take a long-term view. We should go in and explore in advance to see where the dragon is. Make another plan..."

Xu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go in when we are ready."

After speaking, Xu Feng walked towards the entrance of the hall.

"Hey..." Bilbo felt a little bit about to cry without tears.

Since Xu Feng had already entered, he could only bite the bullet and followed in.

The dwarves all breathed a sigh of relief.

With Xufeng and Bilbo doing this, the success rate of this thing is very high.

Xufeng led Bilbo into the hall, and then walked up the long steps.

They are on the ground floor of the Gushan Palace, and the hall full of treasures is on the upper floor.

Of course, Smaug also took it a step further.

The dragon likes gold and silver treasures, but he does not regard gold and silver treasures as currency.

He just likes the shiny look of gold and silver treasures. Lying on the gold and silver treasures is as comfortable as lying on a sofa.

So it is inappropriate to say that the dragon is greedy.

Because the dragon never used these gold and silver treasures as money, but regarded these gold and silver treasures as a comfortable nest.

So from the root cause, the lonely mountain dwarf who owns these treasures is really greedy.

Although Bilbo and Xufeng were psychologically prepared for the wealth of the Lonely Mountain dwarves, they were still shocked by the scene when they climbed the upper steps.

The entire hall is always the size of 4 football fields, so big that you can barely see the end at a glance.

And in such a large hall, there are countless gold and silver treasures.

The depth of these gold and silver treasures is at least 4 meters deep.

In other words, the treasures of the Lonely Mountain dwarves fill up four 4-meter-deep football fields.

These treasures are really enough for all the people in Middle-earth to eat and drink for ten lifetimes.

It's no wonder that Thorin is extra cautious when choosing teammates.

Because, even if it is only one sixteenth, it is a wealth that will last a few lifetimes.

Bilbo swallowed hard, "I always thought...I was a rich man until I saw the treasure house of Lone Mountain Dwarves."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "This is a bit more difficult. With so many treasures piled together, no matter how light our body is, we can't help but make any noise. What's more troublesome is... The golden mountain is too deep. If we want to find the heart of the mountain and the necklace of white gemstones, we are afraid that we have to dig this golden mountain. But the problem is that Smaug must also be hidden in the golden mountain. If you are not careful, the heart of the mountain and the white gem The gemstone necklace was not dug out, but Smaug was dug out instead."

Bilbo said helplessly: "Then what should we do now?"

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