Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1323

Xu Feng looked around, "Well, let's look for a corner each, and then look for it a little bit. Be careful not to make a loud noise. The heart of the mountain and the white gem necklace are both very eye-catching Yes, although Jinshan is huge, we may still find it."

Bilbo reluctantly said: "This task is really troublesome! We are here to dig for gold, but the dwarves wait outside with nothing to do."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Okay, don't complain, let's get started. The magic rune that removes the smell on my body can only last for half an hour."

Bilbo quickly said, "Well, I'll start searching from this corner."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then I will go to the diagonally opposite corner, pay attention, the movement must be light."

"Okay." Bilbo stepped on the stack of coins, and the coins made a slight rattling noise.

Bilbo quickly stabilized his figure, not letting his feet make any more noises.

Xufeng walked around from the other side of the steps to the opposite side of the hall.

This hall is too big, and with Jinshan's sight blocked, when Xufeng reaches the opposite foot, he can't see Bilbo at all.

Finding two treasures in such a big golden mountain is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Xu Feng gently jumped to the number of gold coins, peeled away the gold coins on it, and carefully looked for the heart of the mountain and the necklace of white gems.

This Golden Mountain is too big. They searched for more than ten minutes, and they didn't even find a corner of the Golden Mountain.

Going on at this speed, it is necessary to traverse the Jinshan of the entire hall, and the two of them will have to work for at least half a month without eating, drinking, and sleep before they can clean up.

The magic rune on Xufeng's body that removes the odor will last for another 15 minutes.

This is not a solution.

Bilbo couldn't help being a little impatient. He looked around and saw a shiny object on the heights of Jinshan.

He felt that the thing should be the heart of the mountain, so he stepped on the gold coin and carefully climbed up.

These gold coins are just piled up together, not reliable, he walked on the pile of gold coins, the gold coins made a rattling sound.

Fortunately, these sounds are still under control.

But when he finally climbed to the heights of the Golden Mountain, he got up early with a shiny gem, only to find that the gem was not as good as he thought.

Although this gem is also shiny, the shape is obviously not cut. If it is really the heart of the mountain, the shape must be perfect.

Bilbo threw the gem frustrated.

Chapter 435

Bilbo's strength was not too great, and the gem did not go far, but it happened to fall on a large pile of gold coins.

The gem hit the gold coin with a rattling noise.

Bilbo held his breath, secretly regretting his reckless behavior.

They thought that the sound would stop after the impact, but the gems broke the balance of the gold coin stacks. These gold coins were sliding down slowly and endlessly like a mudslide and a landslide.

The sound of gold coins rubbing against gold coins one after another, the whole hall reverberated with such sounds.

Even Xu Feng in the other corner heard it.

Bilbo realized that he had caused a catastrophe, but it was impossible to stop this gold coin mudslide now. He could only stand on the spot blankly, praying in his heart not to awaken the magic dragon in the golden mountain.

However, with such a loud noise and such a large-scale landslide, it was impossible not to wake Smaug.

The Jinshan body began to tremble slowly.

At the beginning, only the layer of gold coins on the surface of the Jinshan was flowing, but soon, the skeleton of the entire body was moving, and all the treasures on the Jinshan changed their positions.

A huge longan emerged from the treasure pile, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Bilbo was scared to death.

That eye alone was half Bilbo's height.

He stood there stupidly, completely unsure of what to do.

At this time, a hand suddenly leaned out from behind him and grabbed his arm tightly.

Bill Botton's time soul was almost scared, and just about to open his mouth and yell, his mouth was covered by the other hand.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a voice in his ear saying: "Don't make a noise, it's me!"

The sound made Bilbo immediately calm down.

This is Xu Feng's voice.

After Xufeng heard the movement here, he rushed over immediately.

He saw Bilbo stupidly standing in front of the dragon, so he immediately rushed up, taking advantage of the fact that the dragon hadn't fully recovered from the Golden Mountain, he still had the opportunity to save Bilbo.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Bilbo, it’s too late to run. You have to take that ring and try to deal with Smaug, and I will hide in the dark and quietly observe Smaug’s weakness. Remember, I’m here. The darkness protects you, so don't panic."

After speaking, before Bilbo could respond, Xu Feng withdrew silently.

When Bilbo felt the two big hands on his arms and on his mouth disappear, he immediately looked back, but he could not see Xufeng at all.

What a fast speed...

Bilbo thought frightened.

Obviously, Xu Feng couldn't escape with Bilbo, because Smaug's strength is too strong. If two people escape together, Smaug will catch up quickly, and then treat them as prey without mercy. Kill.

Only by dealing with Smaug and looking for Smaug's weakness can it be possible to defeat this ancient dragon.

And Bilbo's personal strength alone was difficult to deal with Smaug.

Therefore, we must rely on the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The supreme Lord of the Rings was built by Lord Sauron, and in the process of forging, Sauron poured part of Morgoth's soul into it, so the making of the Lord of the Rings has such powerful power.

Smaug was cultivated by Morgoth himself. He is naturally familiar with Morgoth's breath, even if this breath is already very weak. Therefore, when Bilbo wears the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it will inevitably arouse the strong curiosity of Hipster heart.

With this curiosity, Smaug would not eat or spit Bilbo as soon as he came up.

Bilbo was completely frightened by the dragon's eyes just now, so he forgot that he had an invisible ring in his hand.

He didn't know that he was holding the Supreme Lord Ring, he just thought he had picked up an invisibility ring.

After receiving Xufeng's reminder, he immediately tremblingly took out the golden lord ring from his waistcoat pocket.

At this time, Smaug slowly moved his body, first showing his nostrils, and then swinging his tail. The whole Jinshan was trembling, and countless gold and silver treasures slipped from the dragon's body.

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