Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1324

Immediately, Smaug's huge keel body emerged from the Golden Mountain.

Its length alone is 30 meters long!

And the height that it stood up was 10 meters high!

At this moment, Bilbo felt his heart stop beating.

Fortunately, he had received Xufeng's prompt before, so before Smaug focused his attention on him, he quickly put on the Lord of the Rings.

When the Lord of the Rings was brought to his finger, he entered a state of nothingness.

In this state, he can see everything and hear everything, but he can't feel it.

And no one else can see him, hear him, and touch it.

This means that in this state, he is completely immune to any damage.

As long as he can keep wearing the ring, Smaug will never find him or hurt him.

Smaug's huge long eyes slowly focused, his eyes moved slightly, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

His longan pupil is not round, but like a vertical slit, like the pupil of a snake, but it is even more terrifying than the pupil of the most dangerous snake in the world.

Those pupils are almost the eye of doom.

When Smaug's eyes swept over Bilbo aimlessly, Bilbo felt his body numb, his scalp was stiff, and his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

This is still the case with him wearing an invisibility ring.

If he hadn't worn the invisible ring, he would have been fixed on the spot by Smaug's gaze, and then would be sprayed to death by Smaug's breath of fire.

Smaug looked around, but didn't find any targets.

This not only makes him very puzzled.

With his keen perception, he knew that someone must exist here, but he couldn't see it.

Bilbo became invisible because he was wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings, while Xufeng quietly went around behind Smaug and hid in a dark corner.

The magic talisman effect on him was still there, so Smaug didn't find him.

Smaug sniffed vigorously, his reptile face was full of distortions, and he said in a low and shocking voice: "I can feel you."

The volume of this sentence is not too big, but the whole hall is humming.

This is Long Yin!

Bilbo was only scared, but for Xu Feng, the sound of such a dragon's roar made him burst into blood, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood!

Within the scope of Longyin, the more you gather your strength, the more damage your own blood will suffer!

Unless his strength can surpass Smaug's strength, so he won't be affected by his dragon shadow effect!

Xu Feng relaxed quickly, completely removed his strength, and faced Long Yin with the most ordinary mentality.

Sure enough, when he no longer condensed his strength, his vitality gradually returned to calm.

The problem is that before Smaug's dragon chant echo completely disappears, he can't gather his strength to attack Smaug.

Chapter 436 I've Never Eaten a Hobbit

Bilbo's teeth trembled.

He has never been so scared as he is today.

To be honest, he almost couldn't help peeing his pants.

Fear is an innate instinct that people are born with. This instinct is difficult to suppress.

But fortunately, Xufeng told him in advance that he would hide in secret to protect him.

Bilbo believed in Xufeng very much, and this trust gave Bilbo infinite courage.

That's right, standing in front of Smaug with an invisibility ring is already very courageous.

"Um..." Smaug said again: "I can feel you, I know you are here, but it's very strange, why can't I see you?"

With that, Smaug raised his dragon claw fiercely.

His dragon claws are extremely wide, and his nails are sharp. A casual stroke is enough to make Bilbo completely different.

Bilbo was shocked and instinctively ducked back.

But then Bilbo regretted it.

If he doesn't move anything, even if the dragon claw passes through his body, it won't hurt him, because this invisibility ring is completely invisible and completely out of this real world.

However, he was too scared, facing Smaug's sudden attack, his body was not controlled at all.

He took a small step back, and the gold coins under his feet clashed.

"Aha!" Smaug was waiting for this opportunity, and its huge dragon claws fiercely slapped towards the direction where the coin creaked!



Large pieces of gold coins were knocked into the air, and the whole palace trembled slightly.

At this moment, Thorin and others who were hiding on the floor below immediately became nervous.

They all knew that such a sound meant that Smaug had awakened.

Ouli asked quietly: "What to do..."

As the young generation of Lonely Mountain dwarves, they have never experienced a dragon battle, so just hearing this voice is already scared and don't know what to do.

Thorin was also very anxious in his heart. He secretly blamed Bilbo for being so careless, awakening the sleeping dragon, and quickly thinking about the way to deal with it.

In fact, before the start of this dwarf expedition, he had already anticipated various situations after entering the palace.

Among them, naturally also includes the coping methods after waking Smaug.

This method was determined after careful consideration, that is, to introduce Smaug into the next underground palace, which is the foundry.

The whole Gushan is very grand, and on their next floor is a huge foundry shop, where all the metals are smelted into a hot liquid.

Although so many years have passed, the smelting workshop has ceased operation, but the facilities and materials there are all there.

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