Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1325

Back then, when Smaug attacked Gushan, the smelting workshop was preparing to cast a huge gold statue. This statue was originally used to congratulate the old King Saul on the birthday, but I didn’t expect that the gold statue was not finished yet. Was occupied by Smaug.

The unfinished golden statue is 50 meters high. It is made of pure gold. The golden water should still be there. Just heat these materials and lead Smaug to the mold for casting the huge statue. Submerging Smaug with hot golden water may kill Smaug, and even if it can't be killed, it is enough to limit Smaug with solidified golden water.

This is Thorin's plan.

He didn't want to start this plan as a last resort, because it was a very dangerous thing. During the process of introducing Smaug into the foundry, there might be casualties.

But now the time has come for a last resort, Thorin must start this plan.

He then turned back to Dewarin and said, "Remember the foundry? Go and open the foundry!"

Bahrain said quickly: "Wait! Thorin! As soon as the foundry opens, Smaug's attention will immediately be drawn!"

Thorin said coldly: "Smaug has awakened. It will be sooner or later that he finds us. Rather than just sit and wait for death, it's better to let it go."

The other dwarves nodded.

Dewalin nodded a few people and hurried to the casting shop.

The Hammer asked, "What are you going to do to bring Smaug into the workshop?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I am familiar with this but every road, let me lead it."

The hammer nodded, "I'm with you."

Thorin said quickly: "No need."

The hammer said coldly: "I am not for you."

Thorin understood now, so he didn't say anything anymore.

On the Jinshan side.

Smaug shot it with a dragon's claw, splashing countless gold coins and treasures, but it didn't hurt Bilbo.

The Supreme Ring deposited Bilbo's body in another world, so no matter how powerful Smaug is, it is impossible to hurt Bilbo.

The moment the dragon claw was taken, Bilbo was almost scared to death, but after the dragon claw fell, Bilbo let out a long sigh of relief.

He can now be completely sure that he will not be hurt by Smaug.

Therefore, he is not so nervous anymore.

"It's weird..." Smaug couldn't help muttering to himself, "Am I dreaming? No... there is something here... I can sense it... and I can sense it. A familiar power... this power shouldn't be something mortal can have."

Bilbo held his breath immediately.

He knew that the kind of power Smaug was talking about was the power of the ring he was wearing.

Smaug squinted his longan slightly, his spiritual energy was gathering.

This spiritual energy can correspond to the dark power in the Lord of the Rings.

At that time, when Smaug's power was condensed to the extreme, Bilbo felt the ring on his hand start to get hot, and then, a huge doomsday eye appeared in his mind.

The pupil of the Eye of Doom is clearly a soul on fire!

Bilbo suddenly felt a tearing pain in his brain, which he couldn't bear. He hurriedly pulled off the ring from his finger.

After taking off the Lord of the Rings, Bilbo relaxed, and the severe headache disappeared without a trace, but... his invisibility was immediately lifted, and his whole person was exposed to Smaug. .

Smaug looked at Bilbo with a slightly surprised look.

"What kind of creature are you?"

In the two wars of the century, the Hobbit did not participate in the war, so Smaug has not seen the Hobbit, so when he saw Bilbo, he thought he was dazzled.

Bilbo plucked up his courage and said in a trembling voice: "I, I, I am a hobbit."

"The Hobbit?" Smaug frowned. "There is still such a thing in Middle-earth? Oh, well, I have never eaten a hobbit."

Chapter 437: The Great Smaug

Bilbo almost collapsed on the ground in fright. He said quickly: "No, no, no, hobbits are not tasty at all. The meat on our bodies is very sour, and I haven’t had a bath for a long time. There are still several days of feces, you know, if you eat me like this, you will immediately vomit it out in disgust. Besides, I don’t have much meat on my body, it’s not enough to stuff your teeth."

Smaug smiled coldly: "You are quite good at talking. Well, I just woke up from my sleep and my appetite is not very good. I will not eat you for the time being, but you must answer my question truthfully. That's fine."

Bilbo said quickly: "Of course! Of course! Mr. Smaug, just ask if you have any questions."

The task Xufeng gave him was to deal with Smaug as much as possible, and chatting with Smaug was the best deal.

Smaug shook his huge dragon body and found a comfortable position.

He still hasn't gotten up, after all, he just woke up, a little bit like lying in bed.

He stared at Bilbo with his huge dragon eyes, looked at it curiously, and then opened the huge dragon mouth and said, "The first question, what do you have with you?"

"What?" Bilbo blinked and asked innocently: "What do I carry?"

"I'm asking you this question." Smaug said in a low voice: "You were in a state of invisibility just now. I can't see you, nor hear your voice, and even I can't touch you, yours. There is something on my body, but there is the dark power that I am familiar with. Tell me, what is that? Where did you get it?"

Bilbo's heart sank.

Dark power...

He originally thought that this ring was a very good, magical ring made by elves.

But he never expected that there was dark power on this ring.

He couldn't help but believe this, because just now, Smaug used his mental energy to trigger this dark power, and this dark power made him a headache and couldn't bear it.

"Little thing, why don't you talk?" Smaug snarled in a low voice, "Tell you, dragons are not so good to deceive. You must tell me the truth! Otherwise..."

Smaug took a sigh of relief with his nose, and for a while, the heat wave filled the whole hall, and Bilbo instantly felt that he was about to be fainted by the heat wave.

He hurriedly said: "No, I dare not deceive you, respected Lord Smaug, you are the only dragon in this world, you are also the most powerful creature in this world, I admire you very much, I came here through the mountains and rivers. , Just to be able to see your dignity."

Smaug was full of heart when he said this.

Although he was an ancient monster and not a human being, he still enjoyed the feeling of being complimented by others.

"It’s a very good little thing. I am indeed the most powerful creature in the world. Even the demon Sauron you think is the strongest, I did not take it seriously. However, you still did not answer my question. What are you carrying?"

Bilbo opened his mouth and wanted to make up a lie, but soon he realized that Smaug was very smart and very experienced. Smaug had probably eaten more salt than he had.

If he wants to deceive Smaug, the fate is conceivable.

Bilbo quickly said: "But that thing on my body is a ring. I found it in the sewer of a Goblin City."

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