Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1326

"A ring?" Smaug's eyes lifted slightly. "Oh, I seem to understand something..."

He stared at Bilbo and was silent for a short while.

Bilbo's heart was beating, and he was afraid that Smaug would ask him for the ring.

You know, Smaug itself is already very tough. If Smaug is in possession of the ring that can be invisible, then this magic dragon is really invincible.

Bilbo had already made plans. If Smaug really asked him for the ring, even if he broke his headache, he would wear it and escape.

However, Smaug did not ask him for the ring.

After Smaug looked at Bilbo, he asked in a low voice, "Who brought you here? Sauron?"

"Huh?" This question puzzled Bilbo.

If Smaug asked "Sorin", Bilbo would immediately admit it, after all, there was really nothing to hide.

However, Smaug clearly asked "Sauron". Although the two names were only one word apart, they were far apart.

"Why do you ask like that?" Bilbo asked wonderingly.

He doesn't look like a member of the monster army.

Smaug sneered: "This ring... is so easy to appear here, and I can get it as soon as I open my eyes. Isn't it too easy?"

"This..." Bilbo didn't know what to say for a while.

Smaug coldly smiled and said: "Don't hide it, you must be sent by the guy Sauron. He has always wanted to subdue me, and has always wanted me to fight for him, but he is not qualified to be my master, mine. There is only one master, and that is the great Morgoth! Sauron must want to use the spiritual power of this ring to control me. When I wear this ring, my meaning will fall, and gradually Surrender to him! Yes, you are the bait he gave me. He knew that I would eat you, and then took the ring so that he could achieve his goal of controlling me. No, he was too naive. I will not be fooled by this, I am already very strong, I am already the most powerful creature in the world, I don't need to rely on this ring at all, I am just myself, I am Smaug!"

When he said the last sentence, Smaug's body suddenly stood out from the pile of gold mountains, and the gold and silver treasures on his body fell to the ground with a crackle.

One of the gems exuding colorful light was also revealed.

As soon as Bilbo saw the gem, he gasped.

Yes, that is the heart of the mountain!

Even if Bilbo has never seen the heart of the mountains, he can be completely sure!

There is no jewel more shining than this one!

It must be the heart of the mountain!

Now, the heart of the mountain remained at least more than 50 meters away from him, and it was under Smaug's dragon claws, Bilbo had no way to get it, so he could only watch and wait for the opportunity.

He cleared his throat, followed Smaug's meaning, and continued to compliment: "Yes, great Smaug, you are the most powerful creature in this world, there is no one. I really admire you, I really want to keep Follow you forever."

Smaug laughed coldly: "Little thing, your mouth is sweet, but do you think I will believe you? Tell me, what is your name? Where do you come from?"

Chapter 438 Smaug's Only Weakness

Bilbo cleared his throat, groaning inwardly.

He needs to tell a lie, but for the Hobbit, lying is a very difficult thing.

However, Smaug can see through lies.

It is better to tell the truth honestly than to lie.

Maybe when Smaug is happy, you don't care about Bilbo's life or death.

Bilbo sorted out his thoughts a bit, and then said: "Great Smaug, I am a hobbit. I have already said this. I come from the distant Shire, where tobacco is rich, and my name is Bill. Bobaggins, in the Shire area, this name is famous, just like a human king."

"Oh? Really?" Smaug said almost sarcastically, "So, are you still a nobleman?"

Bilbo flushed, "No, we Hobbits don't have a kingdom, so we can't talk about nobles, but our family is indeed a very powerful family among the Hobbits."

Smaug said coldly: "It's very good, but I know you are lying."

Bilbo was startled, and said quickly: "No, what I said is the truth! I didn't mean to deceive you at all!"

Smaug sneered, "You dare to say that you are not deceiving me? Look at the clothes on your body, which are obviously human clothes, and they have the smell of Long Lake Town..."

Bilbo was shocked. He never thought that Smaug's nose was so sensitive that he could smell the smell of his clothes, and he could tell that it came from Long Lake Town.

That's right, Bilbo's clothes are indeed those of Changhu Town.

His previous Hobbit master's clothes had long since been damaged by me in several battles, especially when I was fighting with the big spiders.

Therefore, after escaping from the main city of woodland elves and entering the town of Long Lake, the archer Bud gave his youngest son's clothes to Bilbo.

In fact, Bilbo didn't want to accept it. After all, as a master-class figure among the Hobbits, the clothes he wears are very elegant, and Bud's son's clothes can be described as inferior regardless of the material and workmanship.

However, in any case, these inferior clothes are better than the tattered clothes on Bilbo, and it is also Bud's kindness. If Bilbo refuses, it will be disgusting.

So Bilbo put on the clothes of Bud's son.

But the clothes came from Long Lake Town, with the breath of Long Lake Town, so Smaug naturally believed that Bilbo came from Long Lake Town.

Bilbo quickly explained: "No, I am not from Long Lake Town, I mean, I did pass through Long Lake Town, but I just spent the night there and changed into this kind of clothes. That's all, I really came from the Shire area. I travelled all the way through the misty mountains and dark forests, and after all kinds of hardships, I finally arrived here and saw the great Smaug."

Smaug narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you alone? Through the misty mountains and the dark forest?"

Bilbo opened his mouth and said nervously, "...Yes!"

Smaug smiled contemptuously: "You are lying!"

"No, I didn't..." Bilbo said with a guilty conscience.

Although he said no, his tone clearly proved Smaug's guess.

Smaug grinned and said: "You are not here alone. You are so weak and have no ability at all. How could you pass through the dangerous misty mountains and dark dense forest alone? It must be a lone mountain dwarf! The lone mountain dwarf hired. Let you come here to steal things! Yes, there is infinite wealth here, and the dwarves are greedy by nature, and they will take risks. This is what I expected. Let’s say, those despicable dwarves hide in where?"

Knowing that Bilbo couldn't argue anymore, he moved back and said, "Mr. Smaug, you are the most powerful creature in the world. Who would be so stupid as to want to steal from you?"

Smaug was impatient with Bilbo's compliment, and he raised his huge dragon claws, ready to attack Bilbo.

Bilbo had already prepared to wear the Lord of the Rings, but his movements were obviously slower!

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the corner and rushed directly to the abdomen of Smaug's dragon.

This black shadow is naturally Xufeng.

He had already revealed the swords of enemy fencing and Triton, and the two long swords formed a sharp vortex of blades and pierced Smaug's chest fiercely.

Smaug's dragonyin echo would greatly limit his power, but after Smaug talked to Bilbo for a long time, he relaxed his vigilance, and did not use the dragonyin effect for a long time.

And this gave Xu Feng the opportunity to attack.

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