Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1327

When Smaug stood up and fully exposed his body, Xu Feng observed that a black dragon scale was missing at his heart!

That was the dragon scale that the ancestor of the god archer Bud shot with the black arrow!

If Bud's ancestors were stronger in those days, then the black arrow would be able to penetrate the dragon scale directly and shoot Smaug directly.

In that case, Bard's ancestors were the real dragonslayers.


However, although Smaug was not killed, that attack also left Smaug with a weakness, which was also Smaug's only weakness.

The scales of Smaug's body can almost be immune to any damage, whether it is physical damage or magical damage, all of them will be blocked by this former dragon scale.

If Smaug's strength is converted into a relative level, then Smaug has at least level 65 strength.

And Xufeng's true combat effectiveness, if he had the best deal, could only be considered level 55.

This also means that Xufeng still has no problems dealing with level 55 opponents, but he has no chance of winning against Smaug at level 65.

Even with the enemy's fencing sword and the fairy wind crystal in his hand, Xu Feng would not be able to kill Smaug.

However, when Smaug wanted to attack Bilbo, Xu Feng had to take action.

If you don't make a move, Bilbo will be in danger of life!

Their reward mission this time is to protect Bilbo and Thorin and defeat Smaug. If Bilbo dies, the series of missions of the Snow Emperor team will be interrupted. They will not only restart, but also be punished by demotion. .

Therefore, even though Xufeng knew that this blow could not kill Smaug, Xufeng still tried his best to stab Smaug in the chest.

Under the special effect of the Fairy Wind Crystal, Xufeng's speed is as fast as lightning.

If it is an ordinary enemy, it must be impossible to react.

But Smaug was no ordinary enemy.

Smaug keenly perceives Xu Feng's surprise attack, and his body is immediately on one side, and the dragon wings connected to the dragon claws also open!

Chapter 439: Your Opponent Is Me

Smaug's reaction was too fast, and the block movement was too fast.

That huge dragon wing, like a wall, instantly stood in front of Xu Feng.

Xufeng's heart sank. He wanted to stop to avoid the Dragon Wings block, but his momentum was too strong, but he couldn't stop.

Smaug's speed is far beyond his imagination. From this point of view, even if Xufeng knew Smaug's weakness, even if he could make a surprise attack from any direction, it would be meaningless.

Because Smaug will protect his weaknesses.

Xu Feng's sword blade vortex hit the dragon wing heavily, and then, his whole body was blown out by the spinning bullet, and fell heavily into the golden mountain, buried by rustling gold coins and treasures. Living.

For a moment, Xufeng felt that her bones were completely broken, and she had no strength to get up.

But soon, his body regained consciousness, and he quickly emerged from the pile of gold coins.

These gold coins around him can be said to be things that people all over the world want, but now Xue Feng finds these things very annoying.

It is because of the existence of these things that he cannot give full play to his greatest advantage.

The pile of gold coins is very soft, it is impossible to step on it, and it is difficult to fully charge up.

But these piles of gold coins were as comfortable as a blanket to the huge Smaug.

After Smaug flew Xufeng with the dragon wing bomb, he did not rush to attack Xufeng, but stopped and stared at Xufeng.

"A human being?" Smaug said in an incredible tone: "Why didn't I smell your body? And why did you move so fast? What happened in this world during the half-century of my sleep? Why do even humans dare to challenge me? Is my power not far enough?"

Xu Feng took a heavy breath and said in a deep voice, "Smaug, I'm here to kill you."

Smaug laughed loudly, "Hahaha, human, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard! Is it up to you two?"

Xufeng gripped the enemy fencing sword and Triton's sword in his hand, and said with a serious face: "No, just by myself. Maybe you don't know my name yet?"

Smaug said with a cold smile: "Do I need to know your name? You are just a tiny human being. Your life span can only live up to 100 years. In my opinion, 100 years is the age of ants. You said, Do I need to know the name of an ant?"

Xufeng laughed loudly: "Do you think an ant can kill Malganis?"

"What?" Now, Smaug was a little surprised.

Malganis is an ancient monster of the same age. Although Malganis's strength is far inferior to him, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by humans in terms of his combat experience and ability to escape.

Xufeng put away the sword of Triton in his left hand, and then slowly took out Malganis' spider claw and showed it to Smaug.

Of course, all he did was not to show off, but to buy time for Bilbo on the other side.

Bilbo is small, his arms and legs are lighter, and he doesn't have much fighting strength, so he is easily ignored.

Although Smaug is not a human being, Smaug is much bigger than a man. In Smaug's eyes, Bilbo is like a small bug, so Smaug is more likely to ignore the existence of Bilbo.

Especially when the threat of Xufeng appeared, and Malganis' feet claws were also taken out, Smaug's attention was all on Xufeng.

And Bilbo also seized this opportunity. When Smaug took the lead to Xu Feng, he quietly escaped from Smaug.

He didn't run away aimlessly, but first to find the heart of the dazzling mountain range.

When Smaug raised the wings of the dragon just now, the heart of the mountain was also washed up, and then rolled down to the foot of Jinshan.

Bilbo ran away cautiously while chasing the heart of the mountain.

As long as they get the heart of the mountain, they will be done.

At this time, Smaug said to Xufeng, "Yes, this is indeed Malganis' foot claw, human, it seems that you are really powerful! You actually killed Malganis! Um... this sword I recognize it! This is the famous enemy fencing! No wonder I felt a strong pressure when you appeared!"

Xu Feng smiled secretly in his heart, this is really the enemy fencing, defeat is the enemy fencing!

Enemy fencing has a suppressing effect on monsters, so when Xufeng rushed towards Smaug with an enemy fencing sword, Smaug felt it. If Xufeng didn’t fencing the enemy fencing, but instead held an ordinary long sword, then Smaug I'm afraid it may not react so quickly.

Did enemy fencing weaken Smaug?

Actually not.

Because the enemy fencing and other items are only level 55, such a level may have a little effect for a level 60 monster, but for a 65-level high lord level monster, it has no effect at all. Not only did it have no effect, but it also served as a warning to Lord Mowu.

But then again, if the student is only holding an ordinary sword, it is impossible to injure Smaug. Smaug will only react a little slower, but the final result will still react and use dragons. Wing blocked Xu Feng's surprise attack.

Xu Feng stabilized his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I just used this enemy fencing sword to kill Malganis."

Smaug sneered and said, "Do you think I am a bug lord like Malganis? Then you are so wrong! It seems that I slept for so long that the humans in this world are no longer afraid of me. Yes, then I will start by killing you, the Spider Lord conqueror."

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