Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1328

As he said, Smaug's dragon head leaned a little later, and his long neck attacked. It was a dragon's breath fire brewing in his throat. During the brewing process, the temperature of the entire Jinshan Hall was rising rapidly.

At this time, Bilbo found the heart of the mountain in a hurry, and he quickly yelled at Xufeng: "I found it! Let's retreat!"

Smaug looked back angrily, then screamed: "Thief! Everything here belongs to me! You can't take anything away!"

With that said, he was about to spray the fire of dragon's breath on Bilbo.

He is hundreds of meters away from Bilbo, but the power of the dragon's breath fire is enough to affect a fan-shaped range of 200 meters. Once he sprays the dragon's breath fire, Bilbo must be in disaster!

Xu Feng immediately shouted loudly: "Smaug, your opponent is me!"

With that, Xu Feng grabbed a gunpowder and threw it directly at Smaug's dragon mouth.

Chapter 440

Smaug didn't know what Xufeng threw over. The dragon's breath fire in his throat had continued to its extreme, so he sprayed the dragon's breath fire at the thing that Xufeng threw.

I want to play with the violent explosive that was originally concentrated. I was in contact with the dragon's breath fire of Smaug, so I didn't wait for Xufeng to detonate it with thoughts, and exploded directly in the dragon's breath fire!


A huge shock wave centered on the fire of the dragon's breath, exploding in all directions.

The entire Gushan Palace was shaking violently, and the huge Jinshan completely collapsed. Gold coins and treasures flowed to Xufeng like a mudslide.

Of course, the collapse of Jinshan also made Smaug somewhat unstable, and his huge dragon body was also struggling.

The temperature in the Jinshan Palace became extremely hot because of the dragon's breath fire just now, and the gold and silver treasures under his feet were also hot as fire.

Xu Feng hesitated for a moment, then fled towards the exit of Jinshan Palace.

He wanted to take advantage of Smaug's struggle to rush up to make up for it, because from a tactical point of view, it was indeed a very good opportunity, but in the end he endured it.

The saying goes well, but if you can't bear it, you will make big plans.

Compared with Smaug's current strength, Xu Feng's current strength is simply a world of difference.

Even if he could see Smaug's weakness, it would not be fatal.

Therefore, in this battle, he can get rid of Smaug and drive Smaug out of the Gushan Palace, which is considered a success.

Xufeng stepped on the hot gold coins and rushed towards the exit with an elegant body, while Smaug fanned the sky full of gold coins with his dragon wings, and smashed them towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng condensed her mind and activated the spirit wind crystal on her body to see if she avoided this rain of gold coins.

If there is no Elf Wind Crystal, Xu Feng is not sure to avoid this rain of gold coins.

When Xufeng rushed to the entrance intact, he heard the stairs behind him being smashed by the crazy rain of gold coins.

No matter how calm and calm Xu Feng was, she couldn't help feeling a little afraid at this time.

If it was even 0.01 second slower, he would probably be buried here.

Behind him came the roar of Smaug’s dragon, "Do you think I would not know this day? The king under the mountain has been killed by me, the entire lone mountain belongs to me, and everything in the mountain is mine. Yes! I eat its people like a wolf into a flock! I kill wantonly, and my dragon scales are as hard as iron. No sword or magic can hurt me!"

These words are quite arrogant, but to be honest, Smaug does have such arrogant capital.

Moreover, the most deadly thing is that these words do not lie in the content itself, but in the use of dragon roar for Maoge.

The roaring sound of the dragon's roar was transmitted to Xufeng's ears, which would make Xufeng's energy and blood surge, and he dared not use power anymore. Once Xufeng used power, the power in his body would eat back his body.

This is where Smaug is terrifying.

With his level and strength, he can completely crush any opponent below his actual level. No matter how much experience this opponent has, as long as his level is lower than Smaug, he will not be able to crack the dragon's roar.

Not to mention Xufeng, even if Thranduil Elf King is here, he may not dare to face Smaug's dragon roar directly!

Xufeng suddenly felt that his legs were soft and unable to run, his speed also slowed down. He could only rely on his instinct to continue running along the long passage.

In the middle of the passage, he saw a familiar figure, and that figure was holding a gem with a multicolored halo in his hand.

"Bilbo?" Xu Feng was taken aback: "What are you doing here? Run!"

Bilbo quickly said, "No, Diego, I can't leave you alone! Look, I found the heart of the mountain!"

Speaking of Bilbo, he handed the heart of the mountain to Xufeng.

This is a priceless treasure. Having the heart of this mountain is equivalent to owning the wealth of the entire world, and it can even be used to threaten the dwarves of the Lone Mountain!

But Bilbo is an unambitious person, he is not interested in wealth, he just wants to give the heart of the mountain to the safest person.

In his opinion, the safest person was definitely not Thorin, but the mercenary in front of him.

Xu Feng didn't refuse, but took the heart of the mountain range.

The dragon Smaug was chasing after them, and he had no spare time to talk to Bill.

"Run!" Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Smaug will be chasing here soon. Its dragon's breath fire can spray 200 meters. We must escape from here as soon as possible."

Bilbo said: "Let me run with you. The roar of the dragon will not affect me, because I am an incapable person. I only have the body skills you taught me and my own racial talent!"

Xu Feng was startled slightly, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, in this respect, you are better than all of us."

Bilbo supported Xufeng and dragged Xufeng forward quickly.

With Bilbo's help, Xufeng naturally improved his speed.

Bilbo's posture and position are completely derived from Xufeng, so their positions are exactly the same. When the two people work together, it is naturally seamless.

"Where can you escape? No matter how far you escape, you will eventually be reduced to ashes!" Smaug's Long Yin growled closer and closer.

The Hammer hiding on the floor below couldn't help being impatient. He turned his head and said to Thorin: "We have to save them!"

Thorin said coldly: "How can I help?"

The Hammer said: "At least I have to meet them!"

Thorin pursed his lips and said nothing.

Obviously, this is not in his plan. His plan is to just wait here. After the dragon Smaug rushes out, he will attract Smaug's attention, and then jump to the foundry shop and introduce Smaug into the foundry shop. in.

If he were to go to meet Xufeng and the others right now, it is very likely that he would not have the chance to run to the foundry, because the aisle was too long.

Although he also wanted to save Bilbo and Xufeng, the bigger idea in his mind was to kill Smaug and retake the Gushan Palace.

Therefore, he will not let go of any opportunity, nor will he care about any sacrifice, even if he sacrifices his comrades and conscience.

At this moment, his heart is as hard as iron.

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