Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1329

The hammer yelled angrily: "Sorin, you ungrateful fellow!"

After the roar, the hammer grabbed the silver fist hammer and quickly rushed to the direction of the passage.

She doesn't care about life and death!

Even if she died, she would die with Xufeng!

Seeing Hammer rushed to the side of the passage alone, Bahrain hurriedly shouted: "Ms. Hammer!"

But Hammer didn't have the time to respond to him.

Bahrain said bitterly to Thorin: "Sorin, you shouldn't do this, Lord Diego and Lord Bilbo are our benefactors! If you do this, you are really ungrateful!"

Thorin clenched his fist and said coldly: "I just want to take back our Lone Mountain Palace, I just want to restore our Lone Mountain Dwarf Royal Family. I know I did this wrong, but I would rather be scolded. To be ungrateful, you must also complete the great cause of recovering the dwarves of the Lone Mountain!"

Chapter 441: How Do You Want To Die?

Bahrain looked at Thorin with incredible eyes, and said sadly: "No, Thorin, you are no longer the Thorin I know. The Thorin I know will rush forward without hesitation and protect his friends!"

Thorin said coldly: "The Thorin you knew was a prince, but the Thorin you see now is a king."

To wear the crown must bear its weight!

If you don't harden your heart, how can you become a king?

The so-called kindness and kindness are all pretends, and any past is a lonely person who is not understood by the people!

Even if Thorin has not officially enthroned as the king, she has already felt this deeply.

Only one person can sit on that throne, so he is destined to be alone.

Bahrain looked at Thorin in amazement, as if this was the first time he had known him.

He watched Thorin grow up since he was a child. He thought he knew Thorin very well, but only now did he realize that he was so wrong.

Thorin was born a king, and he is not the king's elder, but the king's courtier.

Bahrain closed his eyes in pain, and sighed quietly.

At this time, the hammer had already rushed into the long passage. She had just ran two steps when she saw Bilbo rushing over with Xufeng.

Tie Hammer blinked in surprise, and then found that he was not mistaken. It was Bilbo who was supporting Xufeng, not Xufeng who was supporting Bilbo.

As soon as the hammer was about to speak, Xu Feng said eagerly: "Hurry up and get out of here! The roar of the dragon's roar will make you unable to exert any strength!"

Only then did Iron Hammer understand, and quickly turned and ran out of the passage.

The dragon Smaug chased into the passage with heavy steps. It opened its huge and smelly dragon mouth and said in a deep and shocking voice: "Where else can you escape? All of you must die!"

As he said, he took a deep breath, and a hot flame accumulated in the dragon's throat!

This is the fire of dragon's breath!

The fire of dragon's breath with dark magic power!

Iron Hammer heard Smaug's dragon roar, and immediately felt that her feet were soft. Fortunately, she was not far from the entrance of the passage, so she didn't have much effort, so she stumbled out of the passage.

At this time, Xu Feng and Bilbo also rushed out of the passage, and the dragon Smaug spit out a breath of fire.

The entire passage turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the scorching temperature instantly enveloped the entire lonely mountain.

Xu Feng shouted loudly with an iron hammer: "Silver fist hammer!"

The hammer woke up like a dream, and quickly raised his hand and threw the silver fist hammer to Xufeng.

Xufeng caught it, then withstood the scorching air wave, flashed to the entrance of the passage, and inserted the handle of the silver fist hammer between the gaps of the gold bricks.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng took advantage of the momentum to get out of the way, and at the same time shouted loudly at Smaug in the passage: "Smaug! Your dragon's breath fire is not violent enough! It seems that you have been sleeping for half a century, and your strength has deteriorated. Very serious! You are not even as good as that big spider Malganis!"


The dragon has always been the most arrogant creature. What's more, Smaug is the strongest among the dragons, and of course the only one at present. How could he allow a small human to say that he is very weak?

Smaug roared angrily: "Tiny human! I want you to pay for it! I want you to taste the real fear!"

With that said, Smaug once again condensed the dragon's breath fire, and then squirted fiercely towards the entrance of the passage!

Suddenly, the fierce dragon's breath fire spewed out from the entrance of the cave, like a huge tongue of fire, frantically licking everything around it.

Even if it is 100 meters away, you can feel the suffocating heat.

And Xufeng and the others are near the entrance of the cave!

The gold bricks under their feet almost melted!

Xufeng roared loudly: "You two go first! Bilbo, you take the hammer and go first!"

"Good!" Bilbo pulled the hammer by the arm and was about to leave.

But the hammer eagerly shouted: "No, I want to go with you!"

Xufeng frowned and shouted: "Be obedient! You go first. After the dragon's breath fires, I will go in and get the silver fist warhammer. If we can get the silver fist war hammer and we go together, then it will be too late! , None of us can go! You two go one step ahead and find Thorin!"

The hammer gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to find that ungrateful guy!"

Xu Feng shouted: "This is not the time to be angry! Obedient!"

Iron Fist clenched his fists helplessly, and then under the support of Bilbo, against the scorching heat wave, quickly ran towards Thorin and the others.

After the fire of dragon's breath calmed down a bit, Xu Feng stepped on the gold brick that was about to melt, and reached out to grab the quenched silver fist hammer.

After quenching and coating, the Silverfist Warhammer already has special effects that can be held at low levels.

However, when Xufeng's hand just touched the handle of the silver fist warhammer, he took a breath and eagerly retracted his hand!

So hot!

He almost forgot that this warhammer had just been tempered by the high temperature of Dragon's Breath Fire, and it was impossible to touch it with his hands in a short time.

However, if the warhammer is not taken away as soon as possible, the water will fall into Smaug's hands.

Smaug approached step by step, "Human, you dare to stay here, this is beyond my expectation. Oh, you are for this hammer! Well, I recognize it, this is the silver fist hammer! What a pity, what a pity, now this hammer is very hot, you can’t take it away! But there’s no such a pity, because no matter what hard work you make, you and your despicable children will be both today I will die here. I want you to know that Gushan belongs to Smaug, and no one can set foot here! Your death is the best warning to the world!"

With that, Smaug raised the dragon head, ready to spit at Xufeng again.

If this dragon's breath fire spit out, then Xu Feng will be inevitable, and will be instantly reduced to ashes by the dragon's breath fire.

Xufeng had an idea, and quickly said loudly: "Wait! Smaug! I have something to say!"

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