Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1330

Smaug grinned and said, "Want to delay time? Do you think I am a fool?"

Xufeng said loudly: "Of course you are not a fool, you are the strongest creature in the world! However, some people don't think so. These people think you can only use two tricks, one is the roar of the dragon and the other. The trick is the fire of dragon's breath! And a true strongest creature shouldn't only have these two tricks!"

Smaug was already preparing to spit out the flames in the dragon's throat, but when he heard Xu Feng's words, he forcibly suppressed the dragon's breath fire.

That's right, he had a chance to kill Xu Feng directly...

However, he was too conceited, and he wanted to prove himself too much.

"I am the most powerful creature in this world, there is no one!" Smaug said proudly: "Let's talk about it, man, how do you want to die?"

Chapter 442

Xufeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his agitation was working.

It was really a cut-off just now, if Smaug was not so conceited, then Xufeng would have been finished just now.

And the facts proved that Xu Feng was right again.

There is naturally a part of luck in this, but it is more about my own experience and strength, and my calm mentality that is not afraid of danger.

And these are the really powerful factors for Xufeng.

The real strong never only relies on physical fitness and skillful moves, but on having a big heart and a brain full of wisdom.

Xu Feng stabilized his mind a little, and said with a sneer, "Smaug, I admit that you are great, but the problem is that if you only rely on the fire of dragon's breath and the roar of dragons to deal with us, it will not prove that you are the best. Amazing creature, you have been asleep for half a century, and some people think that you can't flap your wings and are too fat to fly."

"What?" Smaug opened his dragon wings angrily. It was more than 30 meters long, and the two huge dragon wings stretched out, which was more than 30 meters long, which was very terrifying!

However, the width of this channel is only 20 meters, and the height is only 20 meters.

If such a passage is in other palaces, it must be very magnificent and extremely rare, but in the Gushan Palace, such passages can be seen everywhere.

This is also an important reason why Smaug liked the Gushan Palace.

Here, he can use gold and silver treasures as his own quilt, and these magnificent palaces as his own house.

To be honest, as a giant dragon, his body shape is very suitable for the Gushan Palace, but the builders of the Gushan Palace, that is, the group of dwarves, their height is only 1.6 meters, but they are I really like such magnificent and tall buildings, as if only such buildings can be worthy of their aura.

The 20-meter-square passage was absolutely magnificent for the dwarves of the Lone Mountain, but Smaug couldn't open his wings in the passage.

When he was struggling to open his wings and prepared to strike Xufeng with a dragon wing blow, his ease was stuck on the wall of melting gold bricks.

Smaug suddenly let out an violent growl, and he immediately realized that he had been fooled by Xufeng.

He just thought of using other tricks to kill Xufeng, but forgot to calculate the width of the passage, and Xufeng must have calculated the width of the passage early in the morning before daring to stand in front of him.

Xufeng quickly glanced at the Silver Fist Warhammer on the ground. At this time, the Silver Fist Warhammer had gradually cooled down, but it was still not the best time to pick it up.

Xu Feng immediately sneered at Smaug and said: "Haha, it seems that you are nothing more than that. Smaug, I guess you must be angry into anger in the next step, and then use the roar of dragon to frighten me, and then make up for the fire of dragon's breath? Hehe, you can really kill me, as easy as you crush an ant to death, but this also confirms what I just said, you have no other tricks besides these two tricks. , You are not the strongest creature in the world!"

To be honest, Smaug did spit out Xu Feng to death like a dragon's breath fire, but what Xu Feng said aroused Smaug's eagerness to win.

In his opinion, killing an ant is indeed too simple, and it is too boring, let alone prove anything, and what he has to do is to prove to the whole world that he is still the strongest and most powerful in the world. Fearful creatures!

Therefore, Smaug dispelled the idea of ​​spitting out Xufeng and said coldly in a low voice: "Human, do you want to play games with me? Do you want me to prove to you how good I am? You want to know How will I make this world scared? Okay! I will show it to you, and I will make you die convinced!"

With that said, his two dragon wings struggled on the wall!

The walls of this passage are all made of gold. After the high temperature of the dragon’s breath fire, the gold on the wall has already softened. In addition, Smaug’s strength is immense, so when he exerts force, the two roads can easily turn him to his side. The walls completely collapsed!

The wall of gold shattered into debris, crackling and falling to the floor.

The entire lonely mountain is also trembling here!

Such a tremor can be felt not only by Gushan, but also by Changhu Town, which is 30 kilometers away!

"He woke up."

The Emperor Xue who was sitting at Bud's house said lightly.

Bud's youngest son asked puzzledly: "Who woke up? Was it an earthquake just now?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "The dragon Smaug is awake."

Bud's youngest son exclaimed, "What? Does the dragon really exist? I thought the dragon Smaug was just a bedtime story to scare children who couldn't sleep!"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "No, Smaug is real, just like the gold and silver treasures in the Gushan Palace are real."

Lin Hai said in a deep voice, "Xuedi, what should we do now? Do you want to rescue Bud first?"

Bud's children were looking forward to it.

Xuedi said lightly: "Don't worry, we still have guests yet to come."

"Guest?" Bud's youngest son blinked. "What guest?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door was very urgent, it seemed that there was something very urgent.

Xuedi said lightly: "Look, say the guest, the guest is here. Yang Gong again, go open the door."

Gong Yang curled his lips again, "Why me?"

Xuedi said coldly: "Stop long-winded, if you continue to be so long-winded, you will never have the opportunity to do these things in the future."

Gong Yang quickly stood up again, walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Why are you?" Duke Yang looked at him again and couldn't help frowning and said: "Aren't you supposed to be eating big fish and meat at the mayor's house now? Why did you come here?"

"Captain Xuedi help!" Bofer didn't talk nonsense with Yang Gong, but shouted toward the room upstairs.

He knew that it was not Yang Gongzai who was here to open the door, but Xuedi, the captain of the mercenary team.

There were three dwarves beside him, none of them went to the Lonely Mountain with Thorin. One of them was Kili, who was injured by the arrow, and the other two were Feili and Groyin.

Feili is Kili’s cousin, and their relationship is very good. When Kili was injured, Feili would rather lose the first batch of the glory of entering the Gushan Palace, and stay with Kili’s side.

And Groin has some medical knowledge, so Thorin stayed to take care of Kelley...

Now, Kili has been tortured by the dark power in his body, and he has eaten up the powerful recovery pills that Xufeng gave him. It seems that he will not be able to support it, so Bofer and the others can only carry Kiliq Come to the Xuedi mercenary team for help.

They knew that at this time, only the Xuedi mercenary team could save Qili.

Chapter 443

"Go away! You are not welcome here!" Bud's youngest son said angrily, standing on the stairs.

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