Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1332

The hurricane-like easy blow instantly destroyed the entire passage, and Smaug was half buried under these golden bricks.

Of course, these golden bricks don't want to hurt Smaug's hard and invincible scales, but they really delayed Smaug's time.

And Xufeng ran desperately during this time, he could feel a scorching heat spreading on the crust of the chitin shell, but others firmly grasped the handle of the silver fist hammer.


After Xufeng ran over a corner, the hammer shouted loudly in front of him: "This way, come here!"

Xufeng immediately changed direction and ran in the direction of the hammer.

"Despicable human! You never want to run away from me!" Smaug growled, using his dragon wing claws to quickly crawl on the ruins of the passage.

Every step he took, the whole palace was banged by him.

After Smaug rushed over the corner, he saw a dwarf standing at the exit of the downward passage.

"Hmm!" Smaug took a deep breath, "I am familiar with the taste, this is the taste of the Oak Shield family! Oak Shield is the predator of the Gushan Palace! They are greedy and shameless, obviously they want to retake the Gushan Palace, but But sent a human and a hobbit!"

Thorin looked at Smaug's ugly reptile face, his heart pounding.

This was also the first time he faced Smaug head-on. His heart was full of fear, but he did not back down.

Only by defeating Smaug can he regain the Gushan and become the King of the Gushan.

Thorin said loudly to Smaug, "Come on! What are you waiting for! You ugly dragon! Today is your burial place!"

"Hahaha!" Smaug seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and couldn't help raising his head and laughing loudly.

His laughter was like thunder, and everyone who could hear him couldn't help but surging with blood and energy.

Smaug finished laughing, and said coldly: "The Oak Shield family is characterized by craziness and arrogance. It seems that you have inherited the genes of your ancestors very well, huh, I can also see that you came prepared. , But this is of no use, you will all die, regardless of you, the entire Middle-earth people will die, and darkness will surely come! Lord Morgoth’s will will run through the entire Middle-earth world!"

Thorin trembled in his heart, but still shouted to Smaug loudly: "Evil dragon! You are talking in a dream! Both you and your master are over! Now Middle-earth is controlled by the Alliance!"

"What a stupid dwarf!" Smaug sneered: "Do you think I just found a place to sleep casually? No, I'm waiting for the opportunity. Originally, this opportunity was not mature enough, but since you have already woken up. I am, then I will let the darkness come sooner!"

With that, the fire of dragon's breath was brewing in Smaug's dragon throat.

Thorin had already guarded this hand, and when he saw Smaug raise the dragon's head, he immediately jumped towards the foundry.

Smaug sprayed out the fire of dragon's breath, and almost the whole corner of the gold wall was melted.

"Want to run?" Smaug hurried to catch up.

Although the palace of the dwarves was already unusually large, it was still a bit inextricable for Smaug's huge 30-meter-long body.

Therefore, his pursuit speed is not too fast.

While chasing, he roared loudly with a roar of Dragon Yin: "Come out you little bugs, hiding like this is just a waste of everyone's time. I will find you sooner or later and kill you all! I want you I know that Lonely Mountain belongs to me, and the whole world belongs to the great Morgoth!"

Smaug's roar echoed throughout the lonely mountain.

Thorin, who had just jumped out of the foundry, was dizzy, and the others quickly supported him.

Thorin took a breath and said in a deep voice: "I'm fine... you are all in your place, ready to lead the dragon to the golden statue of the old King Thor."

"Yes..." The other dwarves took their place immediately, waiting for Smaug to rush into the foundry.

At this time, Xufeng Bilbo and Iron Hammer hid in a corner of the foundry.

Cao Xufeng, who was concerned by the hammer, asked, "Are you okay?"

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, and handed the silver fist hammer to the hammer.

The hammer turned out to be the Silver Fist Warhammer. He glanced blankly, and then at the crust of the chitinous shell on Xufeng's hand that had almost been burned through. After a while, the hammer's tears were about to shed.

Xufeng asked: "What's wrong? Did the quenching fail?"

The hammer shook his head and said with tears in his eyes: "No... very successful, because the position of the silver fist warhammer is exactly the position of the inner flame of the dragon's breath fire, and it is also the hottest position, so this quenching is very perfect."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Since it's perfect, you should be happy. Now you finally have a handy weapon."

The hammer said sadly: "But, for this weapon, I almost lost you..."

Xu Feng's heart warmed. It turned out that the hammer was so cute when he talked about love.

He smiled and said to the hammer: "You will never lose me."

Hammer blinked his eyes, "You promise?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I promise."

Chapter 445-The Battle of Long Lake Town

Just as Thorin introduced Smaug into the foundry, a group of orcs and wolf cavalry were quietly gathering outside of Long Lake Town.

Their movements are fast and extremely concealed. The guards guarding Long Lake Town are nothing more than mobs. These guards are good at suppressing inside, but they can't defend against foreign enemies.

The half-orcs and wolf cavalry have already entered the range of Long Lake Town, and the human guards have not realized the situation.

"Find the Dwarf Expedition." Polger said in a deep voice, "Kill all those who stop you."

"Yes!" The wolf cavalry started to act immediately.

A wolf yelled, and the battle began immediately.

Of course, it is not so much a battle as a massacre.

Wherever the wolf cavalry went, all the civilians fell like leeks, screaming and howling endlessly.

Many houses were also lit by the wolf cavalry, pretending to be the town of Long Lake.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" The mayor of Long Lake Town asked the mayor's money bag in a panic.

Tax official Alfred quickly reported: "My lord mayor! A group of orcs are raiding our Long Lake town!"

"What? Half-orcs?" The mayor of Moneybag shuddered with fright. "Why are half-orcs here?"

"This... I'm afraid I don't know." Alfred shrugged: "I guess it was probably the dwarf lords who brought it here. You know, half-orcs and lone mountain dwarves are deadly enemies.

The Mayor Qiandai said angrily: "I said long ago that those dwarves should not be helped, they are all disasters!"

Alfred murmured in his heart: "It is clear that you agreed to accept the dwarf, and you even held a farewell party for the dwarf!"

Of course, Alfred said, "Yes! Bud is blamed for this! Bud brought the dwarves into Long Lake Town!"

The mayor of Moneybag said in a loud voice: "After this is over, I must deal with Bud ruthlessly! Now, sound the horn and summon all the guards!"

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