Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1333

Alfred's heart trembled, "Do you want to fight with those half-orcs? Lord Mayor, those half-orcs are very strong! I saw with my own eyes a half-orc grabbing a teenage child with both hands. Pull, tear that kid in half!"

Such a cruel thing was naturally done by the orcs wolf cavalry, but when Alfred was talking about it, his heart was only full of fear, not the slightest anger, and he did not intend to do it at all. revenge.

After all, the child who was brutally killed was not his child.

In terms of his human nature, even his child, he just cries symbolically, and more importantly, he must protect his life.

The mayor of Moneybag gave Alfred a sullen look, and said coldly: "Of course I know how terrifying the wolf cavalry is. Our guards are all nepotism, except for weapons and armors in their hands. In fact, it’s no different from civilians! Of course, such a guard unit can’t fight against half-orcs and wolf cavalry! I want you to summon them just to let them transfer my property as soon as possible. Hope God bless the civilians. Hold the wolf cavalry a little longer so that the wolf cavalry will kill more happily, so that we have time to transfer all the gold and silver treasures in the entire basement!"

Alfred said quickly: "You are really too wise, Lord Mayor! I will call the guards!"

Speaking of Alfred, he ran out in a hurry, found a guard and sounded the assembly horn.

The residents of Changhu Town heard the rallying horns and thought that the guards were coming to help them, but they never thought that these guards were just going to help the mayor of the money bag transport gold and silver treasures.

For the mayor of Moneybag, human lives are not as valuable as gold.

And at this moment, Xuedi rushed out again with Lin Hai and Duke Yang, and joined the battle.

Xuedi rushed to the place with the most half-orcs and wolf cavalry, Lin Hai stood on the height of the house, and Yang Gongzai hid in a dark corner.

As for Bofer and other dwarves, they stayed in the room to protect and take care of the sleeping Kili and Bud's three children.

A wolf cavalry smashed the door of the room with a mace and rushed in. Groyin and Philip shot together and directly killed him in the living room.

The black blood of the wolf cavalry ran all over the ground, and Bud's two daughters hugged each other tightly, while Bud's youngest son stood there.

Their faces were pale and scared, but they did not scream or panic.

Obviously, they inherited Bud's bravery genes well.

If they were given a weapon each, they could even fight against half-orcs and wolf cavalry.

It is a pity that in the town of Changhu ruled by the mayor of Qiandai, the residents of Changhu Town cannot have weapons.

At this time, another large group of wolf cavalry rushed towards Bud's house.

Standing on a high place, Lin Hai immediately condensed his mind and summoned a magic blizzard.

The magic blizzard hit the wolf cavalry, and the speed of the orc wolf cavalry slowed down. At this time, the snow emperor held the sword of Borromir and slashed and killed the orcs who had been slowed down. !

Although Xuedi's offensive power is not strong, and the number of these wolf cavalry is very large, the special effect of the sword of Boromir is that the war is more brave!The more you hit Snow Emperor, the higher the defense value, and Lin Hai continued to use magic to attack the injured half-orc wolf cavalry, the advancing speed of the entire wolf cavalry team slowed down.

Standing far away, Polger frowned and shouted loudly, "Are you all rice buckets? If you can't even a small window shake, then all of you will die!"

As soon as the orcs wolf cavalry heard this, they immediately launched an attack frantically. Xuedi and Lin Hai had difficulty containing all the orcs wolf cavalry.

At this time, Polger also walked towards the Snow Emperor with a heavy mace.

The Emperor Xue immediately shouted: "Duke Yang, are you still alive?"

Gong Yang resignedly stood out from the corner, "I'm here, I'm here."

He drew out the Demon Cavern Sword in his hand, shrank and slashed towards the nearest wolf cavalry.

The wolf cavalry’s armor was cut open, but because Yang Gong’s strength was too small, he didn’t know how to use swords. He just relied on the sharpness of the Demon Cave Sword, so he didn’t really cut it. The wolf cavalry only left a small invisible wound on the wolf cavalry.

The attacked wolf cavalry was suddenly furious, and with an axe, he slashed on Yang Gongzai.

Duke Yang screamed again, and fell into a pool of blood.

The wolf cavalry sneered, and just about to turn his head and concentrate on trying to deal with the Xue Di, the snow-covered Duke Yang stood up trembling again, facing the wolf cavalry with another sword.

Chapter 446 Come, Hit Me!

The wolf cavalry had no idea that Duke Yang would continue to get up and give him a sword.

It stands to reason that this one is not too cruel, but because the wolf cavalry has no defense at all, this sword actually caused him to be injured.

The wolf cavalry roared in irritation, and savagely charged, as if Yang Gong rushed to the ground again, and then slashed Yang Gong Zai's neck with an axe.

Duke Yang screamed again, blood spurted out like a spring, and the whole scene was unbearable to look directly at.

As Yang Gongzai's comrades in arms, Xuedi and Lin Hai continued to fight the other wolf cavalry step by step, not caring about Yang Gongzai's tragedy at all, as if they had never had such a comrade.

Polger smiled coldly, "It seems that the guy who can hit the most has escaped, and the mobs who stay here are all mobs. Fortunately, I have no interest in the civilians in Long Lake Town. Wait until I kill you. After these stumbling blocks, go directly to the lone mountain to chase them!"

As he said, he jumped up suddenly, picked up a huge mace from mid-air, and smashed it towards Emperor Xue.

Snow Emperor stepped back calmly, raising his hand to block with the Boromir Sword.

Bolger's strength far surpassed the Snow Emperor by several times, but the Snow Emperor's defenses were extraordinary. In addition, the Boromir Sword in the Snow Emperor's hands was originally a defensive long sword.

Bolger’s mace hit the sword of Boromir, and Xuedi felt only a force like the sky was falling. It was almost impossible for her to support her whole body, but in the end, she still relied on the sword of Boromir. With his defensive ability, he abruptly took down Polger's attack!

Polger didn't get a hit, he bounced back, and stared at the Snow Emperor in amazement.

He didn't expect that this seemingly weak woman with a silver mask on her face would actually be able to hold his slam on the front.

And Xuedi felt sore in his arm at this time, and his heart was full of blood.

Polger's strength is really not normal, no wonder even Xufeng can't kill Polger, and can only find a way to escape from Polger.

It was already very reluctant to carry it hard just now, and the defensive layer of the Boromir Sword was basically destroyed by that one. If it continues like this, I am afraid it will really be folded here.

Polger took a deep breath, picked up the mace again, and slammed it on the ground.

The whole Changhu Town trembles slightly.

All wooden houses are crumbling!

With a roar, Polger rushed towards the Snow Emperor.

At this moment, Duke Yang staggered to his feet again and walked to Polger's attack line.

"Looking for death!" Polger slammed into Yang Gongzai's body, piercing Yang Gongzai's heart with the handle of his mace!

The tip of the hammer handle was an unusually sharp spearhead. The hammer handle spearhead pierced Gongzai Yang's body and was directly taken into the air by Polger, and then he was slammed three times in the air by Polger. Can break bones!

Then, Polger stepped on Yang Gongzai's body and landed heavily!

The whole ground is shaking!

Duke Yang is bloodless again, he is not a man!

Polger kicked Yang Gongzai away from his body, and sneered: "It's really overkill. It seems that your mercenary team, the guy named Diego, can fight me!"

He drew a step forward, and just about to continue his hands, he saw the unman-shaped Duke Yang holding the magic cave sword again, and continued to stagger to his feet, while a wolf cavalry on the other side fell over. Ground, no sound.

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