Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1334

Polger was taken aback, and then he suddenly realized: "Um... Demon Cavern Sword! That's it! No wonder you can't kill you! It's not how strong you are, but you transferred all the damage to another target. , If I hit you, I'm hitting my own wolf cavalry!"

Gong Yang grinned again: "Come on, you hit me, you hit me!"

There was a humble smell all over his body, and even his teammates Xuedi and Lin Hai couldn't help but want to punch him twice.

Polger sneered coldly, "You're just a nameless guy, you don't need me to do it! You guys, surround him, tie him up with a rope, and then throw him into the lake to drown! I fell. Let's see how his Demon Cavern Sword can work!"

"I rely on..." Duke Yang was shocked again, "Sister Xuedi! Uncle Lin Hai! Save me! I don't want to be drowned!"

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "You can figure it out by yourself, we also have some pressure here!"

Polger sneered coldly, "You don't have to think of a solution, you will all die soon! You are that guy's teammates, if you kill you, he will be very heartbroken! Great, I just want to make him feel bad! Wait! After I kill you, I will cut off your heads and tie them to my belt, so that when I reach the Lonely Mountain, I can show him these trophies of mine!"

Snow Emperor's heart sank, and he firmly grasped the Boromir Sword in his hand, putting on a defensive posture.

Polger rounded up the huge mace and rushed towards the Snow Emperor fiercely.

The mace slammed on the sword of Borromir, Bolger did not retreat, but Xuedi was shaken back by three steps!

Before the Snow Emperor could gain a foothold, Polger raised his mace again, and smashed it with a set of triple blows.

"Xue Di be careful!"

Lin Hai shouted while condensing his mind, condensing a magical barrier in front of Emperor Xue.

This magic barrier glowed with blue light, although it could not play an absolute defensive role, it also blocked part of the damage for Xue Dige.

The first attack in the triple slam hit the magic barrier heavily, smashing the magic barrier directly, but the power of the first attack was also removed.

The Snow Emperor took a deep breath, squeezed Boromir's sword with both hands, and used the Boromir's sword to block the second and third attacks of the three league level.

Under Bolger's violent attack, Xuedi was very difficult to support, and the second attack blasted her back five steps. Her whole body was unstable and she fell heavily to the ground.

Polger didn't stop, his third attack smashed into the head of Xuedi!

And at this moment, a silver light shot from a far distance directly hit his mace!

His mace immediately demanded an angle, and slammed on Xue Di's side fiercely!

Xuedi took advantage of the momentum to roll, and quite embarrassed to avoid Polger's fatal blow!

Although a little embarrassed, but somehow saved his life...

Polger looked angrily in the direction where the sunlight came from, and saw a long figure standing on the high roof. Next to that figure was the moon emitting a gentle light.

"It's the wood elves again..." Polger gritted his teeth angrily and shouted at his men, "What are you waiting for? Kill him for me!"

Chapter 447

The orcs and wolf cavalry immediately rushed towards Prince Legolas...

Prince Legolas was not afraid of any fear. The elven longbow in his hand continuously shot out silver arrows, and each arrow could penetrate the body of an orc wolf cavalry.

Suddenly, silver light flies, black...

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 447 vs. Polger

Chapter 448

Seeing Polger take the remnants of the orcs and wolf cavalry to leave, Prince Legolas frowned and wanted to chase him.

As a proud elven race, Prince Legolas is absolutely not allowed to be trampled by a group of dirty orcs near their territory!

"Don't chase the poor!" Xuedi said in a deep voice.

Prince Glass turned his head coldly and looked at Emperor Xue with contempt, "Human, you have no right to order me what to do!"

Xuedi said coldly: "I didn't order you, but in this case, it's too dangerous for you to chase by yourself. It's better to stay and make a long-term plan."

Legolas said coldly: "Who is the long-term plan? With you? Huh, don't forget, you guys were beaten by the orcs just now and were so helpless to fight back. You almost wiped out your army here. With your strengths, even if I want to take a long-term plan, I won’t follow your long-term plan. Tao Ruier, follow me."

Taurier's body moved slightly.

Obviously, as the deputy captain of the Elf Guard, she has long been accustomed to obeying Legolas, but when she thought of what King Thranduil had said to her, she was cruel in an instant!

"No, Legolas, I will not go with you. I came out this time to capture all the dwarf expeditions and wash my innocence. If you want to chase the orcs and wolf cavalry, then you go by yourself. Right."

Legolas' eyes widened in astonishment, he couldn't believe Taurier could say such a thing to him.

But now the time to chase the orcs wolf cavalry is fleeting, Makarus doesn't want to delay, he then sighs faintly, "Well, then you will stay here first, and I will come back to find you."

As he said, he leaped suddenly, chasing the wreckage of wood and floating ice in the long lake in the direction of the orc wolf cavalry.

"His Royal Highness... is really a tiger." Lin Hai helped Yang Duke covered in blood and walked over.

Tauriel said coldly: "Human mercenaries, I admire your courage to fight against the orcs wolf cavalry, but if you are insulting Prince Legolas, I will not let you go. "

Xuedi said lightly: "Don't be angry with Tauriel, we are not talking bad about Legolas, we are just saying that Legolas is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers."

Haha Taurier blinked, then nodded, "Well, I believe you are not malicious."

Xuedi turned his head and asked Yang Gong again: "How are you?"

Duke Yang smiled bitterly again and said, "I'm dying, Sister Xuedi!"

Lin Hai smiled and said: "It's okay, he can't die. I have fed him a powerful recovery pill just now."

Xuedi nodded, "Well, that's good... Let's go see Bud's children and Kili and them."

Taurier frowned: "Keili? Is he okay?"

Xuedi shook his head, "No, he is not good. He has a poisonous arrow with dark magic in his thigh. Now the toxin has been removed but the dark magic cannot be eradicated. We can only try our best to maintain his life. He is suffering, but I am afraid that this kind of maintenance will not last long."

Tao Ruier said quickly: "Take me to see him."

Xuedi said, "Come with me."

They put away their weapons and returned to Bud's house.

Bud's youngest son hurriedly opened the broken door and let them inside.

In this battle, the 2nd floor was already dilapidated, and Kellett was moved to the corner of the 1st floor, which was dark and damp, but relatively safe.

Tao Ruier saw Kili Ping lying on a table, immediately rushed up, and whispered: "Kili! Kili!"

Philip next to him shook his head, crying and said, "He...I'm afraid he is going to die."

Tao Ruier touched Qili's pulse and found that Qili's pulse was very weak.

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