Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1335

Fei Li said: "We have given Qi Li the powerful healing potion and moon sleep tea. It stands to reason that Qi Li should wake up within two hours, but now it has been more than two hours, and he I still haven't recovered, I'm afraid..."

Tauriel checked Kili's wound calmly, and then said in a deep voice: "This dark magic can be solved by our elves!"

Philip suddenly widened his eyes and asked in horror: "What did you say? Can you save Qili? Can you really save Qili?"

Tauriel took a deep breath, "I am not too sure, after all, although I am 1,000 years old, my elves are not strong enough as experience, and the darkness in this magical power Magic, this is based on the magic of our elves."

Groyin on the side couldn't help frowning, "Wait, the magic in Kili is transformed by your elves magic?"

Taurier nodded, "You should know that the predecessors of the orcs are actually the elves, so it is not surprising that they understand the magic of the elves. Of course, they abandoned the form of the elves. They can’t use the magic of the elves, so they can only improve these magics into more despicable dark magic, but anyway, this kind of dark magic is actually the same as the magic of the elves, so theoretically, I can save the strange force."

Philip said quickly: "Then what are you waiting for, you hurry up and save him."

Tao Ruier frowned hesitantly.

Groyin immediately said: "Oh, I see, you must want money, don't you? Don't worry, as long as you can save Kellett, there is no problem with what payment you want! Thorin has already entered. In the Gushan Palace, as long as he gets the heart of the mountains, he will be the rightful King of the Gushan, and all other tribes will be under his command. More importantly, Thorin has no blood heirs. The Gushan Dwarf Dynasty The first heir in the line is Kellett! Then it is Philly, they are Thorin’s nephews! In other words, as long as you can save Kellett, you can get whatever reward you want!"

Taurier shook his head, "No, the identity and blood of your dwarves are meaningless to me. They are actually my friends, so I really want to save him, but this dark magic has already invaded him. If you want to get rid of these dark magics, I am afraid that it will also affect his body, plus I have never tried this, so I am worried that I am not saving him but speeding up his death."

Groyin quickly said: "That's not good! If Kili dies because of you, you must bear the consequences! He is our royal blood!"

Xuedi said coldly: "You said that, so that Tao Ruier was not allowed to save Kellie? Would you just let Kellie lie here and wait for death to make you happy?"

Groyin quickly closed his mouth.

Xuedi turned to Tao Ruier and said, "Let's do it, if you don't do it, Kellett will definitely die, and if you let it go, Kellett may still have a chance to live."

Chapter 449 Moonlight Flower

Taurier nodded slightly.

She actually didn't care about what Groyin said, all she cared about was whether she could save Kili.

"I need a clean copper basin, and there must be clean water in the copper basin. I also need you to move Kiri to a place where it can shine in the moonlight. I also need a small white flower that can bloom in the moonlight. "

"A small white flower that can bloom in the moonlight?" Bofer couldn't help frowning, "What is that?"

"In our Elvish language, it’s Yilanssa. If translated into Common, it’s probably the Moonlight Flower. I don’t know how you call this flower, or whether there is such a flower here, but it’s here. The capital of our woodland kingdom is open everywhere.” Tao Ruier replied.

Ge Luoyin quickly said, "Then we should go back to your woodland kingdom capital to get some flowers!"

Taurier sighed and shook his head: "The King Slendil ordered that the capital of the wood elves has been closed, and no one can enter. Even if I can enter, I will be locked up for hundreds of years."

Beauver smacked his lips and said sourly: "Oh my God, for hundreds of years, don't you elves think life is a boring thing?"

Philip said eagerly: "Is there any other place like this kind of flower?"

Tao Ruier said: "I don't know this."

Philip asked, "What are the characteristics of this flower?"

Tao Ruier quickly said: "This flower is very recognizable. Its leaves are very long and the petals are very small and white. It blooms only at night when there is moonlight. The shape of the leaves is like a crescent moon.

Bofer said immediately: "Wait! I seem to have seen this kind of flower you mentioned somewhere!"

"If you are talking about outside of Long Lake Town, then there is no need to say it." Philip sighed helplessly, "Keili's life is afraid that we can't keep us going outside to find that kind of flower."

Beauver waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I'm the kind of flower I saw recently!"

"In Long Lake Town?" Philip asked in surprise.

Pover nodded, "Yes, it's in Long Lake Town, and it should have been seen when I was drunk last night."

Philip asked, "Where did you go when you were drunk?"

Beauver thought for a while, “We ate, drank and slept in the mayor’s big house last night. When I was drunk, I opened the door and walked out, then turned left and right, then I Just... Um! I remembered! Pigpen! Yes, I can't be wrong when I see those flowers next to the pigpen!"

Philip said quickly: "Go, take me to find!"

Tao Ruier said: "You have to be as soon as possible!"

Xuedi said: "Philip, you stay here, I will go with Bofer."

Philip said quickly: "That's good, then I beg you."

Xuedi nodded and took Bofer out of the room.

The two soon came to the mayor's big house.

At this time, the door of the mayor's big house was closed tightly, and guards holding bows and arrows stood on the surrounding 4 arrow towers, which was as tight as a military fortress.

"Hey!" one of the guards shouted from the arrow tower: "This is the residence of Lord Mayor. You can't stay here. Go away quickly, otherwise you will kill it."

Bofer said quickly and loudly: "It's me! I'm a member of the Dwarf Expedition! It's your mayor's guest!"

The guard sneered, "Guest? What guest! You brought the wolf cavalry here! Our lord mayor hates you and hates you so much, so quickly go away, or I will really shoot arrows!"

"You! How can you turn your face faster than a book? There is an agreement between us!" Boffer shouted angrily.

The guard said coldly: "I don't know what agreement or agreement is not. In short, the order given to me by these two great men is that no matter who is near here, he will kill him."

"You..." Bofer said helplessly to Emperor Chaoxue: "Ms. Xuedi, what do you think we should do now?"

Xuedi asked faintly: "Where is the pigpen?"

Bofer pointed to the gate, "It's inside the mayor's house. The mayor's house is very big. The pigs in the town belong to the mayor."

Xuedi asked: "So, that kind of flower is only in the mayor's house?"

Bofer nodded helplessly.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Then it's easy."

As he said, Xuedi slowly drew out the sword of Borromir.

The guards on the arrow tower immediately filled their long bows.

"If we get closer, we really want to shoot arrows!"

Xuedi smiled coldly, raised the Boromir sword high, and said coldly: "This sword has just fought against the Orcs, and it also repelled Bolger's attack. When Grid and the Orcs attacked Long Lake Town, you didn’t even shoot an arrow, because you were afraid of Polger and those Orcs. Now you are holding your bow and arrows at me. You have never been afraid of me at all. Come on, if I can draw a tie with Polger and the Orcs, then you should be afraid of me. I put my words here, if you dare to shoot me with an arrow, I will kill you 10, not to say nothing Preliminary."

With that, Xuedi stepped towards the mayor's gate.

She was within range of the guards, but the guards were all trembling at what she said.

Xuedi walked to the front of the gate in this way, and then opened the closed gate with a sword!

"What's the matter!" Taxation officer Alfred walked out of the mayor's hall angrily, "Didn't you say you want to kill it! Why let..."

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