Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1336

Before he finished speaking, he saw the Snow Emperor holding the sword of Boromir.

He immediately retracted the second half of his words, and then said with a smile on his face: "So it's you? I thought it was a half-orc wolf cavalry!"

Xuedi ignored Alfred’s compliments and asked coldly: "Where is the pigpen?"

"Pigpen?" Alfred thought he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, take me to the pigsty." Xuedi said coldly.

Alfred shivered and said quickly: "The Lord Mayor still needs me..."

The Snow Emperor put the sword of Borromir on Alfred's neck, "Need it?"

Alfred quivered and said: "No, I don't care if he needs me, I will take you to the pigsty!"

With that said, Alfred led Xuedi and Bofer around the mayor's backyard with a horror, and found the smelly pigsty.

"Yes! It's here!" Poverty rushed forward eagerly, ignoring the smell of the pigsty.

Soon, he found a small white flower with Mochizuki leaves in a crack in the wall of the pigpen.

This is the flower of moonlight!

Alfred breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, it turns out that the two are here to find flowers! This kind of flowers are very common in pigsty, so I will look for them slowly. I'll go ahead if I have something..."

"Come back." Xuedi said coldly: "Don't you say this kind of thing is very common, go in and get me ten more!"

Chapter 450 Killing Smaug?

Alfred complained endlessly, but he didn't dare to resist Xuedi at all. He could only pinch his nose and walk into the pigpen carefully, looking for the little white flowers with crescent leaves.

After a few minutes, they gathered all the flowers together.

Coupled with Bofer's hand, it was enough to heal the magic power.

"Let's go." Xuedi ignored Alfred and left with Bofer and Crescent Moon Xiaohua.

Alfred looked at their backs and gritted his teeth angrily, but he was helpless.

After all, their strength is very strong, and they also blocked the orcs attack just now.

Xuedi and Bofer left the mayor's house unimpeded, and then followed the path on the roof to quickly return to Bud's house.

"Have you found it?" Philip asked with concern.

"Found it! Found it!" Bofer handed Tao Ruier a large handful of crescent moon flowers, "Look, is it this kind of flower!"

Taurier recognized it carefully, "Yes, this is the flower!"

She didn't say anything, it was as if all the flowers of the crescent moon florets were picked off, then rubbed them with her hands and sent them into Kili's mouth.

Boff opened his mouth. He wanted to tell Taurier that these florets were picked from the pigpen and should be cleaned before use, but it is clear that time is the most precious now.

Boff said nothing more.

After Taurel stuffed the small flower into his mouth, he smashed the meniscus leaves and applied the green grass juice to the wound on Kili's leg.

Then Taurier slowly closed his eyes, folded his hands, pressed Kili's heart, and then chanted a wizard spell loudly.

The roof has been chipped away, and the silver moonlight slowly spilled down, still on Tauriel's body.

Tao Ruier was full of light, like a fairy.

Bud's daughters had their eyes widened, and the dwarves took a deep breath.

This is the first time they have seen elves use healing magic.

The elves are the most amazing race in Middle-earth. Each of them has magical talents. Of course, not any elves can use healing magic.

The most representative elves who can use healing magic is King Baieron.

If King Elrond was here, there might be no need to use herbs at all, just a light touch of Qi Li, Qi Li can be restored.

Will's mantra was recited for a long time, and the brilliance of the moon condensed on him for a long time. When she finally opened her eyes, the brilliance of the moon was sent to Kili's chest through his hands.

Kili's face suddenly twisted, and then, Kili grabbed the bedside, turned over and vomited.

He spit out bites of black blood, and the whole room was filled with sour smell.

After he finally vomited, he lay on the bed tiredly, gasping for breath.

Philip was so happy that he almost cried. He hurriedly took out his handkerchief and wiped the black blood from the corner of Kili's mouth.

Bud's daughters quickly ran to get water for Kellett to drink.

Tao Ruier felt Qili's pulse, and he was relieved to make sure that Qili was fine.

When she was about to pull her hand away, Kili grabbed his hand in his hand.

"I must be dreaming... I dreamt that you saved me..." Kili looked at Tao Ruier affectionately.

Taurier didn't know how to answer for a while.

She saved Qili for no other reason, she just felt that Qili shouldn't die like this, not to mention that she didn't pay any price.

Qi Li smiled and said: "I know that an elf like you will not like me, but in a dream? In a dream, maybe you will like me. I hope to keep this dream. , Never wake up."

Philip said quickly, "Kichili, my good brother, you can't talk much now, close your eyes and take a break."

Kili was dizzy, and soon closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Taurier broke away from Kellie's hands and walked outside the house, staring at the cold lake in a daze.

At this time, another rumbling tremor came from the direction of Gushan.

The battle between the dwarves and Smaug has just begun.

Thorin tried his best to lead Smaug to the old King Thor's statue mold.

The statue is more than 50 meters high and looks even bigger than Smaug.

Thorin stood on the shoulders of this statue, feeling like he was standing on the shoulders of a giant.

Smaug rushed to the statue and said with a sneer: "Solin Oak Shield, you have nowhere to escape. To be honest, I know you are here to get the heart of the mountain. I can't help but want to The heart is given to you, just to see how you are like your ancestors, corrupted by infinite power and wealth, and become greedy and crazy. But no, I know the result. It’s a boring thing to watch this process again, so forget it. I would rather sleep for another 50 years, and then when everything is ready, I’m making the world burn. So now, I’ll just Kill all of you intruders! I want to announce to the world that I, Smaug, are the real master here!"

With that, Smaug condensed the fire of dragon's breath and spit out at Thorin!

Thorin yelled: "Devarin!"

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