Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1337

"Understood!" Dewalin, who was hiding behind the statue, picked up a big axe and chopped off the cast protection layer that was hooped outside the huge statue.

The protective cover was cracked layer by layer, and the golden water that had just been heated by the foundry spewed out. Thousands of tons of golden water rushed to Smaug in a scorching heat wave!

Smaug suddenly exclaimed, waving his wings to escape, but the gold was completely submerged by water in an instant!

The golden water rushed out of a huge golden pool, and Smaug was completely submerged in the golden water, and there was no movement for a long time.

Bahrain couldn't help but asked excitedly: "We succeeded? Did we kill Smaug?"

The others also raised their arms excitedly.

Thorin stood on the shoulder of the high casting mold, looking down at everything in the workshop with a slight arrogance.

From now on, it will not only be the king, but he will also have the title of a dragon slayer.

In the history of Middle-earth, there will be his rich and colorful strokes. Not only the seven dwarves, but also the humans, and even the elves, will worship him!

The great King Thorin!

Thorin's gaze became more arrogant, just like Xu Feng's time, not as respectful as before.

Bilbo was a little annoyed, "This guy... really bad-hearted!"

And at this moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the huge golden pond!

First was a wing covered with gold, then the entire huge dragon body, and then, Smaug's tail also struggled out of the golden water!

Chapter 451-Battle with Smaug

The hot golden water splashed out immediately, and as Smaug opened his wings and flew into the air, countless hot golden water hit the dwarf expedition team and Xufeng and others like raindrops.

The dwarves immediately hid behind the casting mold, and Xu Feng's eyes were quick, and he grabbed Bilbo and the hammer who were still in a daze, and brought him and the hammer to a safe area.

Bilbo drew a breath of heat, "Thank you, it's good to have you this time, otherwise, I would be burnt to death!"

The hammer couldn't help but squeezed the silver fist hammer in his hand. "This Smaug is too strong, isn't it that such hot golden water can't kill him?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "This is also expected. Smaug was originally a fire-breathing dragon. The dragon's breath fire from it is hotter than the hottest magma, so how could he worry about the golden water in the casting workshop? ?"

Bilbo said: "I don't know why, I actually hope that Smaug can defeat the dwarf, although I know I shouldn't think so."

Hammer smiled and said, "I think the same as you."

At this time, I heard Smaug roar with the sound of dragons: "Come out, you despicable fellows! You still want to burn me with golden water? Don't you know how strong my dragon scales are? Hahahahaha, What a group of overpowering guys! I, Smaug, have experienced two wars of the centuries, so many Middle-earth heroes have died in front of me, just because of you guys, do you want to kill me! You are too self-conscious I can do it!"

The dwarf expedition team all hid behind the casting mold, and did not dare to breathe.

They have nowhere to escape, their speed is much slower than Smaug, no matter where they run, Smaug will be sprayed to death by the fire of dragon's breath.

However, if it does not run, the casting mold will sooner or later be unable to stop the fire of dragon's breath.

Thorin sighed quietly, his heart full of regret.

Just now, he was still daydreaming that he could kill Smaug and become the Dragon Slaying King, but now, he was forced by Smaug to have nowhere to go, so he could only hide here and wait for death.

Seeing Smaug fly in front of the casting mold, Xu Feng said in a deep voice to Billbo and Hammer: "You two are waiting here, don't come out."

The hammer frowned and said, "No, I want to be with you!"

Xufeng pressed the hammer's shoulder, "Observe, I will be fine, you stay here to protect Bilbo."

Tiezui bit his lip helplessly, "Well, then you have to be careful."

Xu Feng gave a hum, and jumped out from the hidden spot.

To be honest, he didn't want to save Thorin and other Lone Mountain dwarves, but their reward mission this time was still to protect Thorin and Bilbo's safety and defeat the mighty Smaug.

If he blindly hides in a hidden spot, he will not be able to complete this reward task, so all their efforts in the first and second phases will be in vain.

Therefore, at this time, he must stand up.

"Smaug!" Xu Feng shouted loudly, "Hey, the big bat spirit, I am here!"

Smaug had already locked the target behind the casting mold, but when he heard Xufeng calling him the big bat spirit behind him, he turned his head angrily and glared at Xufeng.

"Human! It's you again!" Smaug roared with Long Yin.

Xu Feng resisted all the physical discomforts and laughed loudly: "I said, Smaug, you don't deserve to be the most powerful creature in Middle-earth. In addition to roaring with dragons and the fire of dragon's breath, There are no other tricks at all, and the strongest in our Middle-earth Alliance is Galadriel, the elf queen of the Golden Forest! She has countless ways to deal with you!"

"Galadriel!" Smaug roared angrily: "That woman is not worth mentioning. I have fought her many times before, and he can't beat me at all! I am the strongest!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "No, she is just not interested in killing you. You said he didn't defeat you, but you also didn't defeat her?"

Smaug yelled angrily, "Wait until I kill you, then find another chance to kill her!"

Xufeng smiled coldly: "I think you can bully young people like us. Even if you kill us today, people in Middle-earth will not regard you as the most powerful creature in this world. ,unless……"

Smaug asked, "Unless something!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Unless we have a fair match."

Smaug rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "Hahaha, kid, do you want to play tricks with me? You want to go on the excuse of a fair trial and find a chance to escape secretly, right?"

Xufeng smiled, "If it is really the most powerful creature in this world, how can I escape from your palm? You don't even have this confidence, how can you be the most powerful creature in this world? What?"

Smaug was taken aback for a moment, and then said coldly: "What you said is right. You are all prey to my mouth. I am not worried that you can escape from the palm of my hand. It just happens that I just wake up and feel that Boring, so good, just say it, unless anything, can the people of Middle-earth recognize me as the strongest creature?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Actually, it's very simple, just play with me."

"Competing with you?" Smaug suddenly laughed. "Human, what are you, so why should I win the match with you to become the most powerful creature in the world?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "In the entire Middle-earth world, I am the strongest person in the younger generation. This is not my boast. If you don't believe me, you can ask Thorin."

Thorin took a deep breath and slowly walked out from behind the casting mold, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, he is the strongest. He can fight thousands of half-orcs and wolf cavalry by himself!"

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is not too exaggerated.

Xufeng again revealed the dark elf ring in his hand and the enemy fencing, "Have you seen these two things? This is evidence that Middle-earth recognizes my strength and status! In addition, Malganis’ feet are also with me. On the body, I killed Malganis, and the people in Middle-earth admired me very much."

Smaug's eyes lit up, "No wonder you are such a difficult person, so to speak, as long as I kill you, I will be the strongest in the world!"

Xufeng waved his hand quickly, "No, I just said that I can only be regarded as the strongest among the younger generation, but not the strongest in the world. You kill me, you can only prove that you are better than me, but It doesn’t prove that you are the strongest creature in this world. If you want to prove that you are stronger than me, then you can just eat me, but if you want to prove that you are the strongest creature in this world, then it should be fair. Try it with me."

Smaug frowned and asked, "How do you want to compete?"

Chapter 452 You Are Lost!

"It's very simple, we are competing on a fair platform."

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