Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1339

Xufeng had to resist the backward thrust of the hurricane while also avoiding these hot golden water raindrops, so as not to be hit by the rain and hurt him.

The hammer yelled angrily: "Smaug, you despicable fellow!"

Smaug laughed wildly, and laughed arrogantly: "Human, you wouldn't even be unable to overcome this difficulty, right? If you can't even pass this difficulty, then we won't have to compare later, I think you can surrender early! "

Xu Feng did not answer, but concentrated on using his crane body and gossip swimming dragon body to drift back and forth on the unstable clear water pond.

His speed is very fast and his mentality is very stable.

There were several drops of golden water that were rolled up and rubbed his body, but he was finally avoided.

After avoiding these water droplets, Xu Feng sprinted quickly, and the effect of the Fairy Wind Crystal reached its limit.

Smaug only saw a golden light and shadow passing in front of him, but when he reacted, Xufeng had already rushed up the stairs of the foundry.

Smaug roared angrily, flapped his huge wings, and hurriedly chased Xufeng. While chasing, Smaug also roared at Xufeng with a dragon roar, "Human, you are completely futile! You cannot win! Humans cannot win the dragon! You are nothing!"

The horror of these words was not in Smaug's threatening tone, but in the effect of Dragon's roar.

The effect of the dragon's roar can collapse all the accumulated power.

However, Xufeng was prepared for this.

The reason why he proposed competition speed instead of competition strength was Smaug's hand.

Xufeng knows how to move the crane and gossip, so in terms of speed, it is almost unnecessary to accumulate strength.

Therefore, the influence of Longyin's roar on him is relatively small.

Xufeng only felt that his legs were a little soft, and his speed was slightly slowed down, but when the effect of the dragon's roar disappeared, his speed had been restored.

In less than 5 seconds, he passed the upward steps and entered the upper level of the foundry, leaving Smaug behind.

Smaug suddenly became a little angry. He never expected that his dragon's roar would actually be ineffective against Xufeng. This showed that Xufeng was completely relying on his body to compete with him.

If Smaug couldn't even beat Xufeng's body skills, then it really wasn't the most powerful creature in Middle-earth.

Smaug let out an angry growl, then puffed up the dragon's wings and continued to pursue him.

His figure is huge and it seems a bit clumsy, but in fact, his speed is definitely not slow.

Especially with the help of his pair of huge dragon wings, his speed is even faster.

Each time the dragon wings flapped, Smaug could fly hundreds of meters away.

And he flapped the dragon's wings once, and it only took two seconds at most.

This is several times faster than Xu Feng's speed!

Therefore, in theory, Xufeng's speed is absolutely impossible to match the speed of Maoge.

However, theory is only theory.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The upper layer of the foundry is the channel layer.

These passages are very grand, but for Smaug, these passages are like a cage that confines him. His large dragon wings can't be deployed.

If you want to move fast in the channel, there are only two ways.

Either he will destroy all the passages here, or he will crawl on all fours like an animal.

With Smaug's strength, he could of course destroy all the passages, but the problem is that if it comes down that way, it will probably take longer than the time to crawl.

What is more troublesome is that the top floor of this passage is the Jinshan Hall.

If all these passages are destroyed, the hall full of Jinshan may lose its support and balance, and the entire Jinshan hall will collapse.

Smaug is a wise monster. He naturally knew that if the Jinshan Hall collapsed, then the entire Lonely Mountain would also be destroyed.

He likes the place of Gushan. He regards Gushan as his lair. He never wants to destroy his lair of future life because of a game.

Therefore, Smaug could only grit his teeth, gather his dragon wings, and crawl on the floor of the passage like an animal.

Although his speed is fast, crawling is not his advantage.

Therefore, when Xufeng had passed through this passage and entered the Jinshan Hall, Smaug was still stuck in the middle of the passage.

Smaug originally had an absolute speed advantage, but now he lags far behind Xufeng.

This made him feel very anxious.

But Xu Feng didn't have any hesitation or stay. He continued to use the Fairy Wind Crystal to quickly cross the Jinshan and rush towards a higher level.

Chapter 454 What Did We Do...

Smaug pursued desperately, but in a relatively narrow passage, its wings could not give full play to its due advantage.

However, Xu Feng could travel back and forth between the tedious palace gaps with his flexible body skills.

Smaug became more and more irritable, constantly making harsh dragon roars, and constantly spitting out the hot dragon's breath fire, but these were meaningless.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Feng had already passed through the Jinshan Hall and entered the upper floor of the Gushan Palace.

But Smaug fluttered his wings vigorously, trying to catch up with Xu Feng.

In the northeast corner of the Jinshan Hall, there is an obvious hole.

Smaug could fly over the ceiling hole without going through the stairway.

In this case, he can quickly narrow the gap with Xufeng.

Of course, this practice is also cheating, because Smaug did not follow the established route.

But by this time, Smaug was no longer concerned about observing the rules. He had to win the game. Otherwise, he would not only lose the Lone Mountain, but also the title of No. 1 in the Middle-earth World.

Losing to a human, and still a young man, this is something he cannot tolerate as a proud dragon.

So he flapped his wings desperately and flew towards the hole in the ceiling.

When its faucet plunged into the upper floor, he saw a few small round beads flashing with blue halo around the floor.

What is this?

Why have I never seen such a treasure?

Smaug's heart couldn't help but a series of question marks appeared.

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