Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1340

Before he could fully understand, the blue halo of those little beads exploded outward.

Immediately afterwards, a bit of frosty meaning covered the entire floor, and the surrounding air was instantly frozen!

Although Smaug's dragon scales can resist all damage, including this kind of ice magic damage, its wings are not covered with dragon scales, but a thick layer of flesh, just like the wings of a bat.

At the moment the Ring of Ice broke out, Smaug's pair of wings were frozen.

He struggled hard to maintain his body balance, but his body shape was too heavy. His body plummeted in a straight line and plunged directly into the high Golden Mountain. The entire Golden Mountain Hall also shook violently.

Of course, the injury from falling from a high altitude is nothing to him. He quickly climbed out of a pile of gold coins, and then spewed out a dragon's breath fire to dissipate all the frost and cold air on his wings. Then, he He continued to flap his wings and flew high, wanting to pass through the hole in the ceiling again.

However, when he flew to the ceiling, several small blue balls rolled in his direction.

Smaug felt a panic in his heart.

He never expected his opponent to be so cunning!

It's not enough to fuck him once, but you have to fuck him in the same position for the second time!

Smaug hurriedly flapped his wings, stopped taking the path of the ceiling hole, and turned to the narrow passage staircase.

In this way, although it does not save time, it is at least much better than falling onto a golden mountain with frozen wings.

He could only follow the established route desperately to pursue Xufeng, but these narrow passages greatly restricted his speed.

Ten minutes later, when he finally passed the last passage and reached the top of Gushan Mountain, Xufeng was already sitting on the top of the mountain with a smile.

Smaug slammed the ground angrily, and the whole mountain was crumbling.

Such a horrible scene was enough to make anyone's face changed greatly, but Xu Feng was not nervous at all.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You lose, Smaug! You can't even win me as a young human. How can you say that you are number one in the world?"

Smaug snarled, "If I kill you, it's not a loss!"

Xufeng laughed and said, "Of course, it is easy to kill me with your strength, but if you kill me, it is considered a loss. My friend has already ran out of the lonely mountain while we were racing. I am dead, and they will expose your despicable behavior to the public. At that time, instead of being the most powerful creature in the world, you will be the world's most untrustworthy creature! I defeated it by honest means. You, if you kill me, it will only make me live forever! In this life, life is so short, no more than a hundred years, but the name of man can be passed on forever! Come on, do it! Let me Become a person who can live forever in this world, and at the same time, it will also make you a person who has been stinking for years!

Smaug opened his mouth angrily, and a scorching dragon's breath fire was brewing in his dragon throat!

Its dragon head is only 10 meters away from Xufeng. As long as he opens his mouth, he can easily spray Xufeng to death.

But Xu Feng was relaxed, staring at Smaug with extremely cold eyes, without a trace of fear.

Smaug's dragon's breath fire got stuck in his throat.

He is a creature with high intelligence, and he knows that Xufeng is right.

If he kills Xufeng at this time, he will not only be unable to restore the world's number one name, but will fall into the world's most despicable creature.

Smaug has always believed that other creatures are despicable, such as greedy lovers, hypocritical elves, and stupid humans.

If he kills Xu Feng, he is also greedy, hypocritical and stupid.

It is an evil dragon, a dragon of monsters, but he never thinks he is greedy, hypocritical and stupid.

Smaug's figure solidified for a while, and finally, the dragon's breath fire at his dragon throat gradually disappeared, and the angry expression on his face also disappeared.

"Human, you won, but don't think you can be happy this way."

Smaug raised his arrogant dragon head, "I was only deceived by your tricks. I am still the most powerful creature in the world. My strength is not only capable of killing you, but also capable of destroying you. ! If I’m not wrong, you and the dwarves should come from Long Lake Town, right? You don’t have to deny that, I know the weapons in the hands of those lovers and the clothes on them. I can smell those clothes. The smell of is from Changhu Town! So, I want to destroy Changhu Town, I want you to feel guilty, and I want you to be responsible for the lives and deaths of those civilians! Haha, this is more enjoyable than killing you."

As he said, Smaug spread his huge wings and slowly flew high, and said coldly: "Remember! You caused this tragedy! You awakened me! Then you, you will suffer my awakening. anger!".

With that, Smaug turned his head, flapping his wings and flew towards Changhu Town!

"No..." Bilbo, who was in the crevice of the mountain, looked at the direction Smaug was flying in horror, and said in pain, "Look at what we have done..."

Chapter 455

If Long Lake Town did not help the Dwarf Expedition, Smaug would not smell Long Lake Town from the people, and naturally, he would not take revenge on Long Lake Town.

But now, everything is too late.

No one can stop Smaug, and Long Lake Town is about to face their fate.

Long Lake Town helps the dwarven expedition team not for any righteous purpose, but to obtain the treasures of the hometown.

To put it bluntly, this disaster was caused by the greedy human nature of Changhu Town.

If the people of Long Lake Town can listen to Bud, do not provide help to the Dwarf Expedition, and prohibit the Dwarf Expedition from entering the Lonely Mountain, then Smaug will naturally not wake up.

All this has already been fixed, just like the fables sung.

Thorin stood on the top of the Lonely Mountain, watching Smaug's huge figure turn into a small dark spot.

He didn't feel any restlessness or guilt in his heart, but was full of incredible ecstasy!

Just when his Jinshui plan failed, he thought he was finished. As a result, when Xufeng appeared, the whole situation turned around!

Xu Feng actually defeated the mighty Smaug, and forced Smaug to leave Gushan, never to return!

This is great!

The Gushan Dynasty can finally rise!

And he can finally be crowned king justifiably!

Thorin burst into tears with excitement, and the other dwarves who turned their heads loudly said: "Victory belongs to us! We succeeded!"

Bahrain and the others were naturally very excited. After all, they had finally fulfilled their long-cherished wish, driven away the mighty Smaug, and regained the Gushan Palace.


Bahrain opened his mouth and said with a rather embarrassed expression: "Sorlin, Smaug is going to Long Lake Town, should we do something?"

Thorin frowned, "What can we do? What can we do? Smaug went to Long Lake Town. It was really a misfortune in Long Lake Town, but this misfortune had come to our Lonely Mountain Palace more than 50 years ago. At that time, Changhu Town didn’t help us either. Besides, even if we wanted to help, we couldn’t help. We just regained Gushan, and there are many things waiting for us to do. We need to find that first A mountain heart that can dominate the seven tribes of the dwarves. With the heart of the mountain, we can allow other dwarves to migrate to the Lonely Mountain Palace, so as to reproduce the grandeur and prosperity of the Lonely Mountain Palace! Waiting for our army to rebuild After that, we may find a way to kill the dragon and avenge our lost loved ones!"

"...But, Thorin, you seem to have forgotten," Bahrain reminded with a frown, "Your two nephews, Killi and Fili, as well as Groin and Beauver, are still in Long Lake Town. Could it be that...you don't plan to control them?"

Thorin was startled slightly.

At that moment, his heart was full of ecstasy, and he didn't even think that Kili and Fili were still in Long Lake Town.

He actually forgot about it.

How could this be?

Thorin couldn't help but blame himself.

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