Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1342

"Come and get this gem, I will try to knock it down with the enemy's fencing sword." Xufeng directly threw the heart of the mountain to the hammer.

Then the hammer was held with both hands.

Xu Feng took out the enemy's fencing, aimed at the edge of the heart of the mountain, and slashed!

A golden light burst from the edge of the mountain heart, and the hammer could not hold it, and the mountain heart immediately fell under their feet.

Xufeng stretched out his hand to support the hammer, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The hammer said: "It's okay, but my arms are sore. I'm afraid I won't be able to use it for a long time. Go and see if mountain blood is flowing from the heart of the mountains."

Only then did Xu Feng bend down and pick up the heart of the mountain. He looked carefully, but he didn't find the slightest crack at all.

It stands to reason that the strength of his sword just now is already very powerful. Even a strong survivor like a hammer is numbed to the ground, and ordinary gems have long been split by his enemy's sword.

However, the heart of the mountain is intact, and no damage can be seen.

Xufeng frowned suddenly, "This is a trouble..."

Even if the enemy's fencing weapon can't cut the heart of the mountains, it is even more difficult to do it with other weapons.

The Hammer thought for a while, "Or let me try?"

"With a silver fist warhammer?"

"Yes!" The Hammer said with a smile: "Silver Fist Warhammer is the hammer used by the Elf Forge Master Silver Fist. One of the special effects of this hammer is that it can exert indestructive force on any minerals, so maybe he does Can break the heart of the mountains."

Xu Feng said quickly: "It's not about breaking open completely, just take a corner."

The hammer nodded: "Okay, I will try my best."

Xufeng immediately placed the heart of the mountain on a rock.

The hammer raised the silver fist hammer and took a nervous breath: "To be honest, this is the first time I have used the silver fist hammer."

"Forget it, I'll think of another way..."

Before Xu Feng's words fell, the hammer yelled, and the hammer of silver fist turned into a silver light, which fell heavily on a corner of the heart of the mountain.

After a while, a powerful shock wave exploded laterally.

The hammer was rushed back three steps, finally leaning on Xufeng to hold her waist, she stood still.

On the ground, colorful lights flow.

Xu Feng quickly took out a crystal bottle that had been prepared a long time ago, and filled the colorful liquid into the crystal bottle.

"Is this the blood of the mountains?" Hammer's eyes widened.

Xufeng nodded, "It should be."

He immediately put away the crystal bottle, then bent down and picked up the mountain heart on the ground.

The heart of the mountain has been chipped away from that tiny corner, and its original light has also weakened a bit, but it is still in a colorful state.

Xufeng checked it carefully and confirmed that there was nothing serious. He said to the hammer: "You wait for me here, I'll go and give the heart of the mountain to Bilbo."

"Okay." The hammer nodded while checking his silver fist hammer.

This time, her Silver Fist Hammer has done a great job. She has always loved the Silver Fist Hammer, and now she loves it even more.

Xufeng quickly found Bilbo along the ridge, and Bilbo was looking down in the direction of Changhu Town.

He wanted to help, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only be painful and sad here.

Xufeng patted Bilbo lightly on the shoulder, and handed over the heart of the mountain to Bilbo.

Bilbo said quickly: "Thorin is looking for this gem. You can give it to Thorin."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "You found this gem. You can decide whether to give it to Thorin."

"Me?" Bilbo blinked puzzledly: "What about you? Are you... are you leaving?"

Bilbo believes that "Diedi" and the others are just mercenaries. Since the soldiers have completed the mission of the expedition, they can naturally leave as long as the corresponding gold coins are allocated.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Yes, we are leaving, but not the way you think."

Chapter 457 I'm Not Short of Money

Bilbo blinked in confusion, "I didn't understand..."

Xu Feng smiled faintly and patted Bilbo on the shoulder, "You don't need to understand, you just need to know that this matter is not over yet, we will save Long Lake Town and kill Smaug."

Bilbo said with a full face of surprise: "You guys really... wait!"

His face suddenly became horrified again, "Smaug is too strong, if you go like this, it is very likely that..."

He swallowed the four words "seeking a dead end" abruptly.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have our own measures."

After speaking, he gave Bilbo the heart of the mountain, which was missing a small corner.

Bilbo took the heart of the mountain and asked cautiously: "Do you want me to give this gem to Thorin?"

Obviously, he was resisting in his heart.

The reason why he resisted is not only because Thorin's attitude has become very cold now, but more importantly, he worried that after he got the heart of the mountain, he would become more ruthless.

Instead of that, it might as well not give the heart of the mountain to Thorin.

Of course, if Xufeng ordered him to give this gem to Thorin, he would still follow suit.

Xufeng said indifferently: "You can do it, if you think it is necessary to give it to him, you don't need to give it to him if it is not necessary.

Bilbo nodded heavily, and then asked again: "When are you leaving?"

Xufeng looked in the direction of Changhu Town, "Go now."

Bilbo reluctantly said: "I really want to go with you, but unfortunately I can't help you with anything, and it may drag you down..."

The hammer on the side laughed and said, "Bilbo, we are already very pleased that you have this courage. You are a very good friend and a very upright person!"

After receiving such evaluation from Hammer, Bilbo smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, I am not so honest anymore."

When he said this, he put his hand in his waistcoat pocket anxiously, touching the cold lord ring with his fingers.

Xu Feng's brow moved slightly, and said in a calm tone: "If your ring is not necessary, you should reduce the frequency of use."

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