Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1343

Bilbo sighed, "I know..."

He used to think that this ring had no side effects, but when he faced Smaug with this ring, Smaug could use dark power to trigger the dark power in this ring and make his brain feel painful.

He has realized that this ring is related to dark power.

Therefore, he will never use this ring again when he is not a last resort.

"Well, you go to the Lonely Mountain."

"You... be careful." Bilboy said reluctantly.

Xufeng waved at him, and then walked towards Lake Town with the hammer.

When their figures turned into small black dots and disappeared at the foot of the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo sighed quietly, put the heart of the mountain into his pocket, and walked towards the Lonely Mountain Palace.

At this time, in the Golden Mountain Hall, Thorin was wearing a luxurious robe and a lonely mountain crown on his head. Together with several other dwarves, he was looking for the heart of the mountain among the golden mountains.

When Bilbo walked into the Jinshan Hall, Thorin raised his head vigilantly and swept over with indifferent eyes.

Bilbo's heart shrank suddenly, he felt that his gaze was even more terrifying than the enemy's poisoned arrow, and subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, never set foot in this place again.

When Thorin saw that it was Bilbo, his cold eyes softened.

"You have finally come to Bilbo, welcome to my Lone Mountain Kingdom."

Thorin opened his arms to Bilbo, but Bilbo knew that it was not a hug, but just to show him Jinshan's treasure.

But in fact, Bilbo has seen Jinshan's wealth a long time ago, and he is no stranger to it.

Bilbo said in a deep voice, "Diedi and the hammer are gone."

"Leave?" Thorin asked in surprise, "Where did they go? They both have no treasures! Why did they leave like this?"

Bilbo said coldly: "Obviously, they care more about their companions' lives than these treasures."

Thorin frowned slightly, "You mean, they went to Long Lake Town?"

"Yes." Bilbo replied.

The other dwarves on the scene stopped their work one after another, and all looked at Thorin expectantly.

If Thorin gave an order at this time, they would definitely catch up with Xu Feng and others and go to Changhu Town to help.

But Thorin lowered his gaze, looking at the boundless treasures of gold and silver under his feet.

He can no longer lose Lonely Mountain.

This is not just a question of treasure, but also a question of the rise of the Lone Mountain dwarves.

He knew that he was not doing well enough or being righteous enough, but what he wore on his head was the crown of the Gushan royal family!He is the King of Gushan, he must not be arrogant!

After he paused for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Keep looking! The heart of the mountain!"

The other dwarves sighed disappointedly, and continued to search for the Golden Mountain.

Jinshan at this time was like a mountain of garbage to them.

Bilbo reached into his pocket and touched the heart of the mountain, and then asked Thorin: "If you find the heart of the mountain, will you go to save Changhu Town immediately?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I really want to save Long Lake Town, because my two nephews are still in Long Lake Town, but I can't waste time on this, they can only save themselves by themselves! Smaug Not dead yet, we have just regained Gushan again. Who knows if that animal will violate his oath and return to Gushan again? So we must find the heart of the mountain as soon as possible. Only when I find the heart of the mountain can I summon The 7 big dwarf tribe! When other people are not enough to go to Gushan again, we will have enough strength to deal with Smaug or other enemies."

"Other enemies?"

"Yes, you have seen Bilbo. There is endless wealth here! Anyone will have the idea of ​​wealth! I can only assemble an army as soon as possible to avoid the enemy's prying eyes." Thorin said coldly.

"Understood..." Bilbo nodded disappointedly.

Thorin said, "Help us find it together, Bilbo."

Bilbo shook his head, "No, I'm tired, I want to rest for a while."

Thorin frowned and said, "Don’t forget, you have a contract with us. I am still the captain of this expedition. If you don’t obey my orders, I don’t have one sixteenth of the wealth. I will give it to you!"

Bilbo said indifferently: "Sorin, you are indeed rich, but when so rich, money is just a bunch of meaningless numbers. And among the hobbits, I am not bad money. Son, so if you don’t want to give it, then I don’t care."

With that, Bilbo walked out of the Jinshan Hall without looking back.

Chapter 458-Indestructible Flame

At the same time, after Xufeng and Iron Hammer walked down the solitary mountain, they contacted Xuedi and others with their minds.

But Xuedi and the others had already prepared, and they had already left Bud's residence ahead of time and found a quiet place to wait.

The second phase of the Hobbit's plot is over, and they can leave at any time.

And now this node is the best time to leave.

At this point in time, Smaug has not yet flown over, and Long Lake Town has not suffered a catastrophe. If Smaug is flying over, then the whole plot will enter the third stage.

Therefore, leaving at this time cannot be more appropriate.

After Xu Feng communicated with Xuedi, the entire Xuedi team gathered their minds at the same time, and each opened two crossing doors.

The gate of crossing back is much simpler than the gate of entrepreneurship, so Xuedi and Xufeng don't need to be together, as long as their thoughts are concentrated in one place.

The five people passed through the portal one by one and returned to the long-lost trading city.

Xuedi looked around, counted the number of people, and then asked faintly: "Is everything all right?"

"It's okay." The players nodded one after another.

Gong Yang smiled and said, "The plot of the second stage doesn't seem to be that difficult!"

The hammer said angrily: "Because the most difficult part was carried by Xufeng alone!"

Gong Yang spit out his tongue again, and said with a sinister smile: "That's true, that's true."

Xuedi said lightly: "The plot of the second stage is just a transition. Although it is quite difficult compared to the first stage, the real difficulty is the third stage. At the beginning of the third stage, we have to In the face of Smaug’s attack, there will be the Battle of the Five Armies in the future, so don’t let your guard down just because you are less nervous in the second stage.


"Okay, everyone is very tired, if nothing else, just go back and rest... Oh, yes, remind everyone, because the second stage and the third stage are very closely connected, so stay We don’t have much time to recover. I’m afraid we can’t wait until the auction this time. At this time tomorrow night, we must gather here. If you have anything important to do, do it as soon as possible.” Xuedi Said lightly.

After speaking, Xuedi nodded as the team members and turned to leave.

The hammer was about to leave, when Xufeng stopped her.

"I have something to ask you for help."

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