Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1348

Peris smiled and said, "Brother, I have always believed in your abilities. Moreover, if you want to get through the third stage and the last stage of the Hobbit, then you must kill Smaug. I believe you will Successful, so Smaug's scales should be easily available."

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Well, since it's my sister who wants it, then even if I fight this life, you must help my sister!"

"You are really my good brother!" Peris flirted with Xufeng, "As for the reward, how about two plane gems?"

Really picky!

Xu Feng murmured inwardly: "Dragon Scale cherishes something that you only want to exchange for two plane gems? Humph, okay, I won't give you the real thing anyway!"

Xu Feng grinned, "I will take whatever my sister gives! If there is nothing wrong with my sister, I will just prepare for the third stage."

Peris laughed and said, "Well, I actually really want to keep you here for a while, but I know that your time is very precious now, so you should go and do your job first, but after the whole story comes to an end, sister Have a good chat with you again."

"Hao Le!" Xu Feng leaned slightly towards Peris, then turned and left the side hall.

After he left, the dark shadow hidden in the corner of the hall slowly appeared.

The black shadow Xiao Hua said coldly: "This kid is so slick, it's damned! I can't wait to kill him directly! To avoid future troubles!"

Peris shook her head, "No, if you can't bear it, you can't be scheming. You shouldn't understand this. What's more, he just helped us get the fire of dragon's breath, and then he will help us to engage in dragons. Scales, there are two things, Dragon's Breath Fire and Dragon Scales, and you can restore your form. At that time, the trading city will return to your hands. If you want to kill him, isn't that easy?".

Xiao Hua asked in a cold voice, "Hmph, then, don't you stop me from killing your brother."

Peris smiled, "Whatever you want."

Chapter 463 What do you think of Brother Feng?

After leaving the castle, it was getting late.

At this time, it is not convenient to visit Qiluo, so Xufeng communicated with Qiluo and simply greeted Qiluo, telling her that everything was okay, and waited until tomorrow morning to visit him at the Arcane Manor.

Then, Xu Feng went to Li Hongwei's leather shop.

At this time, the leather shop has closed, and the lights inside have been extinguished.

Xufeng patted the door of the leather shop.

No one answered.

Xu Feng used his mind to perceive it, and through his powerful perception ability, he sensed that Li Hongwei was in the store, but he didn't bother to get up and open the door.

Xu Feng couldn't help but smile, and continued to slap the door hard.

Li Hongwei was finally annoyed by the knock on the door.

"It's closed at night, I'll talk about it tomorrow!" Li Hongwei roared angrily.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Why, don't you even accept me?"

Li Hongwei shouted violently: "Today you are the king of heaven, I will not accept it, I... wait?"

Li Hongwei suddenly realized that the voice was very familiar. He hurried to the door of the store, opened a gap and took a look, then took a breath of air, and said in surprise, "Brother Feng! Is this you? Why did you come to me? What?"

Li Hongwei was a little flattered. Although its leather shop is also part of Xufeng's business alliance, he is not as high as Su Xiaoyue after all. Every time Xufeng comes back, he goes to Su Xiaoyue's flower shop first. Instead of coming to his Li Hongwei leather shop.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Why are you not welcome?"

"No, no, no!" Li Hongwei just woke up like a dream, and quickly opened the door to let Xu Feng into the shop.

"I'm sorry! Brother Feng! I didn't know it was you. If I knew it was you, I would have waited outside for a long time." Li Hongwei kept apologizing.

Xufeng waved his hand, "It's not a problem, it's time to go to bed now, and when I visited suddenly, it was obvious that I was a little abrupt."

Li Hongwei quickly said: "Where, Feng Ge, you laughed, I am so happy to see Feng Ge! So, Feng Ge, you have passed the second phase of the Hobbit plot?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, I just got through."

Li Hongwei said excitedly: "Wow! Brother Feng, you didn't go to Su Xiaoyue's place, but came to me first. I'm so excited!"

Xufeng found a seat and sat down, and said slowly: "Actually, I am looking for you this time because I want to ask you for help."

Li Hongwei said quickly: "Brother Feng, just ask if you have anything!"

Xufeng immediately took out Malganis' feet and the thick chitin skin.

When Li Hongwei saw it, his eyes immediately beamed, "This! This!"

Xufeng smiled and explained: "This is the claws and chitin shell of the spider lord Mal'Ganis of Middle-earth. I want you to help me strengthen them and see if I can make a set of leather armor."

Li Hongwei said excitedly: "These are all good materials. I...I am worried that my leathermaking skills are not strong enough. If such a good thing is broken for me, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I can trust your skills, I came to you, don't put pressure on yourself."

Li Hongwei smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Feng, when you say this, my pressure is even greater. However, since it is Brother Feng who wants me to do it, then I will do it! I will definitely not disappoint Brother Feng!"

Xufeng nodded: "Well, I'm leaving you 10,000 shadow energy points for your hard work and material costs."

Li Hongwei quickly said: "No, no, my little life, and my shop, are all given by Brother Feng. Now it is my turn to repay Brother Feng. How can I collect your shadow power points? ?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Then I can't let you do it for nothing? Whatever you should do!"

Li Hongwei still shook his head resolutely: "No, no, if I took your shadow power points from Brother Feng today, what would Su Xiaoyue think of me? Even if Su Xiaoyue wouldn't blame me, I would blame myself! Brother Feng! Don't embarrass me, let me thank you once, or I will be very upset in my heart!"

Xufeng sighed helplessly: "Okay, but, how many shadow energy points you spent on this, you must tell me and let me know how you feel."

Li Hongwei quickly smiled and said, "Of course! I don't know when Brother Feng will you want it?"

Xufeng said, "Before tomorrow night."

Li Hongwei was startled, "In such a hurry, if you give me a few more days, I think I can make this leather armor more refined and more handsome."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Tomorrow night I will enter the third stage of the plot, so I am afraid you need to hurry up."

Li Hongwei said immediately: "No problem! I will start construction now!"

"Thanks for your hard work, then!" Xu Feng smiled.

Li Hongwei quickly said: "No, no hard work, Feng Ge, you are our big tree, we can help a little bit, it is really an honor! Feng Ge, I will not greet you, you come to get it before tomorrow night The goods will do. Oh, yes, I have to trouble you one more thing. If you go to Su Xiaoyue’s flower shop, please ask Su Xiaoyue to give me some Xingyue tea to refresh my mind."

Xufeng laughed, "No problem."

He briefly informed Li Hongwei, and then went to Su Xiaoyue's flower shop.

This is Su Xiaoyue's flower shop or is it brightly lit, Su Xiaoyue is checking accounts in the shop, and You Xiaoxi is developing new tea.

Xu Feng immediately opened the door and walked into the flower shop. Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi all exclaimed in excitement.

"Brother Feng, you are back!"

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