Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1349

"Brother Feng! You are so amazing, you can get through the second stage so soon!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Well, is everything okay here?"

Su Xiaoyue said excitedly: "It's very good, you see, this is our account for this month! Guess what the total book profit is?"

Xu Feng thought for a while: "30,000?"

Su Xiaoyue laughed: "30,000? No, it's 130,000! Brother Feng, the total profit of our Xiaoyue flower shop in a month is 130,000! Of course, if we remove the cost of artificial materials, rent, etc., we have at least 8 Wan's profit!"

Xu Feng slapped his tongue, "I didn't expect to earn so many Shadow Energy Points in a month."

Su Xiaoyue said happily, "It's all because of Brother Feng! So much business, in fact, it's all about your face!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Without your proper management, especially if there is no Xingyue Tea developed by Xiaoxi, I am afraid that I can't sell it for a few dollars just for my face.".

You Xiaoxi's face flushed, "Where, if it wasn't for Brother Feng, I would have died a long time ago, so how could there be today?"

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Okay, okay, the three of us don't talk about each other in business here, let's be practical! It just happens that Brother Feng, you are also back, then we will distribute the profit this month. What do you think of Brother Feng?"

Chapter 464 I Have To Get The Book Of Dragon Skin Anyway

Xufeng smiled and said: "Alright, let's allocate it. If we remove the miscellaneous expenses, we have 80,000 profit, which is really a very good thing. I mean, keep 20,000 to continue to expand Xiaoyue. The remaining 60,000 of florists and business alliances will be divided equally among the three of us."

Su Xiaoyue was taken aback, "What? Share it equally? No, no, that's not okay! I and Xiaoxi are both yours, Brother Feng! How can your subordinates share the same with the boss?"

You Xiaoxi quickly said, "Yes! Brother Xiaoyue is right! We can't take these profits!"

Su Xiaoyue hurriedly said: "Of course we can't not take it at all. I mean, if we take at most three thousand and five thousand, we will be content and we can't take more."

You Xiaoxi said: "For me, it is more than 3000. It is better to give Brother Xiaoyue 3000 and give me 2000."

When You Xiaoxi said this, his face was full of satisfaction.

As a person who does not participate in the plot to survive, he can get 2000 shadow power points a month, which has greatly exceeded the others in the trading city, so You Xiaoxi is very content.

Xufeng shook his head, "I know what you think, but I still have the final say here. There is no management and operation of the Xiaoyue flower shop. You two do all the dirty work. To be honest , I think it is very unreasonable for me to take 20,000 shadow power points."

Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi wanted to say something more, but Xufeng stopped them from continuing to say: "This is the case. The three of us, each of 20,000 yuan, the remaining 20,000 yuan will be used to continue to expand operations. , So that you have more power points in your hands, and you can improve yourself better."

"This..." Su Xiaoyue didn't know what to say for a while.

To be honest, he does want to improve himself. Only by improving himself can he be worthy of being a younger brother of Xufeng. If he is too weak, he will lose his eldest brother.

Xufeng said to You Xiaoxi again: "Xiaoxi, don't you still want to develop new tea products? With this funding, your research and development speed can be increased dozens of times!"

You Xiaoxi lightly bit her lip, "But, Brother Feng, don't you also need Shadow Energy Points now?"

"I need it very much. I don't deny this. But what I need more is your friends. If I am the only one who is full, then you friends can't even drink soup, then I will be the big brother. Yes, how am I embarrassed to be your eldest brother?" Said with a light smile.

You Xiaoxi said with a grateful expression: "Then...well, thank you, Brother Feng."

Xufeng waved his hand, "No thanks, you deserve it."

Su Xiaoyue asked: "Brother Feng, how many days can you stay in Trading City this time?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I will leave tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?" Su Xiaoyue frowned and said, "Will this be too urgent?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "In fact, it is not too urgent. After all, the plot of the second stage and the third stage are closely linked. We must return to the third stage as soon as possible to not miss any opportunities."

"Understood." Su Xiaoyue said quickly: "Then I will give you these 20,000 shadow power points now."

"Well, that's fine."

Su Xiaoyue immediately held Xufeng's arm and transferred the 20,000 shadow energy points to Xufeng with her own mind.

In this way, Xufeng's total energy points reached 75755 points!

This is his own personal shadow power point, and it is also his highest skill point in history.

And Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi also reached a height they said they had never dared to imagine.

"One more thing," Xu Feng said: "I asked Li Hongwei to help me make the Spider Lord's leather armor. He may be working on it for a whole day. If you have time, you can send me some Xingyue tea to refresh him. ."

Su Xiaoyue said quickly: "Okay, just leave this to me."

"Well, I also added some Xingyue Tea and Yuemian Tea. The content of our stage 3 plot is the Battle of the Five Armies, so I will need a lot of it."

You Xiaoxi smiled, "We have already thought about this for you. Since this time, we have been supplying Xingyue tea in limited quantities for this time. We still have more than 1,000 stocks, I don’t know. Enough is enough."

Xufeng laughed: "Xiaoxi, you are so careful! Very good, I want more than 1,000 cups of Xingyue tea, and I am also preparing some moon sleep tea for me."

"Okay, I will prepare now."

Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi became busy at once, ten minutes later, they gathered all the things that Xufeng requested, and then handed them to Xufeng.

After a few more greetings, Xufeng said goodbye to them, left Xiaoyue Flower Shop, returned to his residence, and fell asleep.

It was not until the morning of the second day that Xu Feng got up to wash, and then went to Qi Luo sister's Arcane Manor.

When he arrived at the Arcane Manor, Keiro had already prepared his favorite breakfast.

Qi Luo was standing in the courtyard, waiting patiently for Xu Feng.

Seeing Xufeng's arrival, Qiluo's face was full of smiles, but her mouth complained: "You die boy, don't come to me first every time you come back!"

Xufeng smiled helplessly: "Sister Qiluo, I'm wronged, every time I come back, it's already very late, I'm afraid to interrupt your rest."

"Well, if you have a bit of filial piety, come on, sit here to eat, and say what you have to say while eating." Qi Luo smiled.

Xufeng hesitated for a moment, and said apologetically, "Well, sister Qiluo, I am afraid I am not qualified to eat this meal."

Qi Luo asked, "Why do you say that?"

Xufeng sighed: "We can complete the mission of the teacher. Sister Qiluo asked me to find the Book of Dragon Skin. I haven't got it yet."

Although there was a reason for this incident, Xufeng didn't want to excuse him. If he didn't get it, he didn't get it. This result, no matter how you explain it, will not change.

Qi Luo smiled generously, took Xu Feng to sit at the table, and gave Xu Feng a crispy dough stick.

"Okay, I think it's something important, let's eat first."

"But..." Xu Feng frowned and said, "The Book of Dragon Skin, but it's a key item for Sister Qiluo's promotion to a master-level enchanter!".

Keiro shrugged indifferently, "If it were 10 years ago, I might be very anxious, but now, with you, a good apprentice, I am not so eager to be promoted to Grandmaster level. You are I am the proudest achievement of being a master, and more importantly, you are fine. As for the Dragon Skin Book, whether you can get that is all my destiny, not your business."

Xu Feng's heart warmed, and he bit the fried dough stick without saying a word, but in his heart, he secretly swore: In the third stage of the plot, he will get the book of dragon skin no matter what.

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