Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1350

Chapter 465 You Should Thank Me, And I Should Thank You Again

After having breakfast, Xufeng told Qiluo in detail what happened in the second stage.

Qi Luo treated him like a mother and a child, so he didn't hide it at all.

After listening to Qi Luo, he nodded immediately, "The second stage has one thing after another. You really don't have any chance to get the Book of Dragon Skin. For this, you must not blame yourself."

Xufeng smiled and said: "In fact, it is not that difficult. At the third stage, I found the gemstone necklace and gave it to King Thranduil. He can give me the Book of Dragon Skin."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Well, just follow the trend, don't force anything."

Xufeng shook his head, "No, I must get the Dragon Body Book for you in the third stage. In this way, sister Qi Luo, you will become the first master of the trading city."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "But the master really doesn't care."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Sister Qiluo, do you know? Uncle Mi Xiu will soon become a grandmaster level. He needs me to help him build an earth snake tooth, and then he can become a master alchemist."

Qi Luo raised her eyebrows immediately, "What? That old thing is going to become a grandmaster? No way, no, I can't let him take this first place! A Feng, you must help me this time!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, just now you said that you don't care about this number one."

Qi Luo blushed and said: "I just said, but I just said that I don't care about this number one, but what I care about is that the old thing can't take the first place, at least, it can't be the first place before me. Afeng, you have to help me anyway this time, and can't let him get the tooth of the earth snake."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, don't worry about this, because Uncle Mi Xiu didn't want to compete with you for the first place. He has already said that you must first get the first place."

Qi Luo was taken aback, "That old thing really said that? He has always been competitive, since he is willing to give up this handy first place?"

"Of course he is willing." Xu Feng said with a smile: "He also said that for the first half of his life he didn't know what the most precious thing in the world was, and now, he has understood that his most precious thing is Sister Qi Luo, you."

Qi Luo's face flushed, "Okay, this old thing called me something! I was really mad at me! When I look back, I must pack him up!"

Xufeng laughed and drove the train while it was hot: "Yes, take care of him, it is best to take care of him in person."

Qi Luo seemed to have reacted, and quickly cleared his throat and said: "Ahem, I'll talk about this later, you should be anxious, right? Is the energy of the wind spirit crystal enough? Bring it over, and I'll give it to you. Charge up."

"Good Sister Qiluo." Xu Feng handed Qiluo the Wind Spirit Crystal.

Qi Luo picked up the Wind Spirit Crystal, turned his head and walked into the crystal secret room, pouring it seriously.

And taking advantage of this time, Xu Feng went to the library of the Arcane Manor, and attentively browsed the books related to advanced enchanting.

Throughout the morning, Xufeng was reading quietly in the library, and Qiluo was also perfusing in the crystal secret room.

It wasn't until noon that Qi Luo walked out of the crystal secret chamber tiredly, and handed the energetic Wind Spirit crystal to Xu Feng's hand.

Xufeng looked at the spirit crystal of the wind filled with energy, and then at Qiluo, whose face was exhausted, and his heart suddenly filled with warmth.

"Thank you, sister Qi Luo."

"You're polite with me again?" Qi Luo gave Xufeng an angry glance.

Xu Feng chuckled embarrassedly.

"Don't look at me so tired, but I am happy in my heart." Qi Luo found a chair and sat down, and said with a relaxed expression: "You are my apprentice of Qi Luo, you can hit the plot of "The Lord of the Rings" in one breath. In the third stage, as a master, I feel so proud! What's the point of doing something for you? What's more, Wind Spirit Crystal can greatly enhance your overall strength, this is the only one I can help How can I not do my best for a busy project? If I do not do my best, even myself will blame myself."

Xu Feng said quickly: "I understand, sister Qiluo, but I don't want you to overdraw too much arcane energy for my affairs."

Qiluo smiled and said: "This arcane energy is like spring water. If you don't use it, it will be a stagnant pool of water. There is nothing to grow. You think I have enchanted others for so many years, really to earn that amount. Can a stinky shadow count? No, I just don’t want my arcane energy to turn into a pool of stagnant water. It’s good now, now with you, I can infuse you with wind energy crystals. In this regard, I can Helping you, on the other hand, I can also help myself. After infusing you with the Wind Spirit Crystal several times, I feel that my arcane energy is growing very fast. The reason why I am tired is not The physical fatigue is caused by the increase in my arcane energy ceiling. My growth in this period of time is greater than my growth in the past ten years! Afeng, do you think I should be very tired? Happy?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, so, sister Qiluo, you should thank me, and I should thank you again. Are we both clear?"

Qiluo was so angry that Xufeng said, "Okay, you little thing, you are so clear with Master?"

Xufeng laughed. He knew that he was nothing but Master on this issue, so he changed the subject and said, "Sister Qiluo, I'm hungry, I want to eat."

Qi Luo smiled happily: "You, you, okay, what do you want to eat?"

Xufeng immediately reported a long list of menus.

Qi Luo said with a smile: "Okay, you snacks, wait, I'll let Dumb prepare."

"Okay, sister Qiluo!" Xu Feng rubbed her hands excitedly.

After the order went down, the master and apprentice sat in the garden again and exchanged some arcane knowledge. The key point of this was how to decompose equipment with plane gems.

After all, what Xufeng needs to do next is to disassemble a few pieces of equipment on his body and replace them with the Spider Lord’s leather armor suit-of course, provided that Li Hongwei can really make the Spider Lord’s suit as scheduled.

After the master and apprentice exchanged for some time, Xufeng had a better understanding of the next decomposition plan.

Soon, Ah-Dai was served a hearty lunch. Xu Feng had a good appetite, and most of it was eaten by the wind, but Qi Luo rarely used his chopsticks, and basically watched Xu Feng eating with a smile during the whole process.

After Xufeng had eaten and drank enough, Qiluo briefly explained a few words to Xufeng, and then went back to his room to rest...

The matter of pouring crystals is still very tiring after all.

Xu Feng couldn't stay long, and after a short rest, he left the Arcane Manor.

Chapter 466

It was noon when I left the Arcane Manor, and it was still early to go to Li Hongwei's leather shop.

Xufeng was not in a hurry to go to Li Hongwei's leather shop. He considered that if he stayed in the leather shop, he might put a lot of pressure on Li Hongwei.

In order to prevent Li Hongwei from being pressured and able to successfully complete the Spider Lord's leather armor suit, Xu Feng turned to the other side of the trading city-the hammer's forge.

The hammer gave him an indestructible flame. If calculated according to the market price, this kind of fire is at least worth 10,000 shadow energy points.

Although this price is not a big deal for Xufeng now, it is a very important shadow power point for Hammer.

What's more, the flame of immortality is so rare for blacksmiths, and sometimes 10,000 shadow power points may not be able to buy.

The hammer gave him such a precious thing silently, which shows the hammer's affection for him.

Since the other party is affectionate and righteous, we can't be ruthless.

Xu Feng walked to the door of the hammer's forge, raised his hand and knocked on the door of the forge.

This door seems to be a few years old, with a dark background, but it is difficult to hide its exquisite workmanship.

It was not the first time that Xu Feng came to Hammer's blacksmith's shop, but every time he came, he passed by in a hurry and had never looked at it carefully.

After knocking on the door twice, he backed his hands and looked at the pattern forged on the door with interest.


A familiar voice came from the forge.

Xufeng smiled dumbly. His little wife has such a big temper to deal with others!Don't even ask who it is, just shout out.

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