Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1351

Xu Feng continued to raise his hand and knocked on the iron door.

"Don't you hear me making you go? Believe it or not, I hit all of your heads into the tortoise shell with a hammer?!" The hammer roared inside.

Xu Feng said quickly, "I am the hammer! Your husband!"

The scolding inside suddenly stopped, followed by a rush of footsteps.

The steel gate opened with a creak, the hammer flushed red, and rushed out with smoke. Before Xu Feng could speak, he grabbed Xu Feng's collar and pulled him into the blacksmith's shop.


The door closed forcefully.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Wow, little wife, you are really... hot."

Even though there was an arm's distance between the two, Xu Feng could feel the scorching breath on the hammer.

The whole smithy was also steaming hot, and the temperature was more than 20 degrees higher than the outside temperature.

Hammer is wearing a special fire shield, which is a translucent honeycomb jumpsuit, and for better heat dissipation, she only wears a bikini inside.

Seeing Xufeng's gaze, Iron Hammer quickly subconsciously covered his heart, and said angrily: "What are you doing here? Come on, you have to shout all over the street about what husband is here!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "What's the matter? My husband came to see my little wife, shouldn't it? Or, are you afraid of caring what others will say?"

The hammer said angrily: "Of course I don't care, but...I'm now forging armor! You come to me at this time, isn't this delaying my work?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's okay, you do yours, and I can just enjoy it behind you."

The Hammer's face was flushed immediately, even redder than the one burnt by the fire, "Xufeng! You hate it! I don't want you to look behind me! If nothing else, you can go quickly!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't, I really have something to do."

The hammer said irritably: "If you have something to say, I still have a little time now. If it's the quenching process, I really don't have time to play with you!"

Xufeng immediately took out the spherical container and handed it to the hammer.

Hammer blinked in surprise, "What are you?"

"Indestructible Flame, return it to you intact." Xu Feng said with a smile.

The hammer gently opened the spherical container, and sure enough, this was the immortal flame she had given to Xufeng before.

The hammer frowned slightly, "What do you mean? Do you dislike Laozi?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, I was going to use your indestructible flame to deceive the old lady of the special envoy, but when I went to Uncle Mi Xiu, Uncle Mi Xiu told me that this is immortal. The flame is a very rare kind of fire, and one such kind of fire can sell for 10,000 shadow energy points, not to mention-Hammer, why don't you tell me that this thing is so expensive?"

The hammer lowered his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is expensive or not, the important thing is that you need it."

"I will give it if I need you." Xufeng asked.

"Nonsense, you need it, I will give it!" said the hammer with confidence.

Xu Feng felt warm in his heart.

Although Iron Hammer always claimed to be Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu, it was only to conceal her essence as a girl.

Xu Feng smiled, "Then I want you, you give me?"

The hammer was startled, and then said annoyed: "Okay Xufeng! You take advantage of me! Humph! I won't give you if you need it! Unless you get the Snow Emperor first!"

Xufeng sighed and said, "Didn't you two have always competed fiercely? How come you get to this question, and you have become humbly with each other?"

The Hammer curled his lips, "I don't bother to talk to you-you really don't want the Flame of the Inextinguishable?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, no need, I have already made a fake dragon's breath fire for the old lady of special envoy Peris. The fake dragon's breath fire uses your immortal flame and real dragon's breath. Made of chemical materials ignited by the fire."

The hammer chuckled, "Does that old lady believe it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "How can she be so old and cunning, how can she easily believe it? She even tested it with her hands, and then her whole arm was almost burnt out, so she naturally believed it."

"That's good." The hammer then put away the Indestructible Flame, "You have given me things, you can go, I must continue to forge."

Xu Feng said: "Don't be so ruthless! I have no place to go now, so let me stay with you. Don't worry, I will take a look. I will definitely not disturb you."

The hammer said helplessly: "You... okay okay, I don't have time to entangle with you, just watch it if you want, but try not to disturb the things here. If you mess up for me, I will Time can't find the tools, and the forging opportunity is delayed. You are responsible to me!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I was responsible to you."

"Bah!" Iron Hammer blushed, turned his head and walked into the forging room.

The temperature of the forging room was extremely high, and Xufeng wanted to follow up to see what happened, but after trying several times, he finally gave up.

In fact, according to his strength, it should be no problem to enter the high temperature forging room in a short time, but...

He can bear it, but the clothes on his body may not be able to bear it...

Hammer wears a special honeycomb thermal insulation suit. The thermal insulation suit can withstand the magma-like heat, so it is naturally not afraid of being ironed. And his clothes are not special. I am afraid that it will not take two seconds after entering. You have to be naked.

In case Xuedi came here unexpectedly, it would be really hard to explain.

Chapter 467: Am I That Kind of Person?

The hammer was busy living alone in the forging room, and the ear-splitting beating sound continued from the forging room.

Xufeng stood outside the forging room, looking bored at the surrounding furnishings

The surroundings are really messy.

It's really hard to imagine that this is a girl's residence.

The hammer also said not to let Xufeng mess up this place, just because of the mess here, it would be quite difficult to mess up a little bit more.

Of course, a place like a forged house is difficult to clean and refreshing.

Moreover, the chaos is mainly up to people.

In the eyes of people like Xufeng who don’t know much about forging, this place is naturally quite messy, but in the eyes of senior forgers like Hammer, it may be the most orderly, because every piece she uses All of the tools are clearly placed in the position she recognizes. If someone sorts them out, it will mess up their order.

Just like that, Xu Feng waited boringly for an hour outside the forging room.

One hour later, the percussion inside finally stopped, and the hammer walked out of the forging room with a tired face, steaming from all over his body.

Xu Feng asked with concern: "How is it? Has the forging succeeded?"

The hammer frowned and shook his head, his face extremely ugly.

Xu Feng said in surprise: "What? Even you, a senior blacksmith, can still miss? Did you use the silver fist hammer?"

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