Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1352

The hammer brightened the silver fist hammer in his hand, frowning and said: "Of course I used it! I used to think that I failed because my forging tools were not strong enough, but I did not expect that after changing into the silver fist hammer, I still couldn't forge. Success...It seems that I must be promoted to become a master forger before I can build it."

Xufeng asked wonderingly: "I have always wanted to ask you, what do you want to build?"

The hammer pursed his lips, "It's nothing, if you fail, there is nothing to say."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Why, what's the embarrassment of you with your husband and me? If you say it, maybe I can help you."

The hammer bit his lip slightly, then blushed and said, "If I say it, you are not allowed to laugh at me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "If you don't tell me, how can I laugh at you?"

"...Huh?" The Hammer quickly reacted, "So, if I say it, you will laugh at me?"

Xu Feng hurriedly laughed and said, "I was just kidding. It seems that since you became my little wife, your IQ is good!"

The hammer raised the silver fist hammer in his hand in embarrassment, "Looking for a fight, right?"

Xu Feng yelled: "Oh! My husband was murdered! My husband was murdered!"

The hammer roared angrily: "Are you still screaming? Believe it or not, I'll knock you to death with a hammer!"

As he said, the hammer was chasing Xufeng with the silver fist and the warhammer, but Xufeng jumped around in the yard flexibly, not far from the hammer each time, but never let the hammer hit.

While dodging, Xu Feng shouted loudly: "Murder your husband!"

The hammer stomped annoyed, "Xu Feng, if you have the ability, just stand there and don't move!"

As he was speaking, he heard a noisy sound at the door, and someone knocked on the big iron door hard, "What's doing inside?"

The hammer was nowhere to vent his breath, and shouted at the door: "Fuck off, don't bother me!"

The knock on the door became stronger, and one of the voices shouted: "We are the patrol of the trading city. You are limited to open the iron gate within one minute, otherwise, we will rush in."

The hammer was startled, "Patrol?"

Although the Hammer is not afraid of any patrols, if you openly confront the patrols, you may be expelled from the trading city.

At this juncture when the Xuedi team is offering a reward, if they are expelled from the trading city, that will disrupt the entire Xuedi team's established plan.

Iron Hammer cast an annoyed look at Xufeng, "I blame you!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's okay, I can handle this."

With that said, Xufeng walked to the iron gate and slowly opened the gate.

The patrol captain outside said cursingly: "Why is it so slow? Believe it or not, I caught you... Uh! Lord Xufeng!"

The captain of the patrol immediately stood up and saluted, and the arrogant and arrogant expression on his face immediately became respectful.

When other patrolmen saw Xufeng, they quickly saluted.

Xufeng waved his hand, "Brothers, please don't be polite, I'm having fun with my little wife."

Behind him, the hammer yelled irritably: "Who is playing with you!"

She did not deny that she was Xu Feng's little wife!

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay, it's my own business. Don't worry about the brothers."

The patrol captain also hurriedly laughed and said with interest: "Oh, it turns out that Master Xufeng was playing with his sister-in-law, then it's okay, let's leave now, let's not disturb the two.

"Well, you have worked hard." Xufeng said with a smile.

"No hard work, no hard work, we will help you close the door." The patrol captain nodded and said with a bow.

The door was closed, and the patrol captain sighed quietly, and his opponents said in a low voice: "It was dangerous just now, but fortunately we didn't break in directly."

"Sir Xufeng is too good, right? I found a little wife blatantly."

"Hey, Master Xu Feng is a real man."

"By the way, this is his little wife, who is his eldest wife?"

"Does that still need to be said? Naturally it is our special envoy!"

"Damn! Master Xufeng is so happy!"

"It's alright, don't be envious. Master Xufeng has this ability to have a big wife and a small wife. Let's stop fantasizing and think about what to eat at noon today."

"That's also..."

The patrol team left the smithy while talking and laughing.

Xufeng smiled and turned back to the hammer and said, "Okay, it's done—you see, little wife, if you want you to be here today without your husband, wouldn't you be deported?"

The Hammer nodded first, and then said annoyed: "I believe you a ghost! If you don't come today, who am I arguing with? It's good for me to be clean alone!"

As he said, the hammer raised the silver fist and warhammer again, pretending to strike.

Xufeng hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, it's okay, no trouble, no trouble, you should change your clothes quickly, take a shower, and then tell me what you are forging, and see if I can help. Busy."

The hammer pouted, "Well then, you wait for me here."

With that said, the hammer walked into the back room, then closed the large iron door made of stainless steel, and put a lock on it.

I rely on... I'm still not your husband!

How to prevent me is like preventing hooligans!

Am I the kind of person who pushes the door when someone takes a shower??

Xu Feng stretched out his hand and pushed the stainless steel gate, and found that the gate was solid, and unless he showed the enemy fencing, he could only cut it open.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, and could only stand in the yard and wait.

Chapter 468

It took another half an hour before the hammer appeared in front of Xu Feng neatly.

Her short hair has been blown dry, and her whole spirit has recovered.

If he hadn't witnessed the forging failure with his own eyes, Xufeng would never have guessed that the hammer had indeed experienced a forging failure.

This also shows that Hammer is a girl with a strong heart, and she has not been depressed because of a failure, or blamed others for it.

This is where Xufeng likes hammers.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, can you tell me now, what are you forging?"

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