Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1354

"Why do you think?" Xu Feng asked with a smirk.

The hammer said angrily: "It's nothing! But if you want to eat, I don't have any good meals to entertain you, only coarse tea and light rice."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I like all the food my little wife cooks."

"Okay, then you wait, I'm going to cook now."

With that, Hammer walked into the back room and got busy in the kitchen.

"Do you need my help?" Xufeng asked the probe.

"No need." The hammer waved the kitchen knife at Xufeng.

Xufeng quickly retracted his head.

Hammer worked in the kitchen for half an hour, and finally walked out with a plate of egg fried rice.

Xufeng looked at the black egg fried rice and opened his mouth.

"what is this?"

"Egg fried rice."

"Did you stir fry with briquettes?" Xu Feng asked seriously.

The hammer frowned and said, "What did you say? Didn't you just say that you will not dislike my cooking skills?"

"Just now, just now, I didn't know you would stir fry with briquettes."

"I didn't mix it with briquettes! I just didn't control the heat well. The fire was a little bigger." The hammer quickly defended, "Although the color is a bit heavier, it tastes good. If you don't believe me, try it. ."

Xufeng picked up his chopsticks, and after hesitating a little, he put down his chopsticks and said, "By the way, I suddenly remembered that I have a VIP for Drunken Xianju. Every time I eat, I don’t need to spend shadow energy points, so today is not as good as today. In this way, I invite you to eat in Zui Xianju."

The hammer frowned and said, "What about this meal?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Take it away. You can make it for me next time."

With that, Xu Feng stood up and prepared to leave.

The iron hammer picked up the silver fist warhammer behind Xufeng angrily, and slammed it at Xufeng fiercely.

Xufeng dodges when he hears the wind behind his head.

The silver fist hammer hit his original position, and the ground was smashed into a big hole.

"Damn!" Xu Feng exclaimed: "Iron Hammer, you really want to murder your husband!"

With a dangerous light shining in the hammer's eyes, he said in a cold voice: "It is shameful to waste food! You must eat it for me today! Otherwise, I will never finish!"

As he said, the hammer picked up the silver fist warhammer again and slammed it at Xufeng fiercely.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Well, I will eat! I will eat!"

Xufeng avoided the silver fist hammer and returned to his seat, carefully picking up his chopsticks.

The hammer said in a deep voice, "I'll finish it all, no grain of rice is allowed!"

"Yes." Xu Feng helplessly picked up a chopsticks and fried rice noodles, wrinkled his nose and sent it into his mouth.


His face suddenly turned blue and pale suddenly.

Although this is not mixed with briquettes, the taste is no different from fried briquettes.

I have to say that it is a skill to make fried rice into fried briquettes.

"How does it taste?" Hammer asked.

Xufeng said with tears: "I grew up so big...I have never eaten such delicious food..."

He swallowed the word "briquette" abruptly.

Because his stomach had been destroyed by dark food, he didn't want his body to be destroyed again.

There was a happy light in Hammer's eyes, "Really? You are not coaxing me? Is it so delicious?"

Xu Feng nodded tearfully, "If you don't believe me, try it."

The hammer picked up the chopsticks suspiciously, and picked up a large round black briquettes--no, it was a round rice ball, and then put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, her tongue became numb, her throat became tight, and her blood pressure soared!

"Bah!" The hammer directly spat out the rice ball that he had eaten, "What is this stuff?! It's so unpalatable!"

Xufeng took the opportunity to flash and retreated to the gate, while still saying, "This is the dark dish you made yourself!"

The hammer said angrily: "If it doesn't taste good, just say it's not good. Why did you lie to me just now that this is the best food you have ever eaten since childhood?"

Xufeng wiped the "soot" from his mouth, and said helplessly: "I didn't say that this is the best food I have ever eaten since I was a child, what I said is that this is what I have eaten. The best briquettes!"

"You..." Angrily, the hammer picked up the silver fist hammer.

But Xu Feng had already prepared, and fled the blacksmith's shop directly.

"Xufeng! Come back to me!" The hammer roared angrily: "You can't waste food!"

Xufeng shouted loudly: "Yeah! You can't waste food! Then you can eat it yourself! If you don't eat it, it would be a waste of food!"

"You! Damn it!" The hammer chased out of the blacksmith shop annoyed, but Xufeng was much faster than the hammer. When the hammer chased outside, Xufeng had already disappeared.

"Xu Feng! You come back! You come back!" The hammer shouted into the street.

But, where is Xufeng's response?

Xufeng would rather face Smaug than face the dark cuisine of Hammer.

The hammer stomped his feet in annoyance, and in desperation, he could only return to the table by himself, staring at the dark dish he had made.

After a long time, she sighed faintly, took up her chopsticks and said, "You can't... waste food."

Then, she picked up the plate, closed her eyes, and squeezed the whole plate of black briquettes--no, she stuffed the whole plate of egg fried rice into her mouth.

……real man!

After the hammer finished eating, the whole face turned purple and black.

She said bitterly: "Xu Feng! You dare not eat the food Lao Tzu made for you, you wait! Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can't spare you! Nah!"

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