Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1355

Chapter 470

After Xufeng left the blacksmith's shop, he wandered the street for a while.

At this time, it is not time to go to Li Hongwei's leather shop to pick up the goods. If you get there too early, it will only make Li Hongwei feel pressured.

And Xufeng doesn’t want to go to Zuixianju for dinner. Although Zuixianju’s food is the best, and Xufeng does not need to spend a cent to eat there, but Xufeng doesn’t want to face Cheng at this time. Fang.

So he entered the busy commercial street, wanting to find a small shop to make do with it.

Xufeng saw an inconspicuous small shop with few people in it, and it happened to be very leisurely.

So he deliberately half-hidden his face, and walked over.

After all, he is now also a celebrity in Trading City, especially after he got through the second stage plot of the Lord of the Rings, his reputation in Trading City is even greater.

"Boss, how do you sell Xiaolongbao?"

"Oh, a cage of 50 shadow energy points." The boss said politely.

Xu Feng was startled, "So expensive?"

The boss smiled and said, "Sir, are you new here? My steamed dumplings have the effect of soothing muscles, promoting blood circulation, and regulating the spirit. 50 shadow energy points per cage, really not expensive."

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

Since he entered the trading city for the first time, he has also visited the street once, and at that time, Xu Feng could be considered penniless.

But it's different now.

In the entire trading city, Xufeng is famous, and Xufeng has more than 75,000 shadow power points!

50 Shadow Energy points a cage of Xiaolongbao, he naturally eats it.

"Okay, bring me two cages." Xu Feng found a corner and sat down.

The boss blinked in surprise, "Sir, are you sure you want two cages?"

Xufeng nodded, "OK, oh yes, bring me a plate of vinegar, put more pepper in the vinegar."

The boss stood there and didn't move.

Xufeng frowned and asked, "Am I not clear enough?"

The boss smiled, "Sir, you are clear enough, but... two cages of steamed buns, that's 100 shadow energy points!"

"What happened to the 100 shadow energy points?" Xu Feng asked strangely.

But he immediately reacted.

This boss purely regarded him as a new survivor in Trading City.

Generally, newcomers only have a few dozen or so shadow energy points in their hands, and I'm afraid they can't even afford a bun, let alone two cages of buns.

The boss is worried that he will have no money to pay after eating.

Xu Feng suddenly smiled, "Boss, do you think I look like that kind of person?"

The boss shrugged, "It's hard to tell, sir, you cover your face, and I don't know you. You will run away after you eat. I want to find a patrol guard to catch you, I'm afraid I won't catch you.

Xufeng laughed, "Well, let me pay the bill first, and then you can serve me the buns, how about?"

The boss immediately said: "Of course this is good!"

As he said, he handed the identity token he had prepared earlier to Xu Feng, "Two cages of steamed buns, a total of 100 shadow energy points."

Xufeng then transferred 100 shadow energy points to the boss.

He could have pulled the mask and let the boss see who he was. As long as the boss saw that he was Xufeng, he didn't have to pay the 100 shadow power points in advance.

However, Xu Feng felt that there was no such need.

He came here to eat, just to stay clean, not to make the city full of storms.

Besides, 100 shadow power points are to be given sooner or later, and it is not worth selling the face for the 100 shadow power points.

"Okay, 100 shadow power points, you can check it out." Xufeng returned the boss's identity token to him.

The boss hurriedly checked his total shadow energy points, and it was 100 more.

He happily put away the identity token, then changed his face and stared at Xufeng coldly, "Hey, why are you still staying here and not leaving? If you don't leave, I will report to the patrol captain. Hmph, I can tell you that the patrol captain has a good relationship with me, and they come to me for dinner every day!"

Xu Feng immediately understood.

The boss is planning not to admit it.

Xufeng immediately sneered and said: "Boss, I just gave you 100 shadow power points. You didn't give me the buns, but you want to drive me away. What's the reason? Is it a newcomer to bully me?"

When the boss heard Xufeng's last words, he suddenly became more arrogant, "I'm the most annoying you newcomers to Trade City! I don't understand anything, and I want to eat a king's meal! Hurry up and get out of here! Otherwise, I But I really want to report to the patrol captain! I can tell you that once the patrol captain comes, you will have to be exiled from the trading city. In the future, as a survivor, you will have to fend for yourself! Don’t get out!"

Xu Feng was not at all annoyed, "I didn't expect that I would still encounter this kind of thing. Boss, I just want to eat a clean meal, so you better not cause trouble, your identity token With my transfer records, if you really track it down, I'm afraid you will be exiled."

The boss yelled impatiently: "What are you talking about? You want to coerce me? Don't open your eyes to see where this is! This is where the patrol captain should be! Get out! Get out!"

With that, the boss reached out to push Xufeng.

However, Xu Feng's body style is ten times better than him!

Xu Feng's current hidden strength is already at level 55, which is almost a level that can be confronted head-on with Special Envoy Peris.

And the owner of the bun shop in front of him is only level 35 at best.

Such a level is definitely a strong level when facing newcomers, but in front of Xufeng, it is completely unworthy.

It can be said that Xufeng can easily kill the owner of this bun shop with any finger.

But Xu Feng didn't do anything, but easily dodged the hands of the owner of the bun shop, sat firmly at the table, and leisurely raised his legs.

The owner of the steamed bun shop was shocked.

To be honest, he had never seen such a fast speed in his entire life.

But he didn't think it was how strong the young man was, he just thought that his eyes were dazzled.

At this time, a large number of people watching the excitement surrounded the door of the Baozi shop.

"Haha, Lao Liu from the steamed bun shop is starting to play the fairy dance set again."

"Isn't it! He sees people who have just arrived, so they ask them to pay first, and after they pay, he doesn't admit it!"

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