Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1356

"The customer is also unlucky, which store does not choose, but chooses such a black shop."

Xufeng heard the discussion outside, and then said loudly, "Everyone in the neighborhood, I came here to eat. The owner of this shop bullied me as a newcomer, so he asked me to pay the bill first, and finally waited for me to pay 100 movies. After the points were counted, the boss refused to admit it again! Everyone, come to me as a testimony! We can't let such a black-hearted boss exist in our trading city! Are you right?"

The people watching outside just sneered, but no one responded.

There were a lot of them, and they knew in their hearts that this bun shop was a black shop, and what Xufeng said was very reasonable, but none of them came forward to help Xufeng.


It's none of your own.

The most important point is that everyone thinks that Xufeng is a little-known newcomer.

Who will stand up for a newcomer?

However, if Xu Feng took off his face mask and revealed his identity, those who watched the excitement would quickly become justice.

This is the state of the world.

Chapter 471

Xu Feng shook his head helplessly and gave a wry smile.

In the past, he thought he could convince the public with his three-inch tongue.

Thinking about it now, what can convince the public is not the tongue at all, but the identity.

You can see things more thoroughly, and you can study the truths more clearly, but if you speak lightly, no one will care what you say.

Even if everyone knows what you said is right, even if everyone knows your truth is the most correct, that is of no use.

This is a world that values ​​identity, status, and strength.

If you say something in the mouth of a person with an identity, that's the reason.

Speaking in the mouth of an unidentified person is a ridiculous dream.

In fact, when your status reaches a high level, even if you talk about dreams, you will be praised as truth.

Let's talk about exaggeration, even if you fart, you will be praised as truth.

This time, although the steamed buns were not eaten, they understood a truth and it was not a loss.

Seeing Xufeng shaking his head, the owner of the steamed bun shop smiled triumphantly: "What kind of kid? Do you know that you are afraid? If you know that you are afraid, get out soon! Don't disturb my business here!"

Xu Feng sneered coldly, "This matter is not over yet! Although I don't care about the 100 shadow energy points, it is also made by me with a real sword. Why are you a bad guy?"

"Oh! You are really not afraid of death!" The owner of the bun shop rolled up his sleeves and prepared to do it.

But Xu Feng still sat firmly on his seat, motionless.

If the owner of the bun shop makes another move, he intends to teach him a lesson.

And at this moment, a stern shout came from the periphery of the crowd: "What's the matter? Why are so many people surrounded here? They are scattered and scattered!"

The crowd burst into a gap.

More than a dozen patrolmen wearing the armor of the castle guard walked over with great strength.

Don't look at these guys, Xu Feng usually nodded and bowed, but in front of the commoners, everyone looked like an uncle.

This is a matter of course.

After all, they are the most powerful group of survivors carefully selected by the castle.

They don't have to do almost anything, and they can get a high salary from the castle every month.

It can be said that once you become a castle guard or a higher-level guard, you have an iron rice bowl and privileges.

"Oh! Captain Case is here!"

The bun shop owner greeted him with a smile on his face.

Xu Feng took a closer look, and the captain named "Case" was clearly the captain who knocked on the door of the forge this afternoon.

Unexpectedly, going around and around, I met here again.

Xu Feng suddenly felt a little funny in her heart.

Captain Case frowned and shouted, "Boss Liu, what's going on here? I don't know if your envoy has made repeated orders to maintain the stability of the trading city? Why are so many people gathered here?"

Boss Liu hurriedly nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Master Case, that's what happened. Tonight I opened the door to do business. Who knew that I met a blackmailer! He obviously didn't give me the power points, but he insisted that I give them Now, let me give him two baskets of steamed stuffed buns, otherwise, he will be endless with me! Tell me, is there a king's law in this trading city?"

Captain Case looked at Boss Liu in disgust. As the patrol captain of the Trade City, how could he not know that Boss Liu was playing tricks?

However, with contempt in his heart, Captain Case didn't want to expose Boss Liu to be fair.

——How much is fairness worth?

Captain Case frowned, walked up to Xufeng, looked up and down Xufeng, then said coldly: "Boy, are you new here?"

Xu Feng tilted Erlang's legs and asked faintly: "Why do you say that?"

Case sneered: "Is it necessary to ask? If you are not a newcomer, how dare you come to this store?"

Xu Feng said, "So, you know, Lord Captain, this is a black shop?"

Case said angrily: "I didn't say that! Now the shopkeeper says you are blackmailing, what do you want?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "It's very simple, is it because I blackmailed him? Just ask him to take out his identity token and see if there is any transfer record."

Boss Liu yelled: "Why? A customer used to consume two cages of steamed buns with me. Then you came as soon as the customer paid the bill, and then you took the opportunity to blackmail. Just looking at the transfer records can't explain anything. !"

Case looked at Xufeng gloomily.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Really? There is a guest in front of me? Then you can tell, what does the guest look like?"

Boss Liu said frankly: "A tall man, a sturdy body, and a beard all over his face. Anyway, he's much stronger than you!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Do you know the name of the person who transferred the money to you?"

"How do I know this? I haven't had time to take a closer look!" Boss Liu said.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Then I suggest you take a look first."

Boss Liu said impatiently: "You said let me watch me? What kind of thing are you! Captain Case, look, I'm still doing business here, can you get him away? We have completely cancelled the account that you ate here with your brothers some time ago."

This is a blatant bribery.

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