Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1357

It seems that Captain Case and Boss Liu have long been involved in interests.

No wonder Mr. Liu is so arrogant.

Captain Case gave Boss Liu angrily.

In front of so many people, talking about a write-off, this clearly exposed their potential relationship!

However, fortunately, he was able to cover the sky with one hand on this street, so Case did not take it to heart.

He said in a deep voice to Xufeng: "You have seen the current situation. I don't care what you think in your heart. I only tell you that you have only two choices now, either, leave here obediently, or just Let me arrest you on the charge of blackmail, beat you up, and then exile you from the trading city. I won’t be able to return for ten years."

Xufeng sneered: "There is no third way?"

Case said in a deep voice: "No. If you are still acquainted, then you'd better choose the first way, so that the loss is the least. If you choose the second way, you will be exiled outside the trading city. I am afraid it will be difficult for you to survive."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "How do I feel that there should be a third way?"

Case sneered and said: "Boy, I have been polite to you, and the reason is clear to you. If you still want to die, don't blame me for being ruthless in law enforcement."

"What a ruthless law enforcement." Xu Feng smiled coldly, "I didn't expect that I would come across such a ruthless thing when I came to the street to take a leisurely meal."

After speaking, Xu Feng slowly took off the mask on his face.

Chapter 472: Everyone Has Become the Incarnation of Justice

The moment Xu Feng took off his mask, Captain Case's expression instantly changed from cold and arrogant and impatience to complete panic.

"Hmph! Boy, it's useless for you to say anything now!" Boss Liu of the steamed bun shop still had a triumphant expression.

He thought that when Xufeng took off his mask, he had surrendered.

Although he also thinks that Xufeng is a bit familiar, but Xufeng has always been dressed in plain clothes and rarely appears in public. His behavior is quite low-key. Therefore, even if Xufeng appears in front of him now, he can hardly think of this. It is Xufeng.

"Captain Case, what are you waiting for? Get him quickly!" Boss Liu urged.

He wanted to end this matter soon. He didn't spend anything, so he got 100 shadow power points in vain. This is really cool.

Although he couldn't make up for the shortfall that Case and the others took for nothing, there was a profit.

And Captain Case was already terrified.

He never expected that Xu Feng, who was flirting with the "little wife" just now, would appear in such a small shop alone!

And, by coincidence, I ran into Boss Liu who likes to blackmail newcomers!

Keston felt cold on his back and his neck felt as though he was not his own.

The other patrol members naturally also know Xufeng. They were still pretentious just now, and now they all bow their heads and hands down, and dare not breathe.

The onlookers outside found it strange, so they came over curiously.

Naturally, some of the crowd knew Xufeng.

"Oh my god! I read that right! It turned out to be Master Xufeng?"

"It's really Mr. Xufeng! Mrs. Xufeng, is this a private visit on WeChat?"

"It's over, Lao Liu is over here!"

The onlookers were full of gloat.

Xufeng cleared his throat, "Captain Case, tell me, to my handsome face, is there a third way to choose?"

Captain Case was trembling, and his whole body was about to collapse.

In this matter, the younger one is that he is inadequately disciplined, and the older one is that he deliberately dereliction of duty by taking advantage of illegal merchants!

Boss Liu hasn't reacted yet. He sneered and said, "Boy, what are you going to pretend to be when you die? I'm telling you, you are dead today! Captain Case is a frequent visitor to me, you are offended I just offended Captain Case!"


Captain Case rounded his arms and slapped Boss Liu's fat face with a fierce slap.

Boss Liu was beaten and turned around three times, with a swollen face.

He didn't understand why Captain Case would beat him instead of the young man who wanted to "blackmail" him.

After Captain Case finished the fight, he nodded and said to Xufeng, "Sorry, Mr. Xufeng, I am not familiar with this surname Liu at all. I don’t know anything about him. I always thought he was an honest man. The businessman, he didn't expect that he would do such a shameless thing!"

"Xu, Xufeng?" Boss Liu covered his face and got up from the ground, looking at Xufeng in horror.

Captain Case kicked Boss Liu to the ground with an annoyed kick, and shouted angrily: "Is the name of Master Xufeng also something a bitch like you can call? Come on, get me the peddler vendor. Damn it, slander Master Xufeng!"

Boss Liu realized that he had hit a diamond. He quickly knelt down in front of Xufeng, and said with tears in his nose: "Master Xufeng! Master Xufeng! I really look down on people. Please, my lord, please spare me this time! I am willing to double, no, compensate you ten times, ten times!"

Ten times of 100 shadow power points is 1000 shadow power points.

If it was half a month ago, such compensation would surely make Xufeng's heart fascinating.

But now, Xu Feng holds more than 75,000 shadow power points, and the compensation of 1,000 shadow power points is like cursing the street to him.

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Boss Liu, I'm afraid you have done this kind of thing once or twice, right?"

Boss Liu said shiveringly: "No, no, just once today, I'm crazy!"

"Oh? Really?" Xu Feng glanced at the audience coldly.

Among the crowd onlookers, someone immediately said, "Master Xu Feng, don't believe him. This boss Liu has done this kind of thing more than ten times eight times!"

"Yes, we are all merchants around here, and we often see him bullying newcomers like this!"

"Those newcomers who were blackmailed by him, none of them can survive, they have all been wiped out by him!"

"His hands are covered with blood! His bun shop is just a human meat bun shop!"

The onlookers were all filled with righteous indignation, and all of them became messengers of justice.

This is completely different from when Xufeng asked them to stand up and testify against Boss Liu.

At that time, Xu Feng was covering his face. No one knew that he was Xu Feng. He only came as a newcomer with no identity. Everyone just watched the excitement of the newcomer being eaten alive. There is no justice. justice.

This also confirmed Xu Feng's sentiment once again.

It's not how justice he himself is, or whether this justice can infect others, but it all depends on his status.

If you have status and status, everyone will come to "help" you, but if you don't have status and status, if you don't step on you, you are already benevolent.

Therefore, he is very calm now, and he hasn't paid much attention to the favors and changes of the onlookers.

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