Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1358

Captain Case also said righteously: "Master Xufeng, please rest assured, this matter will be handled by the villain, and the villain will definitely be fair to Master Xufeng."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Really? What is Captain Case going to do with it?"

Captain Case immediately said: "Then you need to talk about it? Naturally kill him to avenge Master Xufeng! In addition, all his shadow power points are given to Master Xufeng!"

Boss Liu said in surprise: "No! No!"

He never expected that the consequences of this blackmail would be so great!

If he knew that, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing to death!

Boss Liu turned his mind and yelled loudly: "Case! You ungrateful fellow! You and your brother came to me to eat and drink for nothing, and take it for nothing before leaving! I am so young! How can the shop in this place stand up to your food and card demands? I have no more ways to make money? You think I am willing to do this! I did it all because of you!"

Case was surprised and annoyed, and hurriedly punched Boss Liu's mouth with a heavy blow, which directly caused Boss Liu to break his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, and he could no longer scream.

Case hurriedly smirked and said to Xufeng: "Master Xufeng, it turns out this guy is a bad dog, whoever bites it! What he said just now is not true. Don't believe Master Xufeng. "

"Haha." Xu Feng smiled coldly.

He certainly understands that what Boss Liu said is true.

It's just that he didn't want to expose this in public. This was not to save Case, but Xu Feng didn't care about these corrupt behaviors in the guards.

Because it didn't take long for Xufeng to uproot the ruling power of the castle and clean it up completely.

Chapter 473

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Captain Case, if I were just an ordinary person, what would you do today?"

Captain Case was taken aback and said quickly: "Master Xufeng, it is our duty to protect the trading city from these criminals! If you are just an ordinary person today, I will enforce the law impartially and punish him in accordance with the regulations. of."

......The law enforces impartially?

That was not the case just now.

Xufeng sneered and said, "Just now you said, give me two choices."

Keston was frightened in a cold sweat, "Master Xufeng, mine, mine, are just a temptation, yes, this is our usual method of interrogation to determine who is guilty and who is guilty."

Xufeng laughed, "Oh, it turned out to be like this, so it seems that I really missed Lord Case. I thought you were going to expel me from the trading city."

Case almost started to pee, "How dare I, Master Xufeng! You are the honorary captain of all our guards and bodyguards! If I did that, wouldn't it be the following crime!"

Xufeng sneered and asked: "Then, I would like to ask, if I am not Xufeng, then according to the normal process, what would you do with this boss Liu?"

Case said immediately: "A villain like him, everyone will be punishable! I will follow the normal process, first confiscate all his property, return the part that he blackmailed you, return it to you, and then expel him. Ten years out of the trading city."

Xufeng raised her brows, "Oh, according to the normal process, is it just refunding me 100 shadow energy points?"

Case immediately smiled and said: "Yes, it is naturally like this according to the normal process, but this time Boss Liu's behavior was too bad, and he even blackmailed you. Therefore, you must be strict and withdraw your shadow. To be able to count, he must be ten times more! Moreover, he must be permanently expelled from the trading city and he will never be able to return."

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Actually, if you confiscate all his property, you will only expel him for a year, and it will be no different from expelling him forever. It will only leave him dead without a place to bury him. Of course, neither do I If you need to refund me ten times the shadow power points, just follow the normal process and refund me 100 shadow power points."

Case was startled, "This, how can this work?"

Xufeng sneered coldly, "Captain Case, do you think I am here to eat or to earn these 1,000 shadow energy points?"

Case quickly said with a smile on his face: "Naturally, I came to eat."

Xufeng sneered: "Yes, I just came to eat. Now that the meal is not finished, then return the Shadow Energy Points to me. As for what is not punished, that is your business."

Case wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Yes, yes! The subordinates know what to do."

Xufeng sneered and said, "Oh yes, one more thing, what will you do with this store?"

Case hurriedly said: "All the commercial stores in the Trade City are owned by your special envoy. Since Boss Liu will be exiled, this store will naturally be free."

Xufeng said lightly: "Well, you report to my special envoy sister and said that if no one else rents it, this store can be rented to me."

Case said quickly: "Yes! Yes!"

To be honest, the location of this store is very good. Many businesses are staring at it. However, since Xufeng has said that he wants to rent here, no one dares to compete with Xufeng for quotations.

"Give me 100 shadow energy points." Xu Feng stood up and said to Boss Liu who was already paralyzed on the ground.

Boss Liu struggled to sit up straight, and begged: "Master Xufeng, I was wrong before, I damn it, but I beg Master Xufeng not to be like me! Please raise your hand high!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Give me back the 100 Shadow Energy Points first."

"Oh! Yes!" Boss Liu thought that his begging for mercy was working, so he quickly took out his identity token and transferred 100 of the shadow energy points to Xufeng.

Xufeng said coldly: "Actually, I have no grudges with you, but what you committed is a felony that is not allowed in the trading city. There are many newcomers in the trading city just now. This kind of crime can't be solved by raising my hand to you by myself. Moreover, we are settled. If you want to beg for mercy, you should also find Captain Case."

Boss Liu was dumbfounded.

He even scolded Case just now. If he falls into Case's hands, will he still have a chance to survive?

"No! Master Xufeng! Help me! Please, I am willing to be a dog for you! Don't you want to open a shop? I can help you watch the door! I don't need any movie points! Please keep me alive!" Boss Liu pleaded bitterly.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, and ignored Boss Liu at all.

He turned and said to the other onlookers: "Everyone, I am about to enter the third stage of the plot of the Lord of the Rings. If I can survive, then I will rent this shop, then what does this shop sell? Naturally, I won’t sell buns anymore."

The crowd onlookers below all burst into laughter.

Xu Feng went on to say: "I will sell some gadgets in the high-level story copy, and the price will not be too expensive. If you are interested, you are welcome to buy it at that time."

The crowd onlookers immediately applauded, and they all said they would definitely come to cheer.

This is not a polite remark, you know, apart from the Snow Emperor team, no one in the trading city can enter the story plane above level 50. In the level 50 plane, even if it is garbage, it is better than them. The equipment in hand is better.

Therefore, everyone is really looking forward to it.

"Okay, I should go too. For the next thing, I will ask Captain Keys. I believe you will handle this matter properly, right?" Xufeng asked.

Case quickly said: "Please rest assured, Master Xufeng!"

Xufeng nodded and walked out of the bun shop.

The crowd gave way to Xufeng, and many of them took the opportunity to compliment Xufeng at close range.

Xufeng maintained his inherent coldness and arrogance, no one paid any attention, and soon disappeared into the dark street.

"It's really hanging!" someone whispered.

"Hey, people have a lot of money." The other people shook their heads and smiled.

"Let's go, boss Liu, come back to the castle with us for trial." Captain Case said coldly: "When the trial is over, you will be banished!"

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