Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1359

Immediately, the two patrolmen stepped forward, tied up the paralyzed Boss Liu, and dragged out of the Baozi Shop.

The people in the back pointed and pointed, completely watching the excitement.

After the patrol dragged Boss Liu away, these people rushed into the bun shop and snatched everything they could get.

The originally clean and tidy steamed bun shop immediately became chaotic.

Everyone who participated in the grab had a smile on their faces.

Only the slow-moving people are full of righteous indignation.

Chapter 474

The patrol dragged Boss Liu, who was covered in blood, through the dark streets.

While no one was around, one of the patrol members smiled and said to Captain Case: "Captain, the owner of a bun shop in the area of ​​Boss Liu is still very rich! I just saw that he has at least two Thousands of shadow energy points!"

Case said indifferently: "Oh? What do you mean?"

The patrolman grinned, lowered his voice and said with a smile: "Isn’t it a waste of two thousand shadow power points to be confiscated? Anyway, Master Xufeng didn’t ask for compensation for the 1,000 shadow power points. It’s better than the captain, you accept it for Master Xufeng. Right?"

Case's heart moved, and then he shouted coldly: "Naughty! Since Master Xufeng has clearly said no, how can I accept it for him? Besides, these shadow power points are all illegal income! Must be turned over to the special envoy. Your Mightiness!"

The patrolman who made the "suggestion" immediately said in a nonsense, "Yes, yes, the subordinate is wrong."

In fact, Case understood the meaning of this patrolman.

The patrolman wanted him to embezzle the 1,000 shadow energy points privately by taking care of Xufeng's fine.

Not to mention, Case had really moved this thought.

However, he was able to achieve the position of patrol captain, not entirely by luck, he was also a bit brainy.

He didn't have the guts to swallow this account even if he had the intention.

You know, Xufeng is the big red man in front of the envoy, and Xufeng wants to rent the storefront of the Baozi Shop. If the two meet and chat, they have a pair of accounts, and they can’t be right, then Case’s head will not be able to keep it. .

He has finally passed a level now and has not been held accountable by Xufeng. If he dared to make the idea of ​​this fine, he would really be dead.

What's more, there are a total of ten patrol brothers here, all of whom have eyes. Don't look at the captain, the former captain and the back of the captain usually call him like his father, but everyone wants him to be unlucky.

The positions of the patrol team are limited. Only if a captain dies can a new captain be succeeded.

Therefore, even if Case was stupid, he would not dare to touch this account.

When he reached a street corner, Case winked at his patrolman.

The patrolmen under him immediately understood, and turned to the most desolate road.

Boss Liu immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly shouted: "Where are you taking me? This is not the way to the castle!"

"Do you still want to go to the castle?" Case said with a sneer.

Boss Liu quickly said: "Captain Case, according to the rules, you should take me back to the castle for trial! Where are you taking me?"

Case sneered and said, "Of course I let you go."

"Let me go?" Boss Liu was surprised and couldn't believe what Case said.

Case sighed, "Old Liu, I was a little sorry for you just now. After all, our brothers have been eating yours and taking yours for so many years. We are finally friendship."

Boss Liu said in astonishment: "Captain Case, are you really going to let me go? You, you are not afraid... Master Xufeng and your envoy will pursue you?"

Case said helplessly: "Of course I'm scared, but we are friends. Friends are about to die. I can't help but die, right? Don't be fussy, just run away while there is no one here."

Boss Liu hesitated, "But...where am I going..."

Case said: "Oh, the trading city is so big, it's not easy for you to find a place to hide? My suggestion, it's better to hide in the area of ​​the alchemy laboratory first. No one dares to go there, as long as you don't let it Just eat the monsters of Master Mi Xiu. When the next round of plot missions starts, you will enter your plot world and complete the plot missions. Then, when the plot ends, leave the trading city. Whether you survive by yourself or look for trading cities on other planes, that’s your own business."

Boss Liu said excitedly: "So, Lord Case, you really want to let me go, I thought you..."

Case sighed, "How could I be on your side in that situation? Right? That's Xufeng!"

"Right, right, right!" Boss Liu nodded like garlic.

Case said: "Well, don't say anything, do you have a weapon?"

Boss Liu said, "...There is a sharp knife for boning."

Case said, "Take it out and stab my arm."

Boss Liu said in surprise: "Master Case! This is absolutely impossible! How can I stab you if you want to save me."

Case said helplessly: "Do you understand the bitter trick? If I let you go, how can I explain to your special envoy? My brother, should he follow me to death? You stabbed me, and I will treat you The knife escaped. In this way, your Special Envoy will naturally not blame me, at most he will suspend me for a period of time."

Boss Liu suddenly realized, "Oh! That's how it is! Then..."

He gritted his teeth and revealed a shiny viscerating knife.

This knife is not his weapon for plot missions, it is only used to slaughter livestock and beasts.Because it is often used and often worn, it is extremely sharp and sharp.

However, Case was also the captain of the patrol anyway, and he didn't care about this weapon at all.

He showed his left arm, "Come on, stab here, and then you can run."

Boss Liu took a deep breath and hesitated while holding a knife.

He felt that Captain Case shouldn't have to be so good to him, but this is indeed his best chance to survive.

Even if you have to hide in the alchemy laboratory area first, it is better than being deprived of all the property and exiled outside the trading city.

In fact, being exiled from the Trading City is not terrible. If you are exiled from the Trading City, at most, you will lose a lot of resources for earning movie points, and there is no team, the guild as the backing, you can only fight alone.

This is no different from starting from scratch.

But the problem is that if you are exiled, you will be deprived of all your property.

This not only includes all your shadow power points and the materials accumulated in your inventory, but even more terribly, even all the previously equipped weapons will be deprived!

In this way, you can't continue to survive by paying the system's power points, you must personally participate in the plot of the same level of difficulty, and you must complete the system tasks.

However, under the premise of no equipment, no weapons, and no shadow power points, almost no one can complete system tasks...

Even if it can be completed once by chance, the shadow power points earned cannot be traded in the trading city to add new equipment and weapons, and then in the second round, they will face life and death again.

Therefore, it is not terrible to be exiled. The frightening thing is to be exiled after being deprived of all property.

Chapter 475

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