Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1360

"Hurry up, boss Liu, time is running out!"

Captain Case urged rather impatiently.

Boss Liu gritted his teeth, screamed, and pierced Captain Case's arm with the deboning knife.

His speed is not fast, and his strength is not too strong. If relying on strength, Case can definitely avoid him.

However, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of Case's mouth, and he stood still and did not dodge.


The bone piercing knife stuck on Case's left arm, and suddenly, Case's left arm was bleeding.

Boss Liu immediately dropped the bloody knife and looked at Case with a pale face, "Master Case, I'm sorry..."

Case smiled and said, "Don't you run?"

"Huh!" Boss Liu just woke up like a dream, and ran down the dark road.

Anyway, find a place to hide first!

When he had just ran over the corner and before he could turn, he heard Case yelling from behind: "The criminal resisted arrest and stabbed the patrol captain! Hunt for me immediately, kill me!"

"Yes!" the patrol soldiers roared loudly.

Boss Liu realized that he had been fooled.

From the very beginning, this Case didn't really want him to escape, but wanted to take the opportunity to kill him!

Boss Liu rushed as if he lost his soul, but how could his speed and experience compare to a patrolman?

In less than three minutes, he was surrounded by patrols in a dead end.

Case clutched his injured left arm and said coldly: "Liu, you have committed a crime and you dare to attack the patrol captain. You are dead this time!"

Boss Liu yelled, "Case! You bastard! You yin to me!"

Case said indifferently: "Do you want to take a bite back? Come, take him! If he dares to resist, kill him!"

Boss Liu immediately knelt to the ground, "I won't resist! Catch me! I want to shake up your affairs with your envoy!"

Before he could say anything, a patrolman stepped forward with a long knife in his hand and stabbed Boss Liu in the lungs.

Boss Liu suddenly fell to the ground and struggled in pain.

Stabbing the lungs, although not as deadly as stabbing the heart, made him unable to breathe.

This kind of pain is several times more tragic than killing him directly.

Keith stepped over and stepped on Boss Liu's face with his foot, "Just rely on you? You still want to see the envoy? You want to shake our affairs in front of the envoy? Haha, you are really stupid."

Boss Liu opened his mouth resentfully, but he was struggling to breathe, so he didn't even mention talking.

Case sneered and said: "Okay, get rid of him, lest you have any troubles."


Patrolmen, you cut me and cut Boss Liu into meat sauce in an instant.

Case's satisfied opponents nodded.

In fact, in order to kill someone like Boss Liu, it is not necessary for all the patrol team members to take action. However, in this case, it is equivalent to a certificate of approval. Everyone participated in this matter, so that everyone’s fate is tied Together, betraying your teammates is tantamount to betraying yourself.

Case sneered and said, "Everyone knows how to tell your superiors?"

"Know!" the patrol team responded in unison.

"Very well, take this guy's corpse and go back for business."


The patrol team immediately picked up Boss Liu's body and followed Case to the castle to return to life.

They naturally don’t worry that their superiors will thoroughly investigate this matter. First, Boss Liu did anger Xufeng. Based on this, it’s okay to execute Boss Liu directly. Second, he killed a Boss Liu. All of his property was confiscated. For the special envoy Peris, there was no loss, but there was still a profit.

Since everyone is happy, who cares about the life and death of a bun shop owner?

Case didn't care, Peris didn't care, and Xu Feng didn't care.

The world of the trading city plane is not the world he loves. There are only a few people here, who are friends with him. As for other people, Xu Feng doesn't care at all.

After such a thing happened tonight, it strengthened his cold heart.

Naturally, steamed buns can't be eaten. As for other foods, he has no appetite anymore.

Fortunately, it was almost time now, so after he left the bun shop, he walked along the street to Li Hongwei's leather shop.

At this time, it was dark, the leather shop door was closed tightly, and the inside was brightly lit.

Xufeng knocked on the door.

Li Hongwei's impatient voice came from inside, "Have you not seen the notice posted on the door? There is something to do today, don't do business with anyone!"

Xufeng smiled dumbly, "It's me, Li Hongwei."

His figure is highly recognizable, Li Hongwei inside the room exclaimed, immediately put down his work, and ran over to open the door.

"Brother Feng! You are here!" Li Hongwei said with a smile on his face.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. Obviously, he had basically never closed his eyes since last night.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Li Hongwei, thank you very much."

Li Hongwei quickly said: "How can you say that it is hard to make equipment for Feng Ge! Come on, Feng Ge, please come in."

Xu Feng nodded and walked into the leather shop.

He was not too polite, and found a place to sit down.

Li Hongwei smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Feng, I made you laugh. I am in a mess. You can sit for a while, and wait until I finish the last few steps, and then I will greet you well."

Xufeng waved his hand, "You are busy with you, leave me alone, I'm not in a hurry."

"Eh! Great! Then I'll continue to work!" Li Hongwei owed Xufeng apologetically, and then trot all the way back to his leather workbench to continue the work he had just put down.

Xu Feng glanced roughly, and several pieces of leather goods were basically formed, but they needed more detailed modifications.

According to this calculation, it should be available before the gathering tonight.

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