Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1361

This time, Li Hongwei really did a great job.

Xu Feng's gaze fell on a large number of empty tea cups beside Li Hongwei. It seemed that Li Hongwei had been drinking this Xingyue tea to refresh himself.

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

As time passed, Li Hongwei was always busy on the leather workbench.

And Xu Feng has always been very calm.

After more than two hours, Li Hongwei finally breathed a weary sigh of relief, then stood up, and said excitedly to Xufeng: "Brother Feng, sorry for keeping you waiting. I have already completed the equipment you want. Up.".

"Oh!" Xu Feng smiled and stood up, "Magnificent, it's really hard for you this time."

"No hard work, no hard work." Li Hongwei said with a smile: "I am also making such advanced equipment for the first time. This is also a super learning opportunity for me! Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you Feng Ge. Oh, Xufeng, please go over it and see if there is something you don’t like, I’ll modify it now."

Chapter 476 Spider Lord Suit

Xu Feng walked to the leather workbench and saw three brand-new, sassy leather equipment lying there quietly.

The most obvious one is the leather breastplate.

This breastplate looks very stylish and very tough.

Even if it's only leather goods, its toughness is probably stronger than ordinary armor.

Beside this breastplate, there is a leather leg guard and a pair of leather shoulders.

The patterns on them are obviously in the same series, seemingly very uniform.

Li Hongwei said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Feng Brother, my abilities are limited. I can only make three pieces of equipment with the materials you gave me. In fact, if my leatherworking skills are higher, I should be able to make them for you. It’s a pity, a pity."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Magnificent, don't say that. I am already very happy to have three new equipment. As for the leatherworking strength, I only have the opportunity to slowly improve."

To be honest, these three pieces of equipment can completely make up for the shortcomings of Xufeng's current equipment.

His breastplate is still a level 30 hunting armor. The hunting armor has almost no special effects, only the basic 30 armor and 30 strength. Such equipment should have been replaced long ago.

Although Xu Feng didn't know the attributes of the breastplate made by Li Hongwei, with the level of level 55 of the breastplate, even if the attributes were poor, it would be better than the hunting breastplate.

Also, his pants are also a pair of 30-level pants.

In addition, Xufeng didn't have shoulder pads before, and this time, Li Hongwei specially made him a handsome leather shoulder pad with the chitin shell of the spider lord.

This greatly made up for his lack of equipment.

Li Hongwei said: "Oh right, Brother Feng, because this is a level 55 equipment, a person like me cannot activate their basic attributes and special effects, so you can only activate it perfectly after you wear it. Of course, the disadvantage here is that once you put on the binding, the equipment belongs to you only, and you can no longer sell it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "For me, this is not a shortcoming. After all, these three parts are all the parts I want."

Li Hongwei said happily: "That's good! I didn't expect that the equipment I made will be worn by Brother Feng one day. I'm so excited. Come, let me put it on for you."


Xu Feng condensed his mind, showed his original equipment, and then took off.

Li Hongwei quickly picked up the spider breastplate and put it on Xufeng.

So light!

Xufeng's first feeling was that it was lighter than wearing a vest!

Moreover, the air permeability is also very good, and it will not feel too stuffy.

Li Hongwei said: "Brother Feng, you concentrate your mind and connect this spider breastplate with your mind. When this spider breastplate is illuminated, it is the time to activate its attributes."

"Okay, I'll try it."

Xu Feng immediately condensed his thoughts and projected his thoughts onto the spider breastplate on his body.

Soon, a dazzling white light appeared on the spider's breastplate.

After the white light subsided, Xu Feng immediately felt a warm breath pour into his limbs from his breastplate, and he sensed that his strength instantly improved a lot.

He hurriedly searched it with Lingshi, and a line of explanations appeared before his eyes.

Extraordinary Item: The Spider Lord's Breastplate.

Item level: Level 55 (soul-bound, not for sale).

Item attributes: +110 armor, +110 strength.

Item special effect 1: Collect three parts of the Spider Lord suit to activate suit attributes.

Item special effect 2: The deadly threat can be perceived one second in advance.

Item special effect 3: In the name of the spider lord, any spider damage will be converted into self-recovery.

Item effect 4: In the name of the spider lord, the damage to spider monsters is increased ten times.

Item special effect 5: Fear of fire, when attacked by fire magic, it will take double damage.


So many special effects!

Unfortunately, not much is really useful.

The perception of a fatal threat one second in advance seems to be quite daunting, I don't know how the actual effect is.

In addition, the three-piece suit can stimulate the attributes of the suit, and it looks good. There are exactly three pieces here, and it also happens to be able to gather the attributes of one suit. Wait a minute and try.

In addition, the basic attributes of this breastplate are really too strong.

Compared with the previous hunting breastplate, it has doubled!

Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Very good!"

Li Hong was greatly relieved, "Brother Feng, let's try this spider leg armor again."

"Okay." Xu Feng immediately took off the original unnamed leather armor shorts and replaced it with this brand new spider leg armor.

As soon as it was put on, the spider's leg armor automatically contracted and tightly wrapped Xufeng's thigh, which was very fit.

It can be seen that Li Hongwei has put a lot of effort into comfort.

Xufeng condensed his mind and poured his mind on the spider's leg armor.

Suddenly, the spider's leg armor mastered the white light, and after the white light, Xu Feng felt a familiar warmth again.

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