Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1362

Turn on the vision system, and the message of the spider leg armor appeared in front of his eyes.

Extraordinary Item: Legplates of the Spider Lord.

Item level: Level 55 (soul-bound, not for sale).

Item attributes: +110 strength, +110 agility.

Item special effect 1: Collect three parts of the Spider Lord suit to activate suit attributes.

Item special effect 2: Light footsteps, no sound, when the mind is poured into the legs, you can get a 20-second sprint effect. Under the sprint effect, all movement speeds are doubled.

Item special effect 3: In the name of the spider lord, any spider damage will be converted into self-recovery.

Item effect 4: In the name of the spider lord, the damage to spider monsters is increased ten times.

Item special effect 5: Fear of ice, when attacked by ice magic, it will take double damage.


Xufeng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

The basic attributes of this spider lord’s leg armor can be described as being against the sky. It is indeed made from the chitin leather of the spider lord Mal'Ganis, but the problem is that the negative effects of this item’s special effects are too deadly. Oh, breastplates are afraid of fire, legplates are afraid of ice, what else they are not afraid of!

Xu Feng suddenly grew big.

Although the attributes of these two pieces of spider lord equipment are really strong, if the enemy encountered is a magician, the special effects of this suit can be terrible.

When you can't meet a magician, take off your clothes and pants, right?

That scene... was too spicy, right?

Li Hongwei asked cautiously: "Brother Feng, is there anything wrong?".

Xu Feng shook his head quickly, "No, no, everything is fine, try shoulders again."

The Spider Lord suit needs to wear all three pieces in order to stimulate the suit effect. Xu Feng wants to know what the suit effect of this half awesome and half cheating equipment is.

Chapter 477 Xu Feng's Principle

After putting on the spider lord's shoulder armor, another white light flickered.

After the white light disappeared, Xu Feng felt a familiar warmth rushing to the limbs.

Xufeng immediately used the Lingshi system to scan:

Extraordinary Item: Pauldrons of the Spider Lord.

Item level: Level 55 (soul-bound, not for sale).

Item attributes: +110 armor, +110 strength.

Item special effect 1: Collect three parts of the Spider Lord suit to activate suit attributes.

Item special effect 2: When hit, there is a great chance that a spider silk cocoon barrier will be created. The spider silk cocoon barrier can withstand damage equivalent to level 60. When the spider silk barrier is broken, within the next ten minutes , It will be impossible to create a barrier again.

Item special effect 3: In the name of the spider lord, any spider damage will be converted into self-recovery.

Item effect 4: In the name of the spider lord, the damage to spider monsters is increased ten times.

Item Special Effect 5: Fear of physical attacks. When subjected to physical attacks, you will suffer double damage.


Such a good basic attribute, but in the end there is a garbage negative attribute!

The negative attributes of the Spider Lord’s Breastplate and Spider Lord’s Leg Armor can be tolerated. After all, they correspond to magicians, while the negative attributes of the Spider Lord’s shoulder armor correspond to physical attacks!

This means that if you put on the Spider Lord's shoulder armor, anyone who attacks Xufeng will suffer double damage!

This is equivalent to a 30-level strength person hitting him, it will produce 60-level damage!

Of course, in terms of Xufeng’s physical strength, let alone a level 30 opponent, even a level 60 opponent would be very difficult to hit him. However, if he is fighting in a huge army, Xufeng will It's hard to guarantee everything is foolproof!

What's more, their next third stage of the plot is the famous Battle of the Five Armies!The five legions fought together on the Smaug Desert, and it was impossible not to get hurt.

Just talking about these pieces of equipment is really tasteless!

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and he was hesitant to continue wearing the Spider-Lord's equipment. Suddenly, a line of bronzing characters appeared in his spiritual vision: Spider-Lord three-piece suit was assembled, and the Spider-Lord special effect was activated.

Xu Feng frowned, and quickly inspected his whole body with spiritual vision.

I saw these three pieces of equipment with spider patterns, and at the same time they turned into dark green suit colors.

Extraordinary items: Spider Lord suit.

Item level: Level 55+, the effect of the suit disappears after splitting.

Item attributes: retain the basic attributes of a single equipment part, while adding an additional 100 points of armor, 100 points of strength, 100 points of agility, 100 points of endurance, and 100 points of spirit.

Item special effects: Keep the first four special effects of each part, and touch the fifth negative special effect.

Hold the grass!

The peak has turned!

This set attribute, although there is only one special effect, is actually a life-changing grade!

It seems that the equipment of the spider lord is completely "harmonious, and divided or dead"!

Wearing any piece of equipment alone will have a deadly negative effect, but when the three pieces of equipment stimulate the suit effect, these headaches will all disappear!

Moreover, personal attributes have also been greatly improved!

These three pieces of equipment, coupled with the effect attributes of the suit, have increased a total of 430 points of strength, 320 points of armor, 210 points of agility, 100 points of stamina, and 100 points of spirit.

This is really a mediocre improvement!

In this way, Xu Feng's personal attributes have reached a new height, with 1143 strength, 570 agility, 179 endurance, 550 armor, and 220 spirit!

1143 points of strength and 570 points of agility, converted into damage values, is equivalent to Xufeng's sword can cut 1143x10, plus a total damage value of 570x5.

The total damage value is 14280 damage!

In other words, the limit damage of Xufeng's sword can reach more than 14,000 points!

If the health value is less than 15000 points, or the armor value is less than 1500 points, it is easy to be killed by Xufeng's sword!

Generally speaking, the damage that a level 50 elite NPC can withstand is this upper limit.

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