Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1363

This also means that after Xu Feng puts on the Spider Lord three-piece suit, he can completely drop the level 50 elite NPC in seconds. Even facing the level 55 elite NPC, it is very easy to use the moves properly.

And even in the face of elites of level 60, or even above level 60, Xu Feng will definitely have a chance to be beheaded if he cooperates with his enemy fencing!

Even in the face of the powerful Smaug, Xu Feng is not without a chance!

Although this chance is very slim, it is much better than in the second stage!

Xu Feng let out a sigh of relief and smiled and said to Li Hongwei who was full of anxiety: "Magnificent, thank you, this spider suit is very well made."

"Really?" Li Hongwei said in surprise: "Can I help Brother Feng?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You have helped me a lot! We are my own family, so thank you, I won't say much. You helped me make this outfit for a whole day of hard work, and then, you can do well. Take a break. Oh, by the way, you haven't told me yet, how much materials did you spend on these three pieces of equipment."

Li Hongwei hurriedly smiled and said: "Brother Feng, you are out of here! I have only the honor to make this equipment for you. How can I ask you for material money?"

Xu Feng said sternly: "Let's put one yard into one. I must not let my own people suffer. Tell me, how many shadow energy points did I spend?"

"Uh..." Li Hongwei blushed with a wry smile, "It cost a total of 12,000 shadow power points... Actually, I was sure to compress it to less than 8,000 shadow power points, but the construction period was too short. Time to bargain with those rare material vendors, so I can only spend an extra 4,000 shadow energy points."

Xufeng smiled and said: "This is not wrong, use it a day earlier, and enjoy it a day earlier, besides, three pieces of 55-level equipment, a total of more than 12,000 shadow power points, converted into one piece of equipment It's equivalent to 4000 shadow power points, which is really great value. Come, give me your identity token."

Li Hongwei still wanted to decline, and Xu Feng smiled and said: "Magnificent, I will definitely come to you to make leather goods in the future. If your technology has not been improved, how can you do it? And to improve technology, the most direct The way is to burn money. You don't have any extra shadow power points in your hand, how can you quickly improve?"

Li Hongwei blinked, then nodded, "That..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Come on, you are welcome, this is what you deserve."

Li Hongwei hesitated for a moment, and then nodded heavily, "Well, thank you Feng Ge! I will use this shadow to earn points and work hard to improve myself!"


Xufeng took Li Hongwei’s identity token and directly transferred 15,000 shadow energy points to his account...

Among them, 12,000 shadow power points are material costs, and the other 3,000 are hard costs.

Xufeng's principle is very simple, he is absolutely cruel to irrelevant people, and he should never let him suffer when he treats his own people.

Chapter 478-The Reward of the Dwarf Treasure Chest

"Wait! Brother Feng! You gave too much!"

Seeing that Xufeng was about to leave, Li Hongwei hurriedly chased him out.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Not much, but I think it's a little bit less. Just take it and improve your skills. In the future, Xuedi team and I will come to you to make equipment."

Li Hongwei said gratefully, "Then, then I will accept it, thank you Feng Ge!"

"Don't be polite with me, well, I'm almost out of time, I have to leave quickly." Xu Feng waved his hand at Li Hongwei.

Li Hongwei said quickly: "I wish Feng Brother all the best and return to the trading city sooner!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Okay."

After saying goodbye to Li Hongwei briefly, Xufeng went to the teleportation circle in the trading city.

His strength has greatly increased by a step, and coupled with the bonus of the Spider Lord's suit, he can walk like flying, effortlessly, and quietly.

In less than ten minutes, Xu Feng arrived at the teleportation circle.

Of course, although his speed is considered the fastest in the Xuedi team, he is still the last to arrive.

When he arrived, all the members of Xuedi team had already been waiting there.

The hammer said vigorously: "Xufeng! How did you come? Do you know how long we waited for you?!"

She was also angry because Xufeng didn't eat her "dark food".

Lin Hai approached Xufeng and said in a low voice, "In fact, it didn't take long, but you were the last to arrive."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "I understand."

The hammer said angrily: "You are ashamed to laugh! Xuedi, as the captain, you must punish such players who are often late!"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "I support! I also want to see how the top player of Xuedi team accepts punishment."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, but don't you like it very much? Then when I am punished, I will return it to you ten times."

Gong Yang hurriedly shrank his tongue again, "Brother Feng, I'm joking, I am your little brother, and I firmly oppose someone making excuses to punish and suppress my big brother!"

Xuedi said faintly: "Xufeng, why are you late this time? Give us a reason. If you said it in the past, this matter is forgotten. Otherwise, I really want to punish you and let you remember. "

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "This matter starts with the dark food I ate at Hammer."

The hammer immediately said loudly: "The food I cook is not dark food! You are slander! Humph!"

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Oh, it turned out to be like this, then it is absolutely forgivable for you to eat this time."

"You, you..." The hammer stomped angrily.

"Wow! It seems that you have been poisoned by a hammer before, Emperor Xue!" Xu Feng looked at Emperor Xue with a sympathetic expression.

Xuedi said faintly: "Okay, no more trouble, we are running out of time, talk about the real reason."

Xu Feng immediately condensed his mind, showing the three Spider Lord suits on him, "I went to find Li Hongwei to make equipment, and I have done it now. Before I had time to enchant and inlay gems, I hurried over. "

Lin Hai said in surprise: "Level 55 equipment! Xufeng! What a great thing!"

The Hammer also nodded enviously, "I made three of them all at once. You are so cool!"

Duke Yang clung up again with a timid face, "Brother Feng, I am your little brother! Are there any leftovers, give me equipment too."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Li Hongwei's leathermaking skills are not too high, so he can only make a three-piece suit, and there is no other leftovers."

Gong Yang smiled again: "Then next time."

"Okay, you wait." Xu Feng smiled.

Xuedi asked: "Xu Feng, how much has your strength improved?"

Xu Feng said without hesitation: "I should be able to kill elite NPCs below level 55 with a single sword. Those above level 55 must match the moves and timing."

The hammer wowed, then sighed and said: "I thought that after I had the Silver Fist Warhammer, the gap between me and you would be a little smaller. Unexpectedly, the gap between us was getting bigger and bigger."

In fact, this is exactly what Xuedi and the other team members want to say.

They know that Xufeng is very strong and they also know that they should try their best to improve themselves to be worthy of Xufeng's tough teammate.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they would not be able to catch up with Xufeng.

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