Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1365

During the transmission, his spiritual vision received a big gilded character: "System task: Smaug must die."

"Quest content: Please kill Smaug on the premise that the Bud family will survive and two-thirds of the residents of Long Lake Town will survive."

"Task reward: 5000 shadow power points."

"Failure penalty: downgrade (-5) penalty."

"Whether to accept?"

I rely on.

Xu Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly.

If it were to kill Smaug alone, then this task would be very simple, because the Xuedi team's goal was also to kill Smaug. Without killing Smaug, there would be no way to proceed with the following plot.

However, what the system task requires is not only to kill Smaug, but to protect Bud and his family, and to protect at least two-thirds of the residents of Long Lake Town.

This can be a little troublesome.

"Yes/No Accept?" The bronzing characters asked again.

If you don't accept it, you will have to pay 5000 shadow power points, which is regarded as completing the task.

And if you accept it and fail to complete the task, you will be lowered by 5 levels.

This punishment is very big.

To be safe, you should take the initiative to pay 5000 shadow energy points, after all, Xufeng's current shadow energy points are still enough.


Although Xufeng is rich and powerful now, he still doesn't want to waste shadow energy points like this.

He thought about it carefully, and felt that although this system task was difficult, it was not impossible.

As long as they rush to Long Lake Town as soon as possible and attract Smaug's attention, the residents of Long Lake Town will not die in large areas.

it is good!Just do it!

Xufeng's mind is condensed on the word "Yes".

Suddenly, there was a strange light and shadow before his eyes.

When he could open his eyes again, he would stand on the lakeshore of the north shore of Changhu Lake.

Looking south, it is Changhu Town.

It was still dark at this time, and Long Lake Town was not in danger yet. This showed that the time they had transmitted in this time was almost completely synchronized with the time they had left before.

Fortunately, there is still time!

He looked around, but did not see the trace of the spiritual vision fireworks.

This shows that the hammer may not have passed through, or that the hammer has been transmitted, but the whole person is still dizzy, unable to concentrate on using the spiritual vision fireworks.

Xu Feng was anxious, but could only wait temporarily.

After waiting for another two minutes, there was a roar of a giant dragon suddenly over Changhu Town, and then, a hot dragon's breath fire spurted down from midair, directly igniting Changhu Town!

Xu Feng's heart shrank suddenly.

Smaug has done it!

He must be dealt with before he kills a third of the townspeople!

Xufeng frowned and clenched his fists, and began to consider whether to rush over first...

At this time, behind him, a firework that only Lingshi could see was lit up!

The hammer is there!

Chapter 480 Are You Still Cursing Me In Circles?

After seeing the hammer's spiritual vision flame signal, Xu Feng went there immediately without saying a word.

With the Spider Lord's three-piece suit, he was very fast. In less than three minutes, he found the hammer that was still stunned on a mess of beach rocks.

Xufeng held on to the hammer and asked in a deep voice, "Are you okay?"

The hammer condensed his gaze, and after seeing that it was Xu Feng, he was greatly relieved, "Xu Feng! Quickly, Smaug has already started!"

"I know." Xu Feng said involuntarily, and directly picked up the hammer, "Don't move, I will take you directly across the Long Lake."

"...Is it possible?" The Hammer said quickly: "I'm afraid I will hurt you. Why don't you leave me alone and go by yourself."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "We are in a team, and I will not leave you here."

After speaking, Xu Feng jumped directly towards the icy Long Lake.

Although in terms of time, the entire Middle-earth world is in the beginning of autumn, but the temperature here is already very cold, and there are large pieces of broken ice floating in the long lake.

Xufeng first jumped onto a piece of broken ice with a hammer on his back, and then jumped onto another piece of broken ice with strength.

Because of the effect of the Spider Lord's suit, Xu Feng's body is very light, as light as a spider.

And it's fast.

When jumping to an area where there is no floating ice, Xufeng injects her mind into her Poseidon belt. The special effect of Poseidon’s belt is to be able to walk on the water. Although this effect will not last long, but for possessing the Spider Lord suit For Xufeng, the time for the special effects of Poseidon's belt is enough.

His feet stepped on the cold water as if they were walking on the ground, without even a splash of water.

The hammer crawling on Xufeng's back was also affected by the intrusion of cold air. The dizziness gradually disappeared and returned to normal.

"Xufeng, I can do it." Iron Hammer said quickly.

The decisive battle with Smaug is just around the corner, she doesn't want to waste Xufeng's physical energy because of herself.

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Don't move, I will leave you here now. You can only fall into the cold lake water. If you hold on for a while, we will be able to run to the opposite bank. When I reach the other bank, I will go. Lead Smaug to speak, you immediately go to Xuedi and the others. After you rescue Xuedi and them, immediately go to Bud's three children and Qili and them, and then rescue Bud. Rescue Bud After that, let him bring his black arrow to the arrow tower and kill Smaug with me!"

"it is good!"

"Remember, you must let Bud wait for my signal before making a move. Don't make a move without my signal." Xu Feng said.

"Okay, I will tell him." Hammer said seriously.

Xufeng carried the hammer on his back and continued to sprint on the cold lake. He wanted to use the sprinting effects of the spider lord's leg armor, but in the end he resisted it. He must keep the strongest skills against Smaug. Just work.

Changhu Town is getting closer and the temperature is gradually rising.

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