Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1366

When Xufeng’s feet stepped on the land of Changhu Town, the surrounding area was already turned into a sea of ​​fire. The residents of Changhu Town were screaming and fleeing in the fire, and children were sitting beside the raging house and crying. .

The entire Changhu Town is like hell on earth at this moment.

And all this is because Smaug lost the game with Xufeng, so he turned his anger on Long Lake Town, who had helped the Dwarf Expedition!

Xu Feng saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

A line of blood red numbers popped out in front of his eyes: 3117/3615.

At the time when Xu Feng was feeling strange, Smaug in the sky spewed out a dragon's breath fire again, and the blood-red number instantly became 3029/3615.

Xu Feng immediately understood. The first set of numbers is the current number of survivors in Changhu Town, and the latter set of numbers is the total number of people in Changhu Town.

There are 3,615 residents in Changhu Town, and now there are only 3,029.

According to the requirements of the system mission, Xufeng must ensure that at least two-thirds of the residents of Changhu Town survive. That is to say, before Smaug is killed, at least 2,410 people in Changhu Town must survive!

Now, there are only 619 people away from this standard.

If Smaug is allowed to walk like this for another five minutes, then Xufeng will completely lose the system mission, and his personal level will be lowered by 5 to level 40!

In that case, many of Xufeng's equipment and weapons would be out of reach!

Xufeng immediately put down the hammer and quickly said to the hammer: "Do your thing, I will attract Smaug."

The hammer said quickly: "You have to be careful."

"Well, I see." After Xu Feng finished speaking, he rushed towards the fiercest place of the fire without looking back.

The hammer took a deep breath of the scorching air wave, activated the spiritual vision system, and carefully checked the traces of the spiritual vision flame.

Soon, she found traces of the spiritual vision flame in a burning house in the southeast, and she rushed in that direction.

The fire in the burning house is already very fierce, but this kind of fire is nothing to the hammer, after all, she is a frequent visitor to the high-temperature furnace room.

"Who is there?" The hammer rushed to the burning house, shouting loudly, while using a silver fist hammer to keep the fallen timber away from her head.

"Sister Hammer! Save me!" Gong Yang yelled hoarsely, lying on the ground again.

The hammer hurriedly opened the way with the silver fist and war hammer, knocking out the debris in front of him, and then dragged Yang Gong to rush out of the fire.

"Cough!" Duke Yang coughed loudly again, lying on the ground, "Sister Hammer, you saved my life. Fortunately, I have you! Otherwise, I'm really dead this time! I thought that this time I was so unlucky. I passed the portal and I was trapped in this burning house. Fortunately, you, Sister Hammer, will no longer curse you behind my back."

The hammer suddenly raised his eyebrows, "What? Are you still cursing me in circles?"

"No, no! Ahem, my brain was scalded just now, I made a mistake, I made a mistake!" Yang Gong waved his hand and explained again.

He was really afraid that the hammer would get angry and throw him into the fire again.

The hammer said angrily: "What's wrong, I think you missed the truth! Humph, it's very time now, I don't care about you, hurry up and save people! Our three o'clock direction , There is a spiritual vision fireworks, our seven o’clock direction, there is also a spiritual vision fireworks, I will save the three o’clock direction, you save the seven o’clock direction!"

"I haven't recovered yet..." Gong Yang said with a weak expression on his face.

The hammer said coldly: "No recovery? Then do I need to throw you into the fire and forge you?"

"No need!" Duke Yang immediately got up again, "Although I am weak now, neither my weakness nor the fire of dragon's breath on the ground can stop me from saving people!".

The hammer kicked Yang Gongzai on the back waist, "Go! By the way, save all the townspeople who can be saved. This is Xufeng's task!"

"Okay, I see!" Gong Yang grinned and covered his lower back, rushing towards the fire at seven o'clock.

Chapter 481

The hammer carried the Silver Spring Warhammer and walked along the three o'clock direction. Along the way, it also rescued dozens of residents of Long Lake Town who were trapped in the sea of ​​fire.

When he reached the location where the Lingshi firework was located, he saw that the location where the Lingshi firework was located had been completely burned by the fire of dragon's breath.

"No..." The Hammer said painfully: "I'm a step late! Snow Emperor! Snow Emperor! I'm sorry..."

She slumped on her knees and wept silently.

Although she often confronted Xuedi and enjoyed it, in her heart, she really regarded Xuedi as her good sister.

She didn't want her good sister to die like this.

"If I can change you back, I am willing to pay any price!" The hammer bit his lip and said, "Or, I will kill Xufeng for you and let him accompany you in the underworld."

"Are you crying for me?" A familiar and indifferent voice came from behind.

The Hammer turned her head and sucked in surprise. She saw Xuedi standing behind him, beside him were several innocent townspeople who had just been rescued from the fire.

"Xue Di! So you are not dead!" The hammer plunged into Xue Di's arms all at once, and started crying uncontrollably.

Xuedi was originally suffering from severe social phobia. She didn't like being hugged, especially when there were other people. So she struggled hard, trying to get rid of the hammer, but the hammer was hugged. It was tight, as if for fear that Emperor Xue would run away.

Xuedi couldn't help but sighed quietly.

She realized that Hammer was really worried about her.

She quickly said indifferently: "I'm fine. After I sent the signal, I went to other places to save people. When I finished saving people, I remembered that you would come to me."

"Oh! It turned out to be like this! It scared me to death!" Hammer wiped away tears embarrassedly, "I was so scared that I almost prepared to kill Xufeng, let him go down with you."


what is this?

Forced to die in love?

Xuedi suddenly wanted to laugh.

This guy, Hammer, actually had such an idea.

She quickly calmed down and said, "Okay, I'm fine, and Xufeng doesn't have to die. You can wipe away your tears, or if someone sees you, you will definitely laugh at you."

The hammer pouted, "Who dares to laugh at me, I will knock his head like a walnut!"

Emperor Xue asked, "By the way, how about Gong Yang and Uncle Lin Hai?"

The Hammer said: "Duke Yang is okay anymore, I will ask him to save Uncle Lin Hai, I think it shouldn't be a big problem."

"So, did Xu Feng explain anything to you?" Xuedi asked.

The hammer said quickly: "Xu Feng said, let us protect the Bud family and Kili and them, and then remember to rescue Bud and bring his black arrow, because that black arrow is for Smaug. The key. Oh, and the most important point is that you have to tell Bud where to go to the arrow tower to wait for his signal. You must wait for his signal before you can shoot. Otherwise, it will be bad."

Xuedi nodded, "It shouldn't be too late. Let's go to Bud's house first, find the Bud family and Black Arrow, and talk about it."


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