Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1367

The two immediately set off and rushed toward the raging fire, toward the center of the town.

Bud's home is near the town center.

After all, their ancestors were the hereditary mayor of Changhu Town, and the center of the town originally belonged to their family.

It's just that after his grandfather committed suicide, his family has fallen, and their property was gradually taken away by the mayor.

Until now, they only have two and a half stories in the Repulse Bay.

By the time Xue Di and Iron Hammer arrived, this old, somewhat dilapidated building had already burned more than half.

The roof was burning and the wooden houses crackled in the dry hot wind.

However, fortunately, the people in the house had been prepared for a long time, and they had all been transferred to the cargo ship of Bud in advance.

This was also during the second stage, Xuedi specifically explained to them.

The cargo ship was waiting in a corner of a safe water bay at this time, surrounded by flames, and the people on board didn't know what to do for a while.

Xuedi shouted at them: "Barn! Higeld! Tilda!"

Barn, Higeld, and Tilda are the names of Bard's three children.

Among them, Barn is a boy and the second child. He is only twelve or thirteen years old this year. The oldest is his sister Sigeld. She is fifteen or six years old and feels like a little woman. The youngest is Tilda. She is only seven or eight years old.

Barn, who was at the helm, saw Xuedi and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Ms. Xuedi! We are here! We are here!"

As they were talking, a burning rafter fell from the sky and smashed into their transport ship.

"Be careful!"

The female elf Taurier on the boat pulled Barn away, then flew up and kicked the burning rafter directly into the lake.

The water splashed everywhere, and there was a feeling of scorching heat. There are fish carcasses floating everywhere on the lake. These fish are used to living in the frozen lake. Now because of the fire of dragon's breath, the entire lake has heated up more than a dozen. Naturally, these fish can't bear it, and large tracts of death.

And Taurier's force caused the transport ship to sway from side to side. Fortunately, although the ship was simple, it was very well balanced and quickly stabilized.

The exclamation on the ship also stopped immediately.

Bud's youngest daughter Tilda glanced back at the dwarves who had just exclaimed-Kellie, Philip, Groin, and Beauver.

Even the eight-year-old girl is not afraid, these dwarves with big beards are too fussy.

However, this is no wonder these dwarves, after all, dwarves hate boats, they only know how to dig, their balance is very poor.

Xuedi and the hammer rushed across the fire and jumped over.

Xuedi asked, "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay!" Barn said first: "Ms. Xuedi, you are still here! This is great! Take me to save my dad!"

The elder sister Higeld and the younger sister Tilda also nodded quickly, looking forward to them.

The danger of the fire field made most people fearful, but the children of the Bard family were brave by nature.

Even Xuedi had to admire the power of genes. This brave gene existed in their ancestor, Dragon Slayer Zulian, and now it passed to them through Bud.

As soon as Xuedi was about to speak, Bofer said first: "I think we should find a safe place to evacuate first. As long as we save our lives, we can think of other things!"

Tilda said angrily: "You're really scared!"

Bofer flushed with shame. He said helplessly: "My son, when you become big, you will understand that people sometimes have to persuade me, not because I am afraid of death, but I am afraid of Kili and Fili Death! They are the last blood of the Gushan royal family! Prince Thorin has been busy recovering Gushan, so he has no heirs, and Kili and Feili are his nephews and the last bloodline of the Gushan royal family. I am ordered to protect them. , I would rather be scolded by you as a bullshit, and do everything I can to fight for them to survive!"

Chapter 482

Kili said quickly: "We're fine, it's important to save Bud first."

Beauver said eagerly: "Keili!"

Philip also said: "Kili is right. Although the two of us bear the royal blood of the Gushan clan, if we are the children of the royal family, if we are so shy and look down on danger, then Even if the Gushan royal family can survive because of this, what's the point? What's more, the Bud family has helped us so much, we should not be ungrateful."

Beauver looked at Groyin next to them. Groyin was their elder, and was in the same generation as Thorin and Bahrain. Here, his words are naturally the most useful.

Groyin cleared his throat, "...I think Kili and Fili are right. I am very happy that there are role models like you in the younger generation."

Barn said happily: "That's great, let's save Dad!"

Xuedi shook his head, "Not yet."

Barn frowned and exclaimed: "Why? Now everyone agrees to be Dad! Ms. Xuedi, you are not worried about offending the mayor of Moneybag, are you? Humph! That guy, I’m afraid he’s been sitting on his big ship full of treasures long ago. Escaped! His guards naturally followed him to escape, and won’t stay in his castle."

The cell where Bud was imprisoned was in the mayor’s castle. Therefore, if he wanted to save Bud, he had to rush to the castle. Therefore, Ba En thought that Emperor Xue was afraid of offending the mayor of Pouch.

Xuedi shook his head flatly, "No, our goal is definitely not to escape from Long Lake Town. We want to kill the evil dragon in the sky, so we need the help of Bud, the descendant of the Dragon Slayer."

Barn said in surprise: "Then I must save my father!"

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "It's useless to rescue your father. We have to get his black arrow. Only the black arrow can kill Smaug."

Barn said immediately: "I see, you want the black arrow, right? The black arrow is in our house, but it was hidden by me, because after my dad was caught, I was worried that the mayor’s guard came to search for weapons. So I hid him."

The hammer asked eagerly: "Where are you hiding?"

Barn looked at the half-burned house.

The hammer observed carefully, "It should be possible to get in, but it would be nice if Uncle Lin Hai was here."

Lin Hai has already taken the magician route, he can put a magic shield on the hammer.

Emperor Xue said in a deep voice, "Bah En, are you afraid?"

Barn said immediately: "Of course I am not afraid!"

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Well, you stay, take this Sister Hammer to your burning house and find the black arrow."

"Yes!" Barn said excitedly.

Sigeld and Tilda looked at their brother with concern.

Barn smiled at them, "It's okay, Higeld, take care of my sister for my father and me."

Sigeld frowned and said, "No! I want you all to come back safely, and the three of us will take care of Tilda!"

Tilda also grabbed Barn's hand, "Barn, you must come back safely!"

Barn nodded at them and jumped out of the boat.

Groyin sighed long, "What a brave human child, I hope my newly born son Jinli can be as brave as Ba En."

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