Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1368

"Tauriel," Xuedi said to the female elves in a deep voice, "Excuse me, take them out of Long Lake Town first."

Taurier said coldly and proudly: "I am an elves, and humans have no right to order me to do anything."

Xuedi said coldly: "Well, can you stay and deal with the dragon Smaug?"

Taurier pursed his lips slightly, "If I take them away, who will save Bud?"

Xuedi said, "Bad will leave it to me. The only danger there is fire, not a guard."

Tauriel looked back at Kellett, then nodded and said, "Well, I will take them away."

"Well, be careful." After Xuedi finished speaking, he gathered his spirit and pointed towards the sky full of ashes.

Tauriel asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

Xuedi said lightly: "It's nothing, it's none of your business, you guys go quickly."

With that said, Xuedi also rushed into the fire scene and headed towards the castle of the mayor's purse.

"Weird guy." Taurier looked up at the black sky, but found nothing, so he drove the boat to avoid the fire and drove to a safe area.

In fact, Xuedi did do something, but Tao Ruier and the others couldn't see it.

The Snow Emperor launched another spiritual vision firework for assembly, which can only be seen by survivors with a spiritual vision system.

The reason she did this was to signal Lin Hai and Duke Yang who hadn't arrived yet to come here to help the hammer.

After all, the fire in Bud's house was already very dangerous, and if Lin Hai could arrive, he might be able to help.

When Xuedi, Tao Ruier and the others left, Iron Hammer took Ba En to the burning house.

Barn was about to sullen and rush in, but the hammer frowned quickly, and grabbed him, "Why are you such a tiger?"

Barn blinked in confusion, "What is a tiger?"

The hammer opened his mouth, and then said helplessly: "There is no time to explain so much to you. In short, you can't just break into the fire scene like this. Come, here is half a powerful recovery pill and a cup of Star Moon tea. , You hold it first, and when the all-in-one thing fails, you eat and drink."

Barn took it and asked curiously: "Why is there only half of it? Sister Tie, you are very picky."

The hammer said in an angry tone: "Idiot, the effect of this medicine is very strong. If you don't have enough strength to take a whole one, I am afraid it will be counterproductive! It's not my sister who stings! Besides, don't call me sister iron like this. It's ugly, Lao Tzu has a surname! Lao Tzu's surname is Murong!"

Barn stared at the hammer blankly, "Do the girls call themselves Laozi in the bustling area west of the Misty Mountains?"

The hammer slapped Barn's head on the back, "Slow-winded! Where did you put the black arrow?"

Barn pointed to the highest part of the room, which is also the most prosperous place where the dragon's breath fires. "There."

"Wow, I served you, you can really hide!" Hammer sighed helplessly.

If it is to enter the first or second floor, the hammer is still quite sure, but it is hard to say if it rushes into the third floor where the fire is fiercest.

However, time was passing by one minute and one second, and on the other side, Xufeng had already started a fight with Smaug, and Hammer didn't have time to think about it.

She bit her silver teeth and said in a deep voice, "Follow me! Bend down and don't let the smoke choke! And, most importantly, if you can't stand it, you must tell me in advance."

"Yes!" Barn nodded heavily, and then he asked curiously: "Sister Molten Iron, if I told you, what would you do?"

Iron Hammer said bitterly: "My name is Murong Iron Hammer. No, it's Murong Henxue. My God, I really made you so angry! If you can't stand it, I will kick you out of the fire. , In this way, you will be saved, are you satisfied?"

Chapter 483 Black Arrow

The hammer rushed into the burning house, and Barn arched his waist and rushed in.

The main structure in the room is still there, but it seems that it will not last long.

The hammer cleared the burning debris in front of him, clearing a passage for himself and Bath.

She had to deal with the planks and sticks that fell suddenly, and she had to deal with Barn's endless questioning.

"Sister Melting Iron, it's so hot here, why do you seem to be okay?"

"Philip told me that you are a blacksmith, is this true? Is there really a female blacksmith in this world?"

"Do you know that after Tilda knew that you were a blacksmith, she said that she would be a mason in the future. I laughed at her severely, and she cried about it."

"By the way, Sister Molten Iron, I heard that you have one-64th of a dwarf bloodline, how exactly is the one-64th method? Is your grandmother's grandmother's grandmother a dwarf? Or your grandfather's Grandfather's grandfather is a dwarf?"

"What is your relationship with Big Brother Diego? Are you a lover? But I heard that Big Sister Xuedi and Big Brother Diego are also lovers? Are you a love triangle?"

The Hammer was about to be annoyed by Barn, she immediately stopped, and turned back and shouted at Barn: "You are so young, what are you doing so gossip? Are you not afraid that the smoke here will choke you to death?!"

This trick "Hedong Lion Roar" really shocked Barn.

The Hammer turned around triumphantly, and when he was about to leave, he heard Barn yell, "Be careful!"

Before the hammer could react, Barn pulled behind her.

Her figure took a step back, and a beam fell from the top of her head, hitting exactly where she had just stood.

The hammer immediately gasped, then coughed twice uncomfortably.

Barn said quickly, "Sister Melting Iron, are you okay?"

The hammer settled for a moment, "I'm fine, thank you this time, Bath."

Barn grinned, "Can you answer me a question?"

"No!" The hammer frowned and opened the way with the silver fist hammer in his hand.

Soon, they followed the stairs that hadn't burnt to the second floor.

The fire on the second floor was obviously much larger than that on the first floor, and even the floor was hot and burning, and it might not be able to hold it at any time.

Moreover, the entire second floor was full of smoke and it was very difficult to breathe.

"Cover your nose and mouth, follow me!"


One after another, the two marched hard in the fire.

After finally passing the burning stairs between the second and third floors, the hammer asked in a deep voice, "How to go?"

"Over there!" Barn pointed to a corner full of flames.

The hammer immediately took Bath over.

When they were about to reach the corner, the floor in front of them burned through, and there was almost no place to stay.

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