Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1369

The hammer coughed a few times and asked eagerly, "Is there any other way to go?"

"Yes!" Barn said immediately, "Go through Tilda's room. There is a small window in her room, which can reach the corner where I hide the black arrow."

"Show the way! Quick! Cough!" said the hammer eagerly.

The third floor was completely submerged in the fire of dragon's breath, and the thick smoke was suffocating. If it was delayed like this, both of them would probably die here.

The fire here is so intense that many rooms have already been burned out of recognition. If it hadn't been for Bane to come here, the hammer would not find any way.

Barn showed the hammer the way, and the hammer cleared the way, and soon they came to Tilda's room.

However, Tilda's room was also full of dragon's breath fire, and it was impossible to pass.

"Ahem," Barn coughed desperately, "It's over, there's no way, we can't get the black arrow, I've failed my father!"

The hammer frowned and said, "As long as I can go through that small window, can I get the black arrow?"

Barn gasped for a moment, and explained, "It's not that easy. I deliberately put the black arrow in the mezzanine outside the small window in order to avoid the search by the guards. You have to find the mezzanine first and open it. Only then can Black Arrow be found."

"Where is the interlayer?" the hammer asked.

"It's about a forearm from the bottom of the window," Barn said.

"I see, leave the rest to me, you have to get out quickly." Hammer said.

Barn shook his head, "No, the stairs behind us have been burned out, and we can't go there."

The hammer pointed to a burning wall and said, "Is this lake water?"

"Yes, ahem, why do you ask?" Barn asked in surprise.

The Hammer ignored Barn’s question, but continued to ask: "You live in Long Lake Town, so you must have good water quality, right?"

Barn immediately said with a smug face: "That is, it's not bragging. My nickname is the Little Prince of Long Lake. In summer, I often jump from the third floor. I can even swim in the water with my bare hands. Where's the fish!"

"Wow, you are awesome, little prince with a long beard."

"No, it's the little prince of Long Lake, not the little prince with the long beard." Barn defended.

"It doesn't matter." The hammer blasted the burning wall open with a stroke of the flying hammer, and then kicked out the unreacted Ba En with a light kick.

Barn exclaimed and fell into the lake.

Although it is not suitable for diving in the cold season, the lake is already warmed by the fire of the dragon's breath, so even if you fall into the lake, you won't be frozen.

After kicking Barn down, the hammer suppressed his cough and rushed towards Tilda's room.

The burning floor creaked and collapsed under her feet, and she turned to fly and used force to step on the wall panel, and then lean on the small window with the inertia of the sprint. Her body was completely suspended, and her feet were raging fire waves. And thick smoke.

For a moment, Hammer felt that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore, and her hands on the window sill became weak.

But at this moment, a faint blue and cold light shrouded her body.

This is... the magic shield!?

The hammer woke up instantly.

Needless to say, this must be Uncle Lin Hai arrived in time!

The hammer immediately took a deep breath and expelled the stale air from the lungs, and then filled with strength, climbed onto the crumbling small window sill, and found the mezzanine that Barn said.

She quickly broke the mezzanine with the hammer of the silver fist, reached into it and touched it, and she felt a heavy arrow shaft!

This arrow shaft shows the cold temperature, even if the surrounding walls have been burnt hot, it has not affected this black arrow at all!

Sure enough, this arrow was specially forged to deal with Smaug!

The hammer increased his confidence, grabbed the black arrow, and jumped out of the small window.

With the cover of a magic shield, she was not injured at all, but when she landed, the magic shield broke.

But it doesn't matter anymore, she is safe, and she also got Black Arrow!

Chapter 484

As soon as the hammer hit the ground, Duke Yang and Lin Hai rushed over.

"Big sister! Are you okay! I'm here to save you!"

"Don't come near me!" the hammer roared loudly.

She stayed in the burning house for too long, and her equipment and skin had been burned to the extreme, even if she was just near her, she would get burned.

Lin Hai quickly said: "Iron Hammer, you won't be able to hold it like this. I'll give you a trick of Frostbolt to help you cool down. Hold on!"

"Good!" The hammer nodded.

Lin Hai immediately condensed his mind, and the palm of his hand burst out with a cool blue light, and then, a frosty arrow with a biting chill blasted towards the hammer.

The hammer crossed his arms and faced the Frostbolt head-on.

Her body is hot, so Frostbolt can't hurt her, but helps her lower the temperature.

Soon, the temperature of her body surface dropped, and a trace of water vapor rose from her hair.

Seeing that it was almost done, Lin Hai slowly put away the Frost Arrow, and the hammer let out a long sigh of relief.

"Great, great, Big Sister Hammer, you're all right." Gong Yang on the side said happily again.

The Hammer gasped and said, "Where's Bath? Where's that boy Bath?"

"I'm here..." Barn crawled out of the lake in embarrassment, holding two fish with rolled eyes in his hand.

The hammer breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you are fine."

"Sister Melting Iron, have you got the black arrow? Then we can go save my father?" Barn asked excitedly.

The hammer hesitated, "You follow Uncle Lin Hai and Duke Yang to find Tao Ruier and the others. Your father has Xue Di to save him. It will be fine. Besides, there is me. I will find him with a black arrow. Their."

"But!" Barn looked reluctant.

The hammer frowned and said, "Nothing is impossible. It is an extraordinary period. You have to be obedient!"

"I'm no longer a kid!" Barn said stubbornly.

"Is it a kid? It doesn't matter whether you are obedient or not!" Iron Hammer shouted in a deep voice, "If your kid is not obedient, I will, I will... Duke Yang! Come here!"

Gong Yang shivered again, and leaned forward cautiously, "What's the matter? Big sister?"

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