Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1371

He must carefully select the treasures in the treasury, and select those high-value treasures that can be directly realized into the ship.

Finally, the two ships were almost loaded. While trying to dispose of the remaining treasures in the treasure house, the Snow Emperor kicked in.

"You! What are you doing?" Alfred screamed.

The Mayor of Money Bag rolled his eyes and said with a flat smile: "Oh, isn't this the captain of the Xuedi team, Ms. Xuedi? So what? You came just right. I want to hire you mercenaries to protect me. , You know, like me driving so many wealthy boats on the lake, it is hard to guarantee that no one will be unbalanced. If you are willing to protect me, then I can rest assured, oh, as for your reward, look Have you got the treasure in this treasury? You can take one tenth away. Of course, you must bring me to take care of the remaining treasure. How about? This sale is very good, right?"

Before the Snow Emperor could speak, Alfred next to him screamed: "My lord mayor, you are so generous. One-tenth of this treasure house is worth tens of thousands of gold coins, right? Xue? Ms. Di, you have hit a big luck this time!"

"Hahaha!" The mayor of Moneybag smiled pretentiously.

Xuedi didn't care about these two goods at all. If it hadn't been known that Xufeng had a system task and couldn't kill more people, Xuedi would have killed them directly.

She coldly lifted the sword of Borromir, and said to the ship behind: "This ship belongs to me."

The Mayor of Money Bag was startled, "What? Are you robbing? Damn! I thought you were mercenaries with a bottom line, but I didn’t expect you to take advantage of the fire to rob! Humph, but you are only one person! I don’t believe it. You can deal with my guard! Get on it! Kill her!"


These personal guards immediately stab the Xuedi with their spears.

Xuedi hummed coldly, poured his power into the sword of Borromir in his hand, slashed hard, and a powerful sword aura immediately looked at the spears of these guards, and all the spears snapped neatly. !

Everyone present was shocked.

No one dared to move.

Xuedi did not continue to attack. After all, she had to ensure the number of survivors of the Xufeng system. She turned her back to the guards and walked towards the second ship.

"Go! Go!" The Mayor of Money Bag urged.

He can't just watch his treasure be robbed like this!

However, his personal guards, all of them looked like tortoises with their heads shrunk, and did not dare to step forward.

nonsense!Those gold and silver treasures are not theirs, but they belong to them!

In the blink of an eye, Xuedi jumped onto the second ship.

She frowned and found that the boat was barely able to move.

The gold and silver treasures on the ship are too heavy.

Xuedi didn't hesitate to use Borromir's sword to pick all the treasures on board into the cold and deep lake.

"You! What are you doing!" The Mayor of Money Bag screamed tragically, as if what Xuedi threw was not his gold and silver treasures, but his parents.

Xuedi ignored the screams of the mayor of Money Bag at all, and when the treasure was almost cleared, she turned the bow of the ship and rowed towards the water cell.

"My lord mayor! What should I do? Do you want to catch up with a boat?" Alfred asked.

The Mayor of Money Bag cried and said, "What's the use of catching up! There is no treasure on her ship! Auch! Go! Go! You can save the treasure of this ship anyway. I can only wait. After this wave of disasters has passed, come back and clean up!"


Alfred did not say a word, and jumped onto the ship full of gold and silver treasures.

After jumping up, he stretched out his hand to support the fat money bag mayor aboard the boat to show that he was an indispensable helper.

Immediately after that, two clever guards jumped onto the boat, and the waterline of the whole boat was already at its extreme.

In fact, if the mayor of Moneybag is replaced, two more people can still be on board, but it is a pity that this ship belongs to the mayor of Moneybag, and everyone on board wants to protect their own interests.

When there were guards who wanted to jump on the boat, Alfred waved the oars and knocked them underwater.


"You will get retribution!"

The guards who fell into the water shouted angrily.

Alfred sneered disdainfully. He had done a lifelong misfortune, but instead enjoyed a lifelong blessing. He has never tasted retribution.



The ship full of treasures started slowly, as fast as a snail.

At this time, Xuedi was driving a brisk boat, following the waterway, and found the window of the water prison.

Chapter 486 I'm Sorry

"Budd! Budd!"

Xuedi shouted at the window of the water prison.

"Is it Ms. Xuedi?" Bud's dumb voice came from the dungeon: "I am here, Ms. Xuedi!"

Hearing Bud's voice, Xuedi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

In any case, the key person is still alive, so next, just save Bud.

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "Can you come to the window?"

Bud struggled in the dungeon and made a splash of water.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Ms. Xuedi, I am locked on the other side of the wall, I'm afraid I can't make it through."

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Understood, then I will find a way."

"Okay!" Bud said urgently, "Ms. Xuedi, how are my children? Are they injured?"

Xuedi said lightly: "When I came just now, they were all alive. I let Tao Ruier drive your boat and send them to a safe area. I believe there should be no problem."

Bud said excitedly: "Thank you! Thank you!"

At this critical moment of life and death, he actually didn't care about his own life or death, he only cared about his three children.

Xuedi found a rope from the boat, tied one end of the rope to the iron window, and then made the other end into a trap.

She took a closer look and found that the only thing that could pull the rope was the first ship on which the Mayor of Moneybags took.

So she took a deep breath and aimed the cable snare at the raised part of the stern of the first ship

At the same time, the Mayor of Money Bag was fanning anxiously on the first ship.

Changhu Town has never been so hot as it is today.

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